Friday, 29 March 2024

The 2024 Boat Race ... will it be Oxford or Cambridge ?

From as far back as I can remember ‘The Boat Race’ was always a must watch sports event in our family, it was part of our family tradition… my dad was always a firm Oxford Fan … my dear mum always used to support Cambridge - the event was a great family time to share, cheer, commiserate but it was always a time when we were together and for some reason no other sporting event had quite the same effect. I’ve never stopped to analyse why this was. Dear Mum and Dad are no longer with us, but I just know they will be looking down on Saturday 30th March 2024 as this years boat race is due to start ... 

Did you know!
'The Boat Race was first raced by crews from Oxford and Cambridge University in 1829 and is now one of the world’s oldest and most famous amateur sporting events. 

The Boat Race takes place in London on the famous Championship Course that stretches over 4.25 miles of tidal Thames in West London between Putney and Mortlake.

Unfortunately this year there is concern about the sewage in the Thames, and the high levels of E Coli in the water. Earlier this week, the organisers of the Boat Race issued safety guidance for Saturday’s race, warning rowers against entering the water and to cover open wounds. 

The Boat Race is regularly attended by over 250,000 spectators at the banks of the river and watched by millions more on television.

2024 will see the 169th Men’s Boat Race and the 78th Women’s Boat Race.'

Cambridge lead the men's series 86-81, with one recorded dead heat, and have a 47-30 advantage in the women's series.

I do hope all goes well for the race.
The above and more details here and here and here

these are old photographs showing a win
for Oxford above
and Cambridge below

* post edit *
Cambridge won both the mens and ladies race 2024

After the boat race, I think we may enjoy
Chicken Drumsticks Simply Baked
a delicious low carb recipe, details here

~ Enjoy your Day ~

A variety of articles and recipe ideas are within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. Nice to learn about the boat race. Nice drumsticks too.

  2. Boat race already? Doesn't time fly?

    God bless.

  3. ...rowing crews are becoming popular in high schools here.

  4. My mother always supported Oxford.

  5. The boat race is looking like a good tradition. The chicken drumsticks look yummy

  6. Interesting read about the boat hope all goes well.

  7. Let's hope neither boat sinks this year.

  8. I love the Boat Race but do't envy the crews enduring the filthy water. I wonder how many of them will be ill in the next few days - ugh!

  9. I hope all goes well for the boat race.
    The chicken looks yummy!
    Happy Easter to you and yours, have a great weekend.

  10. Some things are just a part of our history. I would never miss viewing this event. So sad though to hear about the water conditions.
    Sending warmest wishes for a Happy Easter! 🐰🐣⛪🙏✝️

  11. I would enjoy being there to cheer on the teams in the boats and feel the community.
    Happy Easter to you and your loved ones.

  12. Happy Easter!!!
    Great boat race!

    Greetings Elke

  13. They were talking about this race on the radio this morning and mentioned the whole "jump in the river" thing and that because of the sewerage they don't want that to happen this year! Whomever you root on, I hope your crew wins!

  14. I think that level of pollution in the Thames is appalling!

  15. So nice read about the boat race!!

  16. We have the same problem with the pollution in our Ala Wai canal. Someone fell in once and got a flesh eating bacteria. I think they're trying to clean it up. I hope the boaters in your Boat Race is safe.

  17. Wow sounds like a big festive event !
    They are Lot of spectators. I wonder how they fit together to watch .I will check details.
    Thanks for the easiest recipe ever.
    I will try soon

  18. Great race but not good with the poor state of the Thames river water. A bit embarrassing really.

  19. I think it is fun to have a sporting event the whole family enjoys....

  20. When we lived in England it was closer to Cambridge so I would have to hope they win :)

  21. Esa carrera es muy interesante, me gusta. Besos.


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