Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Summer Solstice 2023 ... the Longest Day ... celebrate with low carb lemon ice cream

Summer solstice 2023: When is it and what causes the year’s longest day?

Here's when the summer solstice takes place this year, what it represents, and why Stonehenge is so important.

Stonehenge, UK

Get out those sandals, BBQs, and sun hats because the summer solstice 2023 is finally here! Whether you like it or not, we’re now halfway through the year, with the summer solstice marking the astronomical start of the season. More specifically, the summer solstice signals an important moment in the calendar for many and it’s no different in 2023. But when is it exactly? What does it mean? 

When is the summer solstice in 2023?
The summer solstice in 2023 will take place on Wednesday 21 June at precisely 3:58pm BST in the UK and 10:58am ET / 7:58am PT in the US. Contrary to popular belief, the solstice is an exact moment and not the entire day. The event takes place on the first day of the astronomical summer season and marks the exact point the northern hemisphere is pointing directly towards the Sun. It also marks the longest day of the year, with the highest number of daylight hours seen in a single day in 2023. 

When is sunrise for the summer solstice?
On Wednesday 21 June, the day of the summer solstice, sunrise will be at 4:43am in London (BST). Times will vary slightly in the UK, with Edinburgh's sunrise at 4:26am (BST). In the US, the sunrise will depend on your location. New York City summer solstice sunrise time: 5:25am (EDT) Austin, Texas summer solstice sunrise time: 06:29 (CDT) Los Angeles, California solstice sunrise time: 05:42 (PDT)

Counterintuitively, even though 21 June is the longest day of the year, it's not the day with the earliest sunrise. "The earliest sunrise actually occurs 4 days earlier, and the latest sunset occurs 3 days later," Dr Darren Baskill, an astrophotographer and astronomy lecturer at the University of Sussex, says. "This slight difference is caused by the Earth orbiting the Sun not in a circle, but in a slight ellipse."

What is the summer solstice?
The summer solstice takes place at the exact moment the Sun reaches its highest point in the sky, which is when the northern hemisphere is tilted most towards the Sun. Essentially, it marks the point when the Sun’s rays hit this part of the Earth most directly. "The summer solstice occurs for the northern hemisphere when the Earth moves into such a position that its North Pole is pointing in the direction of the Sun, making the Sun high in the sky," says Baskill. "At the same time, the South Pole of the Earth is pointing away from the Sun, and so the southern hemisphere have their winter solstice on the same day." The Earth’s axis has a tilt of around 24°, relative to its orbit around the Sun. 

The summer solstice is not necessarily the hottest day of the year. Usually, the hottest day of the year is in July or August. This is because oceans and land masses release the heat absorbed from the longer days back into the atmosphere.

Why is the Earth tilted?
We get a summer solstice because the Earth's North Pole is tilted at around 24° from the vertical, compared with its orbit around the Sun. For the same reason, the Arctic Circle gets the Midnight Sun: on the summer solstice, and for longer further north, the Sun is visible above the horizon all night long.

But where does the Earth get its tilt?
please refer to original article - link below

How is the summer solstice marked around the world?
The summer solstice is marked around the world by different groups and cultures, but the most famous event arguably takes place at Stonehenge in the UK.

While many mysteries remain about the ancient stone circle, we do know that the monument is structured to mark the position of the rising sun at the solstices (whether that was its original intention or not). As such, 21 June 2023 marks the only day the site has free (managed) open access for tourists and those looking to take in the special and sacred event.

Other summer solstice events around the world include Midsummer, which is an important date in Sweden and the other Scandinavian nations.

What’s the difference between an equinox and a solstice?
please refer to original article - link below

Do any other planets have solstices?
Yep, other planets do indeed have solstices. Just the same as on Earth, when any planet’s northern pole reaches its maximum tilt towards the Sun, the summer solstice happens and its winter solstice takes place when the southern pole does the same.

Words, and picture, above plus more to read at original article here

Read more about Stonehenge here

~~ xxx ooo xxx ~~

Why not celebrate summer solstice with a lovely scoop (or two) of lemon ice cream, this recipe suggestion is sugar free and low in carbs. More details here

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All the best Jan


  1. We begin the long and welcome slide back towards winter.

  2. ...I would love to visit Stonehenge.

  3. Very interesting reading and the ice cream looks delicious

  4. Happy Summer Solstice. I would LOVE to visit Stonehenge someday.

  5. Es lindo r Stonehenge. Te mando un beso.

  6. I am always learning something new from you each day

  7. It is our winter solstice here. A friend of ours welcomes it because he believes the worst of winter is over. He is wrong, but it brings him comfort.

  8. Good read Jan.
    And now our days get colder and nights get longer. (As in light) for us.

  9. I like to make the most of these warm light evenings. The ideal time to sit in the garden with friends enjoying a glass of wine.

  10. Happy Summer! I love the photo of Stonehenge.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. Interesting facts. Thank you for your research, Jan.

    God bless.

  12. I didn't actually realise that the solstice was an actual moment, though I really should have known that!

    I Hope July and August this year don't get any hotter than June has been!

  13. I love Spring and Fall...Here in Texas, we can do without Summer! lol
    Love lemons, period!

  14. As always a very interesting post. I've been to Stonehenge, it's a very magical place.

  15. Happy Summer!
    The spirits of Stonehenge must be thrilled to have people close on this day. I can imagine them looking over to the sidewalk saying, "We are here for you!"

    Lemon ice cream sounds perfect.

  16. What a wonderful post. I want that lemon ice. It looks so good. Have a wonderful day.

  17. The ice cream sounds good. I must confess that today I had high calory and high card ice from Mars, sooooo good! Valerie

  18. It is such a big celebration in Indigenous circles. That makes me happy.

  19. Wonderful information and a delicious sounding low carb recipe!. Thank you!

  20. Hard to believe we are to the longest day of the year already.
    Doesn't feel like summer here today!!

  21. Happy summer to you. I'm hoping for some lovely summer weather and I printed off your lemon ice cream recipe. It's definitely time to make some.

  22. Que tengas un feliz verano. Besos.

  23. Interesting article and that ice cream recipe a must try!!

  24. Nice picture of Stonehenge. Does regular ice cream count? That’s what I had although I would really love some lemon ice. Thanks for the recipe.

  25. Great Summer Solstice info ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. I didn't realize that the sunrise and sunset were not the longest on the same day as the solstice. We were on our way home driving all that day :(


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