Tuesday, 27 June 2023

Pea Soup : Warm or Chilled : The Choice Is Yours

A comment from blogging friend Phil on this post here when he said, "I have fancied a nice pea soup for weeks now but the weather has been simply too hot and sunny. I wondered whether a cold pea soup might work but not got around to trying yet" got me thinking about Pea Soup!

I have to say I can't remember the last time I had pea soup, but I invariably have some frozen peas (or petit pois) in the freezer so maybe we will be enjoying a bowl of pea soup more often!

I came across these two recipes; the first is for a warm recipe and the second a chilled one. Talking over the recipe suggestions with Eddie he thought the chilled recipe and variety of ingredients sounded good, but what do you think?

Pea Soup
This easy pea soup recipe is one you'll make time and again when you're in a rush. The recipe scales up easily and freezes well, so there's no reason not to make loads.

Serves 1 - 2
1 tbsp olive oil
1 garlic clove, chopped
½ onion, chopped
200g/7oz frozen peas
300ml/10fl oz chicken stock (vegetarians may substitute vegetable stock)
50ml/2fl oz double (heavy) cream
salt and freshly ground black pepper
mint leaf, to garnish

1. Heat the oil in a saucepan over a medium heat. Add the onion and garlic and fry for 3–4 minutes, until softened.
2. Add the frozen peas and chicken or vegetable stock and bring to the boil. Reduce the heat and simmer for ten minutes.
3. Add the cream and use a hand blender to liquidise the soup.
4. Season, to taste and serve in a warm bowl, garnished with a mint leaf.
From original idea here

Chilled pea soup
Delicately fresh and sweet, this chilled pea soup is a summer stunner. It’s cheap to make too as it uses frozen petit pois.

Serves Four
Olive oil for frying and drizzling
Bunch spring onions, chopped
1 garlic clove, crushed
300g petits pois
750ml good quality vegetable or chicken stock, hot
Large handful fresh basil
60g mixed watercress, rocket and spinach salad leaves
150ml natural yogurt

1. Heat a glug of oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add the spring onions and cook for 8 minutes, then add the garlic and cook for 2 minutes more. Stir in the peas, then pour over the hot stock, season with salt and pepper and simmer for 5 minutes.
2. Meanwhile, roughly chop most of the basil and most of the salad leaves. After the soup has been cooking for 5 minutes, add the chopped leaves to the pan. Bring back to a simmer and cook for a further 2 minutes.
3. Remove from the heat and, using a stick blender, whizz until smooth. Stir in most of the yogurt, then put in an airtight container and chill for at least 4 hours (see Make Ahead).
4. Once chilled, season to taste and divide among 4 bowls. Top with the remaining yogurt, basil, salad leaves and a drizzle of olive oil to serve.

Make Ahead
Make it at least 4 hours in advance (to allow time to chill), or make the day before and keep covered in the fridge. Leftovers will keep for 2-3 days, covered in the fridge.
From original idea here

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We bring a variety of recipe ideas to this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health it is always advisable to consult your Doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...for some reason, I'm not a fan of cold soups!

  2. The chilled soup looks good. Hopefully I will remember it when summer comes round again.

  3. That is a perfect dish for me!

  4. I love the idea of cold pea soup. I haven't had that one. Either way they both sound and look yummy.

  5. We don't enjoy cold soups, either. There was a chain of restaurants "Pea soup Anderson" up the coast of Calif. They had the best soup.

  6. The hot soup sounds delicious

  7. Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  8. I eat a LOT of pea soup in the winter, but I was really impressed with the chilled pea soup. I may have to try that this summer when I get tired of gazpacho. Thanks for both recipes, Jan.

  9. Deve essere molto buona soprattutto calda.
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  10. Pea soup is so underrated! So why has it been years since I had any? Although I'm not a fan of cold soup, this one really appeals to me! Before I became vegetarian, Split Pea and Ham was a top favourite, but frozen peas also make delicious soup. Putting frozen peas on this week's shopping list.

  11. Thank you Jan and Eddie. You read my mind or you nicked my recipe. On both I add split yellow peas to simply bulk up the amount I make. The dried peas take a little time and effort to cook and blitz but I think the end result is brilliant and of course very healthy.

  12. I've never tried pea soup. This recipe seems easy. Thanx Jan.

    God bless.

  13. I rather like cold soups, sometimes there is more flavour.

  14. Sounds delicious!!

  15. I've never had this kind of pea soup, hot or cold--just split pea soup, which I love.

  16. I don't like a cold soup either-but it does sound refreshing for a hot summer day. or I would make either of these warm-I love a good soup.

  17. I haven't made Pea soup in ages. I just harvested some peas from the garden and this would be perfect for them. Thanks so much.

  18. I have never had pea soup cold, but hot it is certainly delicious.

  19. No he comido nunca sopa de guisantes. Besos.

  20. When it's hot in the summer I love a cold soup. This is a new one to try. Sounds good.

  21. I am not sure I would like either really. We went to dinner last night at our friends house and she made Bazil Pesto with noodles and chicken and I had 3 bites and didn't eat anymore.

  22. I like peas.

    I will never like pea soup.


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