Wednesday 21 August 2024

With thanks, from the bottom of my heart ...

As you can imagine these past weeks have not been easy as I adjust to life without my darling Eddie. I am so fortunate to have wonderful family and special friends who are very supportive and helping me through this difficult period.

I must also say a big thank you to all my blogland friends. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the wonderful thoughts and good wishes you have left in comments and emails... they mean so much to me.

I do hope to get back to blogging soon and continue posting on the low carb diabetic blog that Eddie first started back in 2010. For now I'm going to sign off with words that Eddie often wrote, "good luck and good health to all"

~ my thanks ~

All the best Jan


  1. ...Jan, you need to take care of important things first. Take care and be well.

  2. I hope the disruption in your life will be not too rough with the help of friends and family support.

  3. Thanks for your message, Jan, and for this update. My heart still hurts for you. I hope you are faring well and have a community of treasured family and friends who will help ease your journey and aid in your healing during this heartbreaking time.

  4. Jan,
    I was away on vacation and only now did I see that your beloved husband had died. My friend, I regret it from the bottom of my heart, may he rest in peace and may you find the strength to overcome these difficult moments.
    A big hug from Maria

  5. Que triste perda essa! Desejo que tenhas força pra esse triste momento ewnfrentar ! Quando der, volta! beijos e meus sentimentos, chica

  6. May God strenghten you and family during this period of grief! May Eddie's soul rest in peace!

  7. Oh dear Jan, I'm so sorry to read this news about Eddie. We have been away and I must have missed this news. Do take care of yourself and know that I will be thinking of you and your dear family.

  8. So happy to hear from you Jan and that you are well.

  9. I am still praying for you all.

    God bless.

  10. Te mando un beso y todo mi cariño.

  11. I was just thinking about you today Jan. It is so very good to hear from you again. Take care.

  12. Jan, I am sorry for what happened. Don't leave the blog, writing will do you good.


    chica said ...Que triste perda essa! Desejo que tenhas força pra esse triste momento ewnfrentar ! Quando der, volta! beijos e meus sentimentos, chica

    What a sad loss this was! I wish you have strength for this sad moment to face ! When you can, come back! Kisses and my feelings, Chica

    J.P.Alexander said ...Te mando un beso y todo mi cariño.

    I send you a kiss and all my love.

  14. Very understandable to step back. Love and huggs to you.

  15. It's good to hear from you, you've been in my thoughts and prayers.
    Take the time you need, just know we'll always be happy to see you here.

  16. I'm so very sorry to hear this news. I'll will be praying for peace and comfort for you during this time. I lost my dear mother five months ago, so sadly I know what you are going through. Sending prayers and hugs.

  17. Take time for yourself and in the comfort of family and friends.

  18. I am still so sorry for your loss. I am glad you have a good support system but even with that I know it will take time. I do think of you often.

  19. The most important thing now is to be gentle on yourself. Let your family and friends look after you. We all grieve differently, so take your time. Thank you for your sweet note. Sending healing love. Debbie

  20. Taking good care of yourself and come back when you are ready, Jan.

  21. I am so glad that you have family and friends to support you during these difficult days. Thank you for the comment on my blog. Take good care of yourself, dear Jan. Praying for comfort.

  22. Huge hugs and much love. Come back when you are ready. We will keep the light on for you.

  23. Dear Jan, thank you for visiting my blog. Take care of and take your time. A hug from me.

  24. I'm pleased you are ok Jan. Look forward to your return when you feel like you are ready. All the best, take care..

  25. We are all here for you dear friend…much love to you!🩷

  26. I have been thinking of you and wishing you well. For your beloved Eddie you will carry on blogging, in your own good time. Meanwhile, take care, laugh and cry and adjust to a different way of living. x x x

  27. It's good that you have family and friends to help and support you through this difficult time. Sending my very best wishes to you all.

  28. Thanks for checking in. Breathe, Drink water, eat something even if you're not hungry, baby steps through your tasks. (I was really surprised that my tummy was so mixed up when I lost my hubby at 29, I lost 18 pounds just in one month. Be careful for YOU right now.) Linda in Kansas

  29. I hope you're hanging in there. No rush to blog, we haven't forgotten you, and my thoughts are still with you. hugs-Erika

  30. Good to know that you have family and friends to help you in this difficult time. Jan, please take care of yourself

  31. Thinking of you and your family, Jan. Take all the time you need. Xx

  32. We'll be thinking of you. Take the time you need and take care of yourself.

  33. So good that you have family and friends to help you through. Take the time you need and we will be here when you feel ready to blog again. Continuing to pray each morning for you.

  34. i have thought of you so often jan, it was nice to hear from you today!! i hope you are surrounded with family and love, you really need that!! the time you are alone will be difficult...try to fill your thoughts with the happy times you and eddie shared together!! i am sending you a big warm hug from the jersey shore!!

  35. So glad to hear your family and friends are with you at this difficult time. And so glad you are going to return to the blog and keep it going. We will be here for your next post. Sending lots of love and hugs to you and your family xx

  36. Please take your time, we will look forward to your return. Best wishes to you and your family.

  37. Take your time. I took some time off when my late husband passed away. Make sure you take care of yourself.

  38. My deepest sympathy and prayers for the loss of Eddie
    He will be greatly missed. His gotta laf posts were a favorite
    You are in my heart.

  39. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  40. Take your time, there is no need to rush back. We will all be here here for you.
    Sending prayers for you and your family.

  41. Take care of yourself and only come back when you feel ready. We will be here waiting xx

  42. I’m glad you have friends and family to support you. Best wishes.

  43. So sorry to about Eddie, I didn't know him and it was still a shock. Best wishes to you and your family and take as much time as you need away from blogging.

  44. Hello, sending extra hugs and prayers.
    I enjoyed the You Gotta Laugh posts. I usually shared them with my husband.
    xx oo

  45. These times are hard :( and you must do what's best for you in these days. We'll still be here when you get back.

  46. I hope the blog and the community will bring you some comfort, Jan.

  47. Stopped by to see if you had posted. So glad you have such good friends and family around you. I know in time when it feels right for you, you will be back posting. Hugs to you - big hug.

  48. Dear Jan, this age of global connection has created new bonds between human beings in distant locations around the world. I’ve known that bond between myself and you and Eddie. Thank you for the beautiful post you’ve written here. Count me among the many who will be looking forward to your return to blogging. In the meantime, prayers and best wishes to you. John

  49. Hello Jan :)
    I have just come from John's blog and read your comment ,that is why I know that your Eddie has passed away. I came immediately to give you my heart felt condolences. My heart is saddened by this news and it is good that your family and friends give you the support you need at this emotional and difficult time, I join with them in saying I'm so sorry and only time will help you bare your loss. I will be thinking of you and wishing you well.
    My best wishes

  50. Jan I have been thinking of you and wondering how you are doing. I am so glad to hear you have a great support system to help you through this most difficult time! (((((hugs))))

  51. It's understandable that you will need time and take time to care for yourself. We will be thinking of you and looking forward to your return. Your blogging friends are here for you.

  52. I have been thinking of you Jan and so glad to know you have the support of family and friends. Wishing you peace and healing my friend.

  53. Lo mismo te deseo para ti . Te dejo un abrazo fuerte.

  54. I just saw your post. I’m so sorry for your loss. May you find comfort in us and unexpected places. Many hugs.

  55. My deepest condolences, these are hard times and many memories that will always accompany, never let loved ones die, they always live in us.
    Lots of encouragement

  56. I had not known. I'd been so busy that blog reading had fallen by the wayside.


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