Monday, 18 March 2024

Ten Encouraging Health Benefits Of Exercise

Exercise is an important part of daily life and is one of many ways to remain healthy. We are encouraged to move and exercise at least once a day if not more.

Have you ever wondered why this is? Or what other benefits there are to exercise? Here are ten encouraging health benefits of exercise that may make you feel more enthusiastic about being more active!

1. Exercise can reduce your risk of developing major illnesses.

2. Regular exercise can improve your mental health.

3. Exercising can help improve your sleep.

4. Some exercises can help improve your breathing and respiratory health.

5. You can improve your balance through exercise.

6. Exercising reduces your risk of developing heart diseases.

7. The more you exercise, the stronger your muscles and bones become.

8. Your immune system is boosted by exercise.

9. Exercising can help you control your weight.

10. Regular exercise can help keep the mind focused.

Words above are a snippet from an article, which you can read in full, here

Related Post
'Exercise for better health - Any movement is good' - read it here

~ xxx ooo xxx ~

I think most readers would agree that exercise is important. Of course, how you exercise is a personal choice and our age and any health concerns must always be taken into account.
Just remember, any movement is good 😊

Please note that articles within this blog are provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, including medication, you should contact your Doctor/local health care provider.

All the best Jan


  1. ...I've been a bit lazy lately.

  2. Siempre es bueno hacer ejercicio. Te mando un beso.

  3. You are doing a good motivational article for exercises.

  4. Just done with weight lifting for today..Love my daily workout :-)

  5. All the good things happen with exercise.

  6. My wife and I enjoy walking, other than that, I no longer do much exercise.

    On the other hand, I do like exercising my mind.

  7. Great list, exercising is important.
    Take care, have a great week ahead.

  8. Exercise is good, essential, but getting out into fresh air makes it even better.

  9. As it is dry this morning I shall be doing a little gentle exercise working in the garden. Thank you for the encouragement x

  10. When I was young as a teen, I loved to exercise. That was long before back and fibro issues. The thoughts of exercise these days takes an effort, and that is just the thought.

  11. If only chocolate had no calories

  12. I work out as best I can in my wheelchair, for an hour or more every day. For me it's a matter of not letting m body stiffen up!

  13. Being outside in the fresh air is always wonderful! Hugs!

  14. Every now and then someone has to pump that message into me! Thanks!

  15. No doubt about it, we all need to exercise.

  16. I agree we need to keep moving, everything just goes bad when we become sedentary.

  17. I ethier walk or exercise 6 days a week.

  18. each word so true dear Jan !

    i have experienced how regular exercise have changed my life for better .

    health peace and joy to you and family!

  19. I think all those reasons show just how important exercise is. My exercise of choice is walking.

  20. I really try to get in between 5 and 10 thousand steps a day...doesn't always happen though...:o(

  21. It's all about moving. My Nan lived to be 104 and that was her montra. Even at that age she did wieghts and one of those bike peddles in her chair. Now that my foot is better I am back to functional walking and dancing. Have a nice day today.

  22. I walk every day with Ernie. We walk close to 4 miles a day. I LOVE that I am able to do this, it makes me feel so good mentally, physically and helps me sleep!!!

  23. Hago algo de ejercicio en el jardín, con el problema de mis rodillas no puedo hacer mucho, pronto me operarán de la rodilla derecha y la izquierda será la siguiente. Besos.

  24. I enjoy doing Yoga and daily walking ~ informative post ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


    J.P. Alexander said...
    Siempre es bueno hacer ejercicio. Te mando un beso

    It's always good to exercise. I send you a kiss

    Teresa said...
    Hago algo de ejercicio en el jardín, con el problema de mis rodillas no puedo hacer mucho, pronto me operarán de la rodilla derecha y la izquierda será la siguiente. Besos

    I do some exercise in the garden, with the problem of my knees I can't do much, soon I will have surgery on my right knee and the left will be next. Kisses


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The best of health to you and yours.
