Sunday, 23 April 2023

Celery ... some healthy facts and recipes

Five Healthy Benefits of Adding Celery to Your Diet

At just 10 calories a stalk, celery’s claim to fame may be that it’s long been considered a low-calorie "diet food."
But crispy, crunchy celery actually has a number of health benefits that may surprise you. Here are five reasons you should consider adding celery to your diet, plus a few recipes to make it easy.

1. Celery is a great source of important antioxidants.
Antioxidants protect cells, blood vessels, and organs from oxidative damage.
Celery contains vitamin C, beta carotene, and flavonoids, but there are at least 12 additional kinds of antioxidant nutrients found in a single stalk. It’s also a wonderful source of phytonutrients, which have been shown to reduce instances of inflammation in the digestive tract, cells, blood vessels, and organs.

2. Celery reduces inflammation.
Chronic inflammation has been linked to many illnesses, including arthritis and osteoporosis. Celery and celery seeds have approximately 25 anti-inflammatory compounds that can offer protection against inflammation in the body.

3. Celery supports digestion.
While its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients offer protection to the entire digestive tract, celery may offer special benefits to the stomach. Pectin-based polysaccharides in celery, including a compound known as apiuman, have been shown to decrease instances of stomach ulcers, improve the lining of the stomach, and modulate stomach secretions in animal studies. And then there’s the high water content of celery — almost 95% — plus generous amounts of soluble and insoluble fibre. All of those support a healthy digestive tract and keep you regular. One cup of celery sticks has 5 grams of dietary fibre.

4. Celery is rich in vitamins and minerals with a low glycemic index.
You’ll enjoy vitamins A, K, and C, plus minerals like potassium and folate when you eat celery. It’s also low in sodium. Plus, it’s low on the glycemic index, meaning it has a slow, steady effect on your blood sugar.

5. Celery has an alkalizing effect.
With minerals like magnesium, iron, and sodium, celery can have a neutralizing effect on acidic foods — not to mention the fact that these minerals are necessary for essential bodily functions.

Tips for Buying and Storing Celery
Sturdy stalks. Look for celery that has sturdy, upright stalks. They should snap easily when you pull them, not bend.
Crisp leaves. Leaves should be crisp and fresh, ranging in colour from pale to bright green. Avoid celery with yellow or brown patches.
Wait to chop. Chop celery just before cooking or serving to maintain nutrients. Even celery that has been chopped and stored for just a few hours will lose nutrients.
Steam it. Steamed celery will retain flavour and almost all of its nutrients.
Eat in five to seven days. Eat fresh celery within five to seven days to enjoy its maximum nutritional benefits.
Eat the leaves. Don’t discard the leaves — that’s where celery has the most calcium, potassium, and vitamin C. But because they don’t store well, consume celery leaves within a day or two of purchase.

In addition to its many health benefits, celery is a versatile veggie. You can eat it raw or cooked, and it makes a great addition to smoothies, stir-fries, soups, and juices.
Words above from article here

Poached Breast of Chicken with Celery
more details here

Celery Soup
more details here

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. I love using the leaves of celery. So glad to see it used here in the picture.

  2. No lo suelo comer mucho. Besos.

  3. Peanut butter celery boats make good snacks. Sugar free peanut butter.

  4. I use celery as a seasoning in baked foods like chicken and roast. The other day I used a 5 oz can of tuna and put more than a can of finely chopped celery in it for tuna salad. I love the crunch.

  5. A mi me gusta el apio en batidos. Gracias por los consejos. Te mando un beso.

  6. Good article on celery, love it and use and eat it often.

  7. Celery is another thing I much prefer raw.

  8. A me il sedano piace molto crudo.
    Non sapevo affatto che avesse tutti questi benefici

  9. You are convincing me to snack on celery!

  10. Celery sounds very healthy, I should try eating some more often.
    Take care, have a great new week!

  11. I love celery soup. I am amazed at how many cultures use a combination of celery, onions, and carrots in their cook pots, either for flavor or filler. Great article, Jan.

  12. Lots to love about celery! And you can regrow it, too, by sticking the end in a bit of water. Roots will grow and it can then be put in soil, if desired. Very handy to have some growing on a windowsill for those tikmes when you just need a little!

  13. Buenas propiedades, que aconsejan su consumo.

    Que tengas una buena semana.

  14. I always think of celery you either stuff with peanut butter or that you add to something. Maybe its time to think of celery in a new way. Happy new week to you.

  15. Celery and celery root are both wonderful! Have a great week, Valerie

  16. I didn't know celery had so many benefits

  17. I bake with it but am not a huge fan...
    Enjoy the week!

  18. Celery soup is so tasty! And I like the smell and taste of celery. Good stuff!

  19. I have never thought of the alkalizing effect of celery!
    Great post. Have a nice new week !

  20. We had such an excellent weekend, but today it's cold and rainy... the right thing for cream of celery soup :-))) The one with the chicken isn't to be scoffed at either!
    Nice regards. Viola

  21. I cook with celery a lot.
    I like to eat it with some peanut butter down the center.

  22. I keep celery except in the winter. I especially like it in salmon salad and chicken salad.

  23. Yum yum, I love celery, crunchy.

  24. I really like celery but I had no idea it was so nutritious. I shall have to eat more! Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  25. I LOVE celery, it is one of my very favorites. I use Lovage as a substitute.

  26. I wish I'd seen this post before my celery got rotty and I had to toss it this morning!

  27. We both like celery with peanut butter, but with my arthritis I should probably be eating it more.


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