Monday, 26 June 2023

Worm Charming World Championships!

Well the other week is was a post about cheese rolling, see here. Today I bring news of a worm charming championship! What is it about us Brits and unusual contests? Perhaps you also have a few more unusual contests in your country ... do please share your thoughts in the comments.

"Hundreds of people descended on a Cheshire village for the annual Worm Charming World Championships. Charmers come from across the globe to Willaston near Nantwich, to try and encourage worms to come out of the soil.

The event has been held in the village for more than 40 years, and has seen a world record. This year's winners were the Jones and Weaver families who said they were "very proud" to take home the trophy.

According to the International Federation of Charming Worms and Allied Pastimes (IFCWAP), Willaston has been the venue for the annual World Championships since 1980 when the Worm Charming event was first devised by John Bailey who was the deputy headmaster of Willaston County Primary School.

The current world record is held by 10-year-old Sophie Smith, who charmed 567 worms out of the ground at the 2009 event.

IFCWAP president, Gordon Farr, former headmaster of Willaston School, said: "I think this is the nature of the British public - they are eccentric by nature, but they don't always show it, but every now and again at an event like this it comes to light."

Callum, a member of the winning team, said he had been worm charming since he was five. "I feel very happy because a lot of hard work and dedication over the years (goes in) to get this," he said. He said his technique was to use a garden spade and garden fork to make "vibrations" in the earth to encourage the worms up. But it was not a record-breaking year and, in total, he said, they raised 48 worms."
Words and pictures from article here

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All the best Jan


  1. This sounds like an event from the television show Midsomer Murders 🤣

  2. This is a sport even? What a funny thing Brits do I guess? LOL

  3. Never heard of charming worms , and of championships at Willaston - to encourage worms to come out of the soil.

  4. That's a new one for me!! :)


  5. Well, then. I have never heard of this, but I guess it has some fun moments. The English have some strange games. One I remember is the "shin kicking".

  6. Well, I gotta admit, I hadn't heard of this contest before:)

  7. Susan Kane said...

    Well, then. I have never heard of this, but I guess it has some fun moments. The English have some strange games. One I remember is the "shin kicking"

    Hello Susan and thanks for your comment ...

    Yes, "shin kicking" originated in England in the early 17th century!

    I'm not sure if the event still takes place, but more to read on these two links:-

    All the best Jan

  8. I do love the way that your country celebrates eccentricity. Bog snorkelling is a classic example.

  9. Elephant's Child said...
    I do love the way that your country celebrates eccentricity. Bog snorkelling is a classic example

    Hello 'EC' and many thanks for your comment.

    Yes, the bog snorkelling event is held in August ...

    more to read here

    All the best Jan

  10. Fun competition. It's good to have them that kids can join in. I don't know any strange competitions in my area off the top of my head, but we did just have a sand sculpting one in a nearby town, but that's not very unusual is it? Happy new week.

  11. No sabía que había concursos de esas cosas. Te mando un beso.

  12. We call it worm-grunting in the US.

  13. A new one. I had no idea of this game.

  14. I can't help but laugh. Fun and games abound.

  15. Sounds a good idea, but never heard of it.

  16. Now that is an interesting event!
    Take care, have a great day!

  17. Fun, yes, but it won't be my new hobby! Valerie

  18. Brilliant article - whatever next? Morris dancing?

    I remember reading that one year it rained heavily and the worm charming contest was held indoors in the church hall. No one won because the worms would not come through the concrete floor.

    It's true I tell you ... true ... believe me.

    God bless.

  19. Nunca había oído hablar de esto. Un beso.

  20. I had never heard of such a thing, isn't funny the things people can come up with to compete against each other.


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