Sunday, 9 June 2024

Did You Know ?

1. Mr Potato Head (more details here) was the first toy to be advertised on TV.

This was always a popular toy, did you have one in your house? 

2. Warner Bros cancelled “Home Alone” because they didn’t want to spend $14 million on it. 21st Century Fox continued the production, and the film grossed $476 million worldwide.

Have you seen it? It's such a fun film, the grandchildren recently requested seeing it at a family film afternoon 😊

3. It took the creator of the Rubik’s Cube, Erno Rubik, one month to solve the cube after creating it; as of June 2023, the human world record is 3.13 seconds. A robot has done it in 0.3 secs.

Have you ever done the Rubik's Cube? I haven't!

4. The brain is our fattiest organ and is composed of nearly 60% fat.

I did previously know this fact! 

5. More than 1/5 of all the calories consumed by humans worldwide is provided by rice alone.

Yes, rice is popular world-wide but many who wish to reduce their calories may prefer to serve cauliflower rice, see here,  and many stores/supermarkets now stock frozen cauliflower rice. It's a favourite in our house 😋

~ and as it's Sunday as I post this I wish all readers a happy one ~

This blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, music and recipes! However, not all the recipe ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. ...Rubiks Cube is too puzzling for me.

  2. REPLY TO Dee

    Many thanks for sharing your answers in the comments.

    That's an interesting question about the term FAT head.

    According to the Oxford English Dictionary the earliest known use of the noun fat-head is in the 1830s.

    OED's earliest evidence for fat-head is from 1835, in the writing of Richard Barham, writer and Church of England clergyman.

    Interestingly the term fat-headed was used as early as the 1500s.

    OED's earliest evidence for fat-headed is from around 1506, in Lytell Geste of Robyn Hode.

    I think many use the term 'fat-head' in a derogatory fashion.

    However did you know there is a fat-head pizza?
    You can see the recipe here

    All the best Jan

  3. 1-yes, we had Mr. Potato Head
    2-I have seen Home Alone many times, each year. We watch it every time it comes on at Christmas.
    3-I have tried Rubik's Cube.
    5-yes, But, I only eat brown rice about three times a year. I love blackeyed peas and brown rice with no seasoning at all, not even salt.

  4. Those are fun facts!
    Yes, Home Alone is a good one.
    I've had a Rubiks cube. I can do one side, but not the whole thing.
    Interesting about the brain!

  5. No sabía muchos datos. Te mando un beso.

  6. No rubiks cube here - or a Mr Potato Head. I did know that about the brain - and some are fatter than others.

  7. Did the cube some time ago, probably couldn't do it now.
    Didn't know about the brain and all of that fat.
    Thank goodness I don't eat much rice!
    Saw the movie many years ago, wouldn't bother to watch it now.

  8. Your facts always bring me joy to read about

  9. Interesting facts. I didn't know about brains being 60% fat!
    I have never yet managed to solve Rubik's cube - things like that frustrate me:-)

  10. Hi Jan,
    Interesting facts.
    I love the movie "Home Alone" whenever the movie comes back on TV I watch it 😊
    I never tried to make a Rubic's cube, but my son really enjoyed doing it.
    Have a nice Sunday.
    Hugs and all the best

  11. Fun facts!
    Have a happy week!

  12. This was fun, Jan -- and I didn't know a single one of these!

  13. Grazie mille per queste belle informazioni.
    Soprattutto non sapevo quella sul film "mamma ho perso l'aereo".
    Direi che la Warner ha fatto un grande errore.

  14. I didn't have a Mr. Potato head, but I played with it at various friends homes. I've seen Home Alone. Cute movie but not one I want to watch over and over again. Solving a Rubik cube is beyond me. I wonder if the expression Fat Head came from the brain being mostly fat? Cauliflower rice will not fly here. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  15. On April 30, 1952, Mr. Potato Head became, as you say, the first toy advertised on television. The campaign was also the first aimed directly at children; Before this, commercials were only aimed at adults, including toy ads.

  16. Fascinating toy info ~ Amazing about 'Home Alone.' ~ thanks, hugs,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Good facts. I have only seen Home Alone recently! I was 10 when it was first out!

  18. 1. Yes, and I had the one where you had to use a real potato.
    2. Yes, have seen Home alone.
    3. Yes, had a Rubik's cube but never solved it.
    4. Knew
    5. Didn't know

  19. Potato Head looked like me.

    God bless.

  20. Unos datos muy interesantes. La película, la he visto alguna vez, el cubo de Rubik intenté hacerlo varias veces, pero no lo conseguí, lo del cerebro sí lo conocía, arroz, no suelo comerlo mucho. Besos.


    J.P. Alexander said...
    No sabía muchos datos. Te mando un beso

    I didn't know a lot of facts. I send you a kiss

    Stefania said...
    Grazie mille per queste belle informazioni.
    Soprattutto non sapevo quella sul film "mamma ho perso l'aereo".
    Direi che la Warner ha fatto un grande errore

    Thank you so much for this nice information.
    Above all, I didn't know the one about the movie "Mom I Missed the Plane".
    I would say Warner made a big mistake.

    Teresa said...
    Unos datos muy interesantes. La película, la he visto alguna vez, el cubo de Rubik intenté hacerlo varias veces, pero no lo conseguí, lo del cerebro sí lo conocía, arroz, no suelo comerlo mucho. Besos

    Very interesting data. The film, I've seen it once, the Rubik's Cube I tried to make several times, but I didn't succeed, I did know the brain thing, rice, I don't usually eat it much. Kisses

  22. Wow that surprised me about Home Alone, I bet they are sick they turned it down. That is scary about the rubics cube that robots are better than people. That is crazy about the rice. Hope you had a great weekend!

  23. I did not know any of these facts. I did not have a Mr. Potato head but my girls did....I have never worked a Rubik's cube...I should get one. I have seen Home it. Have you seen Dennis the Menace? Or Mrs. Doubtfire. Both of those are fun, too.

  24. Enjoyed this post and all the interesting tidbits. Thanks

  25. So the insulting term of being called a "fat head" could actually just be stating the truth. LOL!


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