Thursday, 22 February 2024

Goodness, I'm sure these two visitors were a surprise for many!

Imagine, if you will, whilst attending your hospital appointment you came across these two unusual visitors! They would certainly have bought a smile to my face and a definite aww that's sweet moment.

How about you?

"Ducks found waddling round Royal Bournemouth Hospital

The ducks even stuck to the hospital's single file rule along the corridor

Hospital staff found a pair of rather unexpected, feathered intruders waddling around the corridors.

The quacking pair were discovered exploring Royal Bournemouth Hospital where they made a visit to the hospital's thoracic team.

The hospital said the inquisitive ducks tried to "wing" reading directions to find their way out of the building but needed a little help.

They were ushered out and led safely back to a lake in the grounds.

The pair were ushered out after popping in to visit the hospital's thoracic team

The hospital said: "We are very lucky to have a gorgeous lake that is a great solace for patients, visitors and staff.

"Part of its attraction is our resident wildlife, including many beautiful and inquisitive ducks.... Sometimes they can be a little too inquisitive.

"Fortunately one of our incredible porters - who are always on hand for any event - was able to escort them from the premises.""
Words and pictures from article here

Have you seen the post about 'Penguin and Squid - Two Close Friends' read it here

All the best Jan


  1. Ha ha...sweet! Glad they were not hurt.

  2. That would be a cheerful sight in a hospital.

  3. Oh, such a cute couple!!!
    I once read a "scientific" book, "If the Lion could Think".
    The stupid author really assumed animals cannot think.
    What are we but also in the same family?
    Those two even stuck to the rules on their little adventure :-)

  4. I found this quite enjoyable. So glad there are ducks and other wildlife for the patients. Thanks for an uplifting tale, Jan.

  5. Hope they don't waddle toward the hospital's cafeteria! Linda in Kansas

  6. Oh my, just how sweet and cute is that!

  7. That must have brought a smile to many a face:-)

  8. Cute to see these two waddling ducks

  9. How fun!! Lots of smiles!

  10. Hello,
    That is funny, maybe they were coming to visit a sick friend.
    Take care, have a great day!

  11. How cute is that! I bet they did bring smiles to people there.

  12. Just another way that critters relate to humans. So glad that staff lead them out and did not chase. That is a cute story

  13. Ohhh that is a sight for sure. Have a nice day today.

  14. Oh my.... I love it.
    Thank you for sharing.

  15. Boa noite e boa quinta-feira. Patos passeando. Obrigado por dividir conosco.

  16. I bet they were surprised with these 2 visitors. Thanks for the fun post.

  17. Uy que tiernos. Me alegra que no les hicieron daño. Te mando un beso.

  18. That is so funny and cute too. :)

  19. I loved the phrasing, "Escort them from the building." Hmmm. I wonder how they did that! This is great.

  20. That would be a sight for sure wouldn't it seeing them walking around. We have a pond outside our hospital too, I wonder if they ever have had that happen :)
    Have a great weekend!

  21. That is too funny - and very cute!!!

  22. That would be quite the surprise ~ lol

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  23. Oh, this has me smiling! What a lovely

  24. Very cute. You wonder what they think of it


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