Sunday, 26 November 2023

Did You Know ?

The human body is an amazing thing, but even though we spend all day with ourselves, there are still plenty of things that you probably don’t know about your body. 

Here are ten ...

1. If you’re a female and you feel like your heart beats quicker than your male counterparts, you’re not wrong. Women’s hearts are proven to beat faster than men’s.

2. As well as having faster heartbeats, women blink twice as much as men as well.

3. Every 3-4 seconds, around 50,000 cells in your body will die and be replaced by new ones.

4. Fingerprints are unique to each person, making them an amazing phenomenon. Adding to this is the fact that they’re developed within just three months of conception, meaning you were totally unique from the start.

5. Our taste buds seem to change throughout our lives, but by the age of 60, the average person has lost half their taste buds. This is why older people don’t seem to care as much about bitter or unusual tastes.

6. People burn more calories being asleep than they do by watching the TV. More reason to take a nap!

7. Every 10 years, the human skeleton repairs and renews itself. Essentially, you have different bones now than you did 10 years ago!

8. If the human brain was spread out as a flat object, it would be roughly the size of a pillowcase.

9. Your little finger is the smallest one on your hand, but it is actually responsible for 50% of your hand strength. Without it, you would notice more difference than losing any of your other fingers.

10. It’s much less effort to be happy – you’ll use 17 muscles to smile vs. 43 to frown and be miserable.

Did you know any of these facts?
I only knew numbers 4 and 10

This blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, funnies, photographs, music and recipesHowever, not all the recipe ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. No conocía esos hechos solo el cuatro. Te mando un beso.

  2. So interesting if I knew any of these I had forgotten -Christine

  3. I knew a few of them. I'm afraid I've lost 95% of my taste buds, unfortunately.

  4. I knew 1, 2,4, 10.
    Practical Parsimony

  5. Interesting reading here thanks x

  6. I knew half. Now I know more.
    Coffee is on.

  7. I knew some of them, but not others. If asked I would have said my thumb was the more important finger?

  8. Good to read and we all are amazing creatures Jan.

  9. I have heard a little finger has an acupoint to ease cardiac dysfunction in Chinese medicine.

  10. They are all interesting facts

  11. Interesting facts! I have to tell my hubby about the loss of taste buds.
    Take care, enjoy your day and have a great new week!

  12. Grazie mille per il post.
    Di tutte le curiosità che hai postato conoscevo solo la terza

  13. I knew 5 of these. I didn't know we lost taste buds as we aged though. That's a bit sad since people are finally "wise" enough to appreciate more about their food choices. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend.

  14. I think number 6 is great... from now on I'll go to sleep earlier in the dark season :-))
    A happy greeting to you and a hug.

  15. I didn't know any of them, they are very interesting!

  16. Absolutely fascinating. Thank you for sharing this great article :)


    J.P. Alexander said...
    No conocía esos hechos solo el cuatro. Te mando un beso

    I didn't know those facts, only the four. I send you a kiss

    Stefania said...
    Grazie mille per il post.
    Di tutte le curiosità che hai postato conoscevo solo la terza

    Thank you so much for the post.
    Of all the curiosities you posted, I only knew the third one.

  18. REPLY TO ...

    Elephant's Child who said...
    I knew some of them, but not others. If asked I would have said my thumb was the more important finger?

    Hello and many thanks for your comment.

    I think most of us would have said the thumb but the details where I took the information from was just talking about fingers ... I didn't mean it to be a sort of catch-like question, and to quote from article "no-one would doubt that thumb is the most important digit of all. It accounts for 40% of the hand's capabilities and unsurprisingly if you lose one, surgeons will happily amputate your big toe and use it to create a new thumb, sacrificing one body part for the greater good.

    But which finger could you most afford to lose? I have to admit I got this wrong when hand-surgeon Donald Sammut asked me.

    I thought the little finger would be dispensable but as Donald explained the little finger is actually rather important - second only to the thumb.

    Oddly, the finger you can lose with minimum inconvenience is the index finger. It can be included or excluded from everything we do with our hands."

    Read more at this article 'The incredible human hand and foot'

    Our bodies are quite fascinating aren't they.

    All the best Jan

  19. Interesting facts. I knew 4,5,7,10,

  20. Fun and interesting, Jan. I learned a lot!

  21. The only one I knew was the last one.

  22. Fascinating facts!
    Taking (afternoon) naps is sometimes necessary and always great. :)
    Thank you for the interesting post! xx

  23. Interesting facts! I knew most of them already, but not 1,2, 8 or 9

  24. Muy interesante, me ha encantado conocer más de nuestro cuerpo. Un abrazo.


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