Monday, 6 November 2023

It's Monday !

It's Monday again,
I wish you a good day.

Will you be doing the laundry?

perhaps you will be doing some dusting?

or perhaps you will be doing some baking?
have a look here for some low carb cake ideas

two of our grandchildren enjoy baking 
photograph taken in 2020, but they still help out in the kitchen

you may of course be at work,
or having to attend a medical appointment.
You may be fortunate to be away on holiday,
whatever you have planned and 
wherever you may be 

All the best Jan


  1. Happy Monday!

    An hour later to start here than it was yesterday. I will be glad when changing the clocks ends.

  2. Same to you Jan, we are expecting rain

  3. I hope you have a nice Monday as well! Darling photo of the grands.

  4. Baking with the grandkids is the best way to spend a Monday! So cute! I'll be catching up on the laundry and housework. Hope you have a nice week with a little sunshine! x K

  5. Happy Monday to you too (although it's Sunday night here in Texas). I will be going to my eye doctor tomorrow (Monday) to pick up my NEW eyeglasses. They texted me that they are ready to pick up.

    Wishing you all the best!

  6. ...I hope that you nice Monday continues all week long!

  7. Ten an genial lunes y una buena semana. Te mando un beso.

  8. Thank you, Jan! Ahhh... You're a day ahead of us, just like my son.

    Every time I come to your blog, I think of the wonderful time we had in the British Isles earlier this year and all the fabulous people we met.

  9. Change the wardrobe to summer clothing here Jan.

  10. Jan - I have been away from blogging since June, but I am back! Busy summer and fall! Love your happy Monday thoughts, especially the pictures of your grandkids!

  11. Happy Monday. I am just back from a session with an exercise physiologist - and feeling it.

  12. You have a nice Monday. My day has been so busy

  13. Que lindos os teus netos e bom que gostam de cozinhar...

    Ótima semana!

    beijos prqianos, chica

  14. Happy Monday!
    Your grandchildren are adorable!!

  15. Parece como si desde la ventana de tu ordenador, vieras lo que estoy haciendo. Ahora acabo de poner la lavadora, aprovechando que ha salido el sol.

    Que tengas una buena semana.

  16. Happy Monday. Enjoy the rest of your week Jan.

  17. Your grandkids look like twins. Or peas from the same pod! They are learning a lot from Jan and Eddie.

  18. Happy Monday to you and Eddie! I'll be finishing a book, knitting on a Christmas sock, organizing a couple more yarny projects, and putting away some books that I've finished. Supper was done overnight in the slow cooker, so that will just need to be heated up. Yay! Now, coffee!

  19. Laundry...ugh. LOL...not a favourite chore. Today is monthly shopping actually. Long day but it'll be done until December!

  20. Monday has started out well and I expect it to continue that way!

  21. Same to you Jan and may it last all week long.

  22. Thank you for the happy Monday wishes. I wish the same for you. Actually this morning, I meet with my diabetes nurse practitioner over the phone.I'm having serious problems because I have to take an anti-cancer drug that causes insulin resistance. Hopefully, I will get the help I need this morning.

  23. Hoy solo preparé la comida. El fin de semana hice todas las tareas :)
    Buen lunes también para ti.
    Un abrazo.

  24. My favorite photos -- those happy grand smiles! You cannot beat that!

  25. Cute pic. Have a nice Monday :-)

  26. Happy Monday to you, too! Have a good week, Valerie

  27. I did 3 loads of wash and cleaned the bathroom. This afternoon, I'm going for a bone density test and then a run to Target to pick up cleaning supplies. The fun never ceases! 🤣

  28. Good Monday to you, I love your grandchildren.

  29. OK - I baked (whole wheat sourdough rolls) and cooked (chicken soup) today and I was in the forest... yay :-)
    The grandchildren are sweet. Thank you for the beautiful photo.
    Monday was nice for me. I wish you a happy week. Yes.

  30. Oh so hope you are having a great Monday ~ sweet post ~ Xo

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. I hope you both had a great Monday too.

  32. I did have laundry to do, I avoid the dusting as much as I can :)

  33. Tus nietos se ven lindos. Besos.

  34. Such blessings. Thank you for sharing.


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The best of health to you and yours.
