Saturday 1 July 2023

It's July 2023

Time to say goodbye to June as we welcome July.

Fun Facts about July

It is the second summer month after June.

There are many countries which have their Independence Day during the month of July. These include the United States, Belarus, Venezuela, Argentina, Belgium, the Bahamas, and the Maldives. The national days for France and Canada occur in July as well.

July is (usually) the warmest month in the Northern Hemisphere on average. It is similar to January in the Southern Hemisphere.

Sometimes the hot, long days of July are called the "dog days of summer".

It is sometimes called the Hay month because the grass dries out due to a lack of rain and can be made into hay.

July's birthstone, the ruby, is often associated with contentment, love, passion, and integrity.

The flowers pictured on this post are larkspur and water lily, July's flowers ...

July is National Blueberry Month, so of course the recipe I am sharing reflects this fact.

Blueberry Coconut Cake
This low carb / keto blueberry coconut cake can be made in a cake pan, cast iron skillet-pan
or as muffins, (which makes it easy to customize).
It’s grain-free, nut-free, sugar-free, and did I mention low carb / keto!
What’s more, it's light, airy, and moist.
The blueberries and coconut flour pair perfectly in this recipe suggestion.
please see more details here

~ Wishing you a happy July 2023 ~

We bring a variety of articles and recipe ideas to this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...time goes way too fast, I love the larkspur.

  2. Didn't June go quickly, have a happy July.


  3. Ten un genial mes y un buen fin de semana. Te mando un beso.

  4. Lillies are wonderful and peaceful.

  5. Welcome July! -Christine

  6. Time seems to have gone extra fast this year!
    Love that blueberry..

  7. I'm waiting for those dog days. X

  8. Grazie mille per tutte le belle informazioni sul mese di luglio, alla quale aggiungo che a Piacenza proprio il 4 luglio si tiene la festa del patrono: Sant'Antonino

  9. Que seja lindo o JULHO pra cada um de nós! beijos, chica

  10. Happy July! I think this summer is going too fast.
    Love the flowers and the yummy treat.
    Have a great weekend.

  11. Oh I want a piece of that blueberry coconut cake. Happy July to you both!

  12. Oh Jan, this looks Yummy!!

  13. Have a happy warm July. Can't believe we've reached the middle of the year already!

  14. I can hardly believe it’s July already.

  15. Me encanta el mes de julio. Que sea un bonito mes para ti. Besos.

  16. The months just keep flying by.
    Quite a few July birthdays in our family.
    I like most things with blueberries in them! :)

  17. I have coconut and blueberries. I will make this today. Thanks and have a great weekend.

  18. The first half of the year passed very quickly.
    The cake looks very appetizing and the flowers are delicious.

  19. Lovely photos and cake. Where does the time go?! Happy July! Valerie

  20. I always enjoy your new month posts! Rabbit Rabbit!

  21. That recipe looks delicious, I'd no idea there was such a thing as National Blueberry Month!

  22. Happy July to you ~ blueberry recipe sounds delish ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Summer is sure flying by, luckily we have had some good days mixed in with the extreme temperatures and high humidity. So far our grass is looking pretty good but it does tend to slow down on the growing so fast the later we get into summer, which hubby is thankful for ;)
    That cake looks delicious! Perfect for a Independence day treat!


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The best of health to you and yours.
