Thursday, 22 June 2023

Coping With Type One Diabetes In The Heat : Tips and Precautions You Can Take

I have shared this before but it's always good to have a reminder ...

Please note—if you have neuropathy (nerve damage) this can affect your ability to sweat and therefore cool down. Go out early in the morning or later in the afternoon if you can, drink water to stay hydrated and exercise in air-conditioned gyms. Cut down on drinks with caffeine and alcohol, and take care of yourself as best you can."

The above originally from Diabetes Diet Blog here

Related Post
When It's Hot Stay Hydrated - read it here

All the best Jan


  1. Gracias por los consejos te mando un beso.

  2. Ottimi consigli come sempre

  3. I need to read this to Tommy. He swears coffee and Pepsi are as good as water. I carry water in the car, and he says he is not thirsty.

  4. Hard to control sometimes I suppose for those who have it.

  5. Good to remember this advice. I'd never had any dealings with diabetes before Daniel met Jasmine. She's Type One but she seems to manage it very well.

  6. Avoid dehydration for sure

  7. We drink water refreshing! But we like our coffee as well! lol

  8. Great advice, thanks for sharing.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  9. I did not read to Tommy, but chose a few choice facts and told him. A few minutes later, he came back from the kitchen with a glass and a bottle of water, poured water and drank it. I have never seen him drink water in this house or his car. I asked him why he was drinking water and he said he wanted to drink water. He usually has a cup of coffee before bed, but not tonight. Maybe he will sleep easier.

  10. I think this is good advice for everyone.

  11. Thank you very much for the information, I am not diabetic for now, but the blog and the tips are very interesting.
    Best regards.

  12. Good advice. We haven’t had any heat yet. I hope it holds off as long as possible. We are having some much-needed rain. Take care.

  13. I'm getting some water.
    Coffee is on, and stay safe.

  14. Good advice! I've not had problems with my testing kit working in heat (but never kept it in the sun), but I have found it not wanting to work when x-country skiing and even when paddling and sailing with high moisture around it.

  15. Seems to me that this is good advice on beating the heat whether you have diabetes or not.

  16. these are great tips, i have a terrible time with the heat!!

  17. The flavors of ginger and lime in one recipe blend beautifully This recipe sounds wonderful and I appreciate your tips.

  18. I don't have diabetes but I do know the older I get I can not be out in the sun for too long anymore.

  19. sound advice for anyone in the heat.


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