Saturday, 22 April 2023

'Exercise for better health - Any movement is good'

'Exercise for Better Health'

If you are a regular reader of this blog you may have seen other posts about exercise and the benefits it can bring. Can you have too many posts about exercise? No, I don't think so, and with this in mind I will share a few details of an interesting article I read on Diet Doctor site. It was by Dr Tony Hampton called "Exercise For Better Health" and below I share some words from it.

"Bodies thrive on movement
Exercise has many evidence-based benefits:

Mental health: Exercise promotes the creation of positive endorphins, releasing stress and improving mood, helping reduce anxiety and improve symptoms of depression.

Sleep: It improves sleep quality and resets circadian rhythms. (read more information on how to improve sleep, here)

Energy: It increases energy levels throughout the day and fights fatigue. The more you exercise, the more energy you will have.

Blood sugar: It helps muscles take up excess blood sugar, increasing insulin sensitivity and helping lower your blood glucose measurements over the day.

Mobility: It builds muscle strength, flexibility, and balance — helping you keep mobile and preventing falls as you age. Did you know that elderly women with low muscle mass have significantly higher mortality than women with more muscles? Frailty kills.

Metabolism: Physical activity helps increase your metabolic rate, especially if you build lean muscle. Plus it promotes the health and functioning of the mitochondria, the powerhouses of our cells.

Circulatory system: It keeps blood vessels elastic and strengthens the muscles of your heart and lungs; it helps reduce blood pressure and reduces the risk of strokes. It increases blood flow to the brain and helps reduce the risk of dementia.

Immune system: It can boost your immune system, providing anti-cancer benefits and helping you fight infections such as Covid.

Weight maintenance: Exercise can help burn fat and improve body composition.

Think of exercise as a form of play, just like the movement you did as a child. Exercise should be fun and enjoyable for you.

Don’t feel you have to kill yourself in the gym, like a contestant on The Biggest Loser. Any movement is good.

Walking is good, walking towards metabolic wellness. Any step you take is a step in the right direction."

The above is a snippet from Dr Hampton's article which you can read in full here

I wonder do you have a favourite way to exercise?
Mine is walking ...
Sharing a picture of a bird feeder I see on some of my walks.

~ Enjoy your day ~

All the best Jan


  1. ...keep putting one foot in front of the other!

  2. I hate it all -- but I do it!

  3. "Bodies thrive on movement" - agreed.

  4. Great information!
    Walking was my number one exercise. But, the physical therapist says an exercise bike is better given my knee arthritis. In other words, my knees are in bad shape.

  5. I have been walking a lot more since the spring.

  6. I try. Gardening and walking are my preferred forms.

  7. What a lovely bird feeder! Yes, my favourite is walking too, and

  8. Caminamos todos los días.
    Graciaa Eddie por tan buena información.
    Buen domngo para Todos.
    Un abrazo.

  9. For me, walking is the best.

  10. Such a good positive post on exercise.

  11. It all sounds good to me. :)

  12. Walking is just part of my daily life. Every day.

  13. On even days I exercise and on odd day I take walk. Except for Sunday.
    Coffee is on and stay safe.

    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  14. Walking is no longer an exercise option for me. I have always since I was a child preferred a bike. When I was 8 months pregnant with my second child in a small town, tattletales told my doctor to make me get off the bike. I asked the doctor if he thought I should quit. He said NO. My knees hurt because of injuries and my weight. Now, I would have to use an exercise bike.

  15. Siempre es bueno el ejercicio. Te mando un beso.

  16. I've never attended a gym.

    Does hobbling count? :)

    Enjoy your weekend...take good care. :)

  17. So true that all movement is beneficial. My main exercise these days is house cleaning, gardening, and taking walks/ hikes.

  18. Hello,

    Walking is my favorite exercise. Nice bird feeder!
    Have a happy day and a great new week!

  19. i have been exercising for twenty years almost though i have shifted to lighter one since few years ,walk is most fav o:)

  20. I force myself...daily!

  21. Sound advice! Movement is very beneficial. And it's especially important as we get older.

  22. Excellent advice. I use cardio videos, do yoga... I should do strength training more often.

  23. I love walking too, Jan. I also like jog/walking. It's a slower-paced sorta thing and I just adore it. Also love working outside. Just love that.

  24. Hi Jan, This is just an excellent post with all the info on how exercise helps. As I read through the list, I kept saying to myself, this is so true. It’s all confirmed by changes I found in myself after I started walking about 2 miles daily. Now, it takes me about 45 minutes to walk the 2 miles, so you see I’m not moving all that fast. But like you mentioned in the post, Any movement is good. Thanks for sharing, Jan, and I hope you and Eddie have a fine week ahead. John

  25. Lots of great benefits from exercising.

  26. My dog is the reason I get out and walk.

  27. My friend and I walk every week day morning followed by Five games of Rummikub. We exercise our bodies our brains and our mouths. Goodness knows what we find to talk about but we're never stuck for conversation.

  28. A wonderful article and the birdfeeder hanger is darling.

  29. YES girl! My Doctor keeps saying, "Stay moving". Truth! I enjoy yoga and I have found it to help in many areas. I just try to keep moving! I've always said that a little of something good is better than a whole lot that is bad! LOL! Hugs and blessings, Cindy

  30. Funny I am reading this tonight, I am starting a new exercise program tomorrow in hopes of giving me more strength, I feel a sense that I am losing it right now and could really use to gain more muscle!

  31. As much as I hate to admit it, even cleaning house is MOVEMENT and is non repetitive, too.

  32. My husband and I walk daily, we love our walks. We get grumpy on days we miss out on our daily walk.

  33. Últimamente no camino las rodillas me duelen, pero en el jardín hago bastantes movimientos. Besos.

  34. Interesting recipes above this post. So my exercise is like yours, I choose walking over most things. Although I did get a lot this winter shoveling snows.


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