Sunday, 18 February 2024

Cabbage, a healthy food

Cabbage is an exceptionally healthy food. It has an outstanding nutrient profile and is especially high in vitamins C and K. In addition, eating cabbage may even help lower the risk of certain diseases, improve digestion and combat inflammation - more to read hereOf course, cabbage also makes a tasty and inexpensive addition to a number of recipes, like these three, you may wish to try.

Dauphinoise Casserole with Cabbage
more details here

Italian cabbage stir fry
more details here

Cabbage Soup
more details here

Do you like cabbage? Will you be trying any of these recipes? Perhaps you already have one of your own you enjoy ... please share your thoughts in the comments below.

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. We LOVE cabbage (well not in Perth's heat wave, but in German winter,YUM! ).

  2. Cabbage soup does not appeal to me, but I might give the other two a go, substituting the mince with Quorn mince. My favourite way to eat cabbage is either in cole slaw or colcannon. Braised red cabbage is my favourite vegetable of all.

  3. I do like cabbage, both white and red. Cabbage rolls are one of my favourite ways to eat it, or simply sauteed until soft, with onions. Glad to read it's so good for us!

  4. Mum cooks cabbage in every meal lol

  5. Don't mind a bit every now and then.

  6. Buonissimo, io adoro il cavolo!!!
    Mi piace soprattutto condito in insalata

  7. Ohhh...I just can't stomach

  8. I used to hate cabbage when I was a child How tastes change as we grow up!

  9. I love cabbage. It's the one vegetable which all the family like, which is saying something, they're a fussy lot.

  10. ...perhaps I should eat more cabbage.

  11. The cabbage recipes sound yummy!
    Thanks for sharing.
    Take care, have a great day and happy new week!

  12. I love cabbage and you can use it in so many ways.

  13. I love cabbage. Just made some cabbage soup not too long ago. I especially love stuffed cabbage in the sauce with saurkraut. Haven't had that in years. Hubby won't eat it and too much work for one.

  14. I need to add more cabbage to my recipe regulars. These look great! Happy rest of your weekend.

  15. Yummy, I love all sorts of cabbage!

  16. I like cabbage in Coleslaw, but not cooked.

  17. I do like cabbage.
    I also love sauerkraut dish with rosti.

    Have a nice week and all the best.

  18. It's not a regular in my kitchen but I do love a good cabbage stir fry.

  19. Beautiful cabbages, all world has a number cabbages, delicate Jan.

  20. My daughter made us a red cabbage salad for last night!

  21. I can't come up with any cabbage I don't care for.

  22. We like cabbage, just don't eat it much. I should change that.

  23. Hi Jan,
    It's truly remarkable how cabbage, often overlooked, is such a powerhouse of nutrition and health benefits. Your highlight of its rich vitamin content and potential to lower disease risk, improve digestion, and fight inflammation underscores the importance of incorporating this versatile vegetable into our diets. The mention of cabbage as a tasty and economical ingredient in recipes further elevates its appeal. I'm intrigued by the recipes you've suggested and look forward to exploring how they showcase cabbage's culinary versatility. It's inspiring to be reminded of the simple yet profound impacts that mindful food choices, like incorporating more cabbage, can have on our overall health and well-being.
    Best regards to you and Eddie from Seattle!

  24. Oh that cabbage casserole looks delish!

  25. I love, love, love cabbage and it is so good for you!

  26. Love cabbage. Big fan of cole slaw and pickled red cabbage with apples.

  27. Gracias por las recetas me gusta mucho la col Te mando un beso.

  28. I like cabbage when it's corned beef and cabbage. - Anne (Cornucopia)

  29. I grow cabbage in my garden and we eat it even in winter. Love these recipes.

  30. I do like the look of the cabbage recipes but I know I would get shouted down in this family. Maybe I could make a single portion just for me :-)

  31. I don't care for cook cabbage but I do love it raw!

  32. En casa nos gusta el repollo y la col en todas sus variedades, solemos comer bastante. Besos.


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The best of health to you and yours.
