Sunday, 5 November 2023

November's Birth Flower

November's Main Birth Flower is the chrysanthemum—or mum for short—and is the flower most associated with the Autumn/fall season, providing the last pop of colour in the garden. They make an excellent decoration for autumn displays and have a long history of symbolism that dates back centuries.

The Chrysanthemum
Native to Asia, the word chrysanthemum comes from the Greek prefixes chrysos, meaning “gold,” and anthemon, meaning “flower.” Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus is said to have named the plant. 
A member of the daisy family (Asteraceae), the chrysanthemum is one of the most widely cultivated flowers.

The original colour of the chrysanthemum was golden, but through cultivation, the flower now comes in a range of colours—yellow, orange, white, purple, pink, and red. As I post this we have yellow and purple ones providing some colour in our garden.

Chrysanthemum Meanings and Symbolism
  • Chrysanthemums symbolize loyalty, friendship, and joy, but each colour conveys a specific meaning. For example, red represents true love, white signifies innocence and honesty, and yellow symbolizes a wounded heart or neglected love.
  • In parts of Europe, the chrysanthemum is seen as an expression of sorrow and a symbol of death and mourning.
  • The Chinese and Japanese view the chrysanthemum as a sign of youth. It was believed to allow people to live longer and keep their bodies healthier. According to folklore, one chrysanthemum petal at the bottom of a glass of wine would promote longevity.
  • According to Chinese tradition, the flower prevents grey hair.
The Chrysanthemum in History
The chrysanthemum dates back to the 15th century B.C. China, where it was grown as a flowering herb, used in salads and teas. In Chinese art, the chrysanthemum is one of the four plants that make up the Four Gentlemen, representing the four seasons, along with the plum blossom, the orchid, and the bamboo. It was long used in China as a remedy for headaches, reducing blood pressure, and as an anti-inflammatory. It has also been offered to the elderly as a symbol of long life and good luck.

By the 17th century, chrysanthemums were introduced to Europe and then the United States.

It is the national flower of Japan, and each year, the Festival of Happiness is held on September 9 to celebrate the chrysanthemum. It has long represented royalty and nobleness in Japan and is used on the emperor’s official seal and crest.

The chrysanthemum is the flower given for a 13th anniversary and a traditional flower given on Mother’s Day in Australia. It is the official flower of Chicago, Illinois, too.

The National Chrysanthemum Society was incorporated as a nonprofit in 1954. Since then, the society has created a classification system—13 groups in all—for the diverse blooms.

Chrysanthemums in the Garden
Mums can be grown from seeds, cuttings, or by division. An easy perennial to grow, they should be planted in early spring after the possibility of frost has passed. They can be planted at any time but need at least six weeks for their roots to establish before hot temperatures or freezing weather. The plants will grow in the spring and summer but will not flower until fall.

Mums should not be planted in the same area for more than three years in a row to prevent diseases and pests.

When frost has killed the foliage, cut it back to the ground and cover it with mulch.
Words and image above from article here

Note: Although not as widely recognized as chrysanthemums, peonies are also considered birth flowers for November.

You may also like to read this post about 'Some Foods In Season During November' which also has some recipe suggestions - please see here

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. I knew that the blue violet was the state flower for Illinois so I assumed Chicago was part of that. I didn't know Chicago had its own flower. I looked online and it mentioned that's why President Obama's portrait has a painting of a chrysanthemum on it. It also has the pikake (Jasmine) to represent Hawaii.

  2. These are such colourful flowers.
    An interesting read Jan, thanks.


  3. I never knew that about mums. Learn something new every day.

  4. They are a lovely flower, here they come into being early May.

  5. I love them...wonderful scent!

  6. How beautiful there. Wonderful landscapes, beautiful architecture and a spectacular sunset. I look at your wonderful photo and I can't take my eyes off it.
    I wish you a successful and happy new week.

  7. Super post and a very enjoyable read. I always enjoy seeing the mums at this time of year. All the best for a happy week ahead.

  8. ...Friday we went to the Chrysanthemum show at the local conservatory.

  9. I have a daisy like chrysanthemum perennial. No wonder why if it's related to daisies.It's probably one of the last flowers for the year too.

  10. Chrysanthemums are lovely flowers, thanks for the interesting post

  11. Thanks for the flower information, I don't dare to try to spell its name as I've been awake since 2 am. Not on purpose, it happens sometimes. Now that the weather is getting colder, I'm in the mood to do more cooking, so I will check out your Low Carb recipes.

  12. I love Chrysanthemums so many lovely colours and they last for ages in the vase. My birth flower too.

  13. Didn't know the different colored Mums represented different things.

  14. Chrysanthemums fragrance are my favorite

  15. Very interesting post… I have always loved mums… now I know a whole lot about them. Thanks.

  16. I have seen lots of pots of mums lately. I learned a lot in this article. I thought peonies only bloomed in May.

  17. Chrysanthemums are a favorite of mine so thanks for this article!

  18. Beautiful photo of flowers and informative post about November flowers ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  19. REPLY TO
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth who said...
    I have seen lots of pots of mums lately. I learned a lot in this article. I thought peonies only bloomed in May

    Hello there and many thanks for your comment.

    In the Northern Hemisphere peonies tend to flower between April - June.

    However, in the Southern Hemisphere, where seasons are reversed, peonies typically bloom from November to January.

    Hence the month of November can have two birth flowers, the Chrysanthemum and the Peony ...

    All the best Jan

  20. They sure are a lovely flower and in the oranges for this time of year is just perfect!
    So enjoy these! Happy November!

  21. Los crisantemos son unas flores muy bonitas, me gustan mucho. Besos.


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