Tuesday, 28 November 2023

It's definitely starting to look and feel Christmassy!

In the UK many cities, towns and villages are busy preparing for Christmas, and the shop windows are looking nice and Christmassy 🎄 🎅 🎄

Have you started your Christmas preparations? I have started to write Christmas Cards and we have some 'Christmas' food in the freezer ready for the Christmas festivities.

I do enjoy writing Christmas cards and often put little notes in with them so family and friends can read and catch up with snippets of news.

"Firstchristmascard". Licensed under Public Domain via Wikimedia Commons

Did you know that the custom of sending Christmas cards didn't start until there was a postal service to deliver them! The first were sent in 1843 by Sir Henry Cole, boss of the Victoria and Albert Museum. He was far too busy to write letters so had an artist design 1,000 cards, illustrated with a festive family scene on the front and printed with the greeting, "A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to You". Horrified at being caught out, all his friends sent him one back the next year. In 1880 cards had become so popular that the public were warned for the first time to post early for Christmas.

Fast forward to 2023, and with postal charges rising many people are choosing not to send as many Christmas cards, perhaps preferring to send an email or make a telephone call. For those readers who live in the UK, our last Christmas posting dates for 2023 are Monday 18th December for posting a 2nd Class delivery and Wednesday 20th for first class mail in the UK, more details here

You can read more about the history of Christmas Cards here

And how about this!
Fruit Cake A Low Carb Alternative
"Please come into my kitchen and discover this 'low carb fruit cake which is a great alternative to a traditional fruit cake.' It can be enjoyed at any time of year but could prove a popular low carb Christmas alternative."

To learn more please use this link here

Finally, in the midst of all the Christmas preparations, please take time to sit down and enjoy a refreshing cuppa - will it be tea or coffee?

Is it starting to look and feel Christmassy where you live?

Readers - you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas, within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...for me the Christmas season starts after our Thanksgiving, but for some it started weeks ago.

  2. Interesting about the Christmas cards. I don’t send as many as I used to.
    I am not a fan of fruitcake, although that one looks very good
    . I do almost no shopping. We are all older and really don’t need anything. I don’t even cook anymore. Yes, the holidays have certainly changed
    Wishing you and yours, the best

  3. Lovely to think of you writing your Christmas cards with notes, Jan. I try to do the same. Here in the United States Christmas comes in earnest right after Thanksgiving. Today we put up the artificial Christmas tree. Have a happy time preparing for Christmas.

  4. Yes, it's starting to feel a lot like Christmas.. the mall is decorated, our streets are decorated by the city, and beginning to hear Christmas music on the radio! Love the info on the Christmas cards- very interesting

  5. Uy siempre es genial aprender cosas nuevas . Gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  6. Interesting to learn a bit about the history of cards! My tree is up and cards ready to be mailed! -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  7. It IS starting to look Christmassy here, inside and out. We had a snow last night and that, combined with the holiday lights popping up as you drive along make it look very merry indeed. I love sending "real" Christmas cards and receiving them too. Postage is a lot but I bought many of my stamps last year after Christmas, pretty sure the postage would go up (and those were Christmas stamps, but when I heard about our price hike, I bought more stamps). Still a lot but a little better. There is something so meaningful and enjoyable about getting a real card in the mail!

  8. Interesting post Jan.
    Not many people sent Christmas Cards down this way either these past several Christmas's.

  9. It is definitely starting to look and feel Christmassy here. And in the next day or so I will start baking Christmas cakes.

  10. Usually I get into the mood for Christmas when autumn foliage is gone into pale wintry landscape and Christmas lights-up sparkle. December is the busiest month but I like the excitement in the air, hoping I don’t get lost in daily rush.

  11. I am working away while waiting for a good weather and a good sunset at the coast

  12. Si se nota ya. Preciosa la felicitación antigua.
    Me gusta el café, lo tomo negro y sin azucar despues de comer y la por la noche un té de gengibre con limón.Gracias.
    Un abrazo.

  13. It is starting to look and feel like Christmas!
    Chilly weather and the decorations are popping up.
    Take care, have a great day!

  14. Hello Jan,
    What a lovely fruit cake. (I am drinking my coffee now, so a small pieces of the cake...hihi..!!)
    I think, you can make all delicious and surprise with all kind of food. And you photograph it always very well too.

    Many greetings,

  15. I'm just adding final touches to the trees...house. This month seems to be going by too fast!

  16. I've started making my Christmas cards and have posted those that are going to USA and Canada. Other than that though, I'm pretending not to notice all the Christmas stuff. It's far too early for shops to be draped in garish Christmas decorations!

  17. Here the Christmas decorations in the shopping centres and the streets of Perth went up a couple of weeks ago. The Christmas pageant and carols will be this weekend.
    I used to write up to 60 Christmas cards every year, but last year I stopped writing them and just put a message on Facebook and send emails to closest friends and family (the postage here is awfully expensive!)
    The Low carb Christmas cake recipe is great, will try it, since I have yet to bake a cake.
    Thanks Jan


  18. That is a pretty cup.
    Cards go out this week.Thankful today is only Tuesday.:)

    Decorations are up without ornaments. The natural look feels nice because without a bunch of ornaments out, there will be no packing it all away to do. I might make a few, like the tiny birdhouse.

  19. I'm the only one who loves fruitcake in my family.

  20. I've put up our Christmas decorations this past weekend. Haven't started writing out the cards yet but it is something I like to do.

  21. I saw some Christmas things right after Halloween here in Hawaii.

    This looks like a healthier fruitcake, but I have to stick to the sort of fruitcake people tend to like in Hawaii which... sadly is not all that healthy.

  22. I love Christmas decorations / songs, but here in the States, the stores started putting Christmas stuff on the shelves just before Halloween. Too soon! I'm waiting until Dec 1 to put my indoor decorations around the house. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  23. beautiful post dear Jan !
    loved learning how and when postal service started and sending card became a tradition :)
    this is such a sad thing that governments instead offering public free service increasing postal charges where have gone the respects for old and sweet traditions
    happy season of love and warmth my friend

  24. Our tree is up, and I have the Christmas mugs out. I've already started eating the fruitcake :) We send very few snail mail cards these days, and my Christmas greetings are delivered on my FB page lol

  25. Lovely Xmas post ~ No Xmas stuff here yet ~ in time ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  26. Yes, it is starting to look Christmasy. All I have done is buy my cards and some stamps. I’ve looked at some things online but I haven’t bought them yet.

  27. I need to start getting my Christmas cards out. I agree that it is getting expensive mailing the cards. I sure hope they don't end and everything goes digital.

  28. Ya empieza a verse la Navidad por todas partes. Besos.


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