Thursday, 7 November 2024

Spiders ... should we learn to love them ?

Some of us do not mind spiders, the one above looks quite friendly, and growing up (and even now) if we had a larger house spider we would always nickname it Fred! I'm really not sure how that tradition started but I can still remember the children, and now the grandchildren, calling the larger house spiders Fred!

For those who are not keen on them perhaps 'we should learn to love them' - because big spiders aren't as scary as you may think!

Here in the UK, it is that time again where you might start to see more spiders appearing in your home - and they may look bigger than before!

Right now it's 'spider season', which happens every year - just like the leaves falling.

Some people find spiders a bit scary, but is there really that much to fear?

Dr Sara Goodacre, spider expert at the University of Nottingham, gives more details about our eight-legged friends and why they appear to be so big right now.

Why are there more spiders at this time of year?

Dr Sara says that the number of spiders doesn't actually increase in autumn - it's just that we might notice them more because they're bigger and come indoors.

According to Dr Sara, "spiders become adults at this time of year, and that's why they're bigger than before". She says that it's actually "a good thing" that we see lots more bigger spiders in our homes, as it's "a sign that spiders are healthy and everything is as it should be in the world around us".

"House spiders might be running round, but that's only because they're looking for mates or trying to find a dark space to be in. Spiders are quite good at sprinting, but they get tired quickly, so they'll often just sit once they've found a safe place."

Are spiders scary?

Whilst it's a matter of opinion, Dr Sara does lots of research on spiders and says there's nothing to worry about when we see one indoors.

"One key thing to know, especially if you're nervous around spiders, is that they're not dangerous in the UK."

Dr Sara says that we should "treat a spider more like a butterfly" if we find them in our home, and be curious about it.

"First, give it a name! Then have a look at it from a distance. Does it have markings on its legs that look like stripy socks? If so, that means it's one type of house spider, and if not, it's a different one."

There's lots of spider species that can change depending on where you live in the UK.

"Spiders are incredible creatures"

Dr Sara is part of a team who are working on copying the silk that spiders use to create webs and catch insects, so that it can be used to help humans out in other ways. There's research underway to use spider silk to help human cells regrow, as well as using it to release antibiotics in cells to treat people who are unwell.

Smaller spiders are also able to "fly" by using their silk to make mini sails with which they can catch the wind. Dr Sara says they can travel up to 70km in a day by doing this!

Sara says that "spiders are beautiful and creative... I really think they do have superpowers!" She says, that as spiders "stop insects we don’t want from eating the crops that we grow for food, we're in real trouble if we lose that balance".
So maybe it's time to look at these creatures a little bit differently!
Words above taken from article here

… and if you want to take your mind away from spiders ...
sit down with a cuppa and enjoy a slice of
 Italian Low Carb Lemon Cake - see details here

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All the best Jan


  1. ...spiders in our house are not welcomed visits.

  2. I don't have any issue with spiders.

  3. I don't actually want spiders crawling on me, but I do leave them alone. They are interesting...and I know they do so much good.

  4. We had huge cane spiders that often came into the house when I was growing up. I was deathly afraid of them. I still don't like them even if they're harmless. I don't actually know why. My mother hates snakes, but I'm OK with them. Strange how we can develop these phobias.

  5. You post a good topic. They play an important part in nature.

  6. I don't mind spiders too much. They make beautiful webs that I admire. I'd just as soon they stay outside my house.

  7. I quite like spiders though some of ours are venomous. I love their architecture too.

  8. In my house I had the microwave sitting in a corner. There was a triangle behind the microwave that seemed to never be cleaned or collected crumbs. So, I tried to clean that area often. I noticed a spider web in the area where the side of the microwave met the wall. As I pulled the microwave out, I noticed a small spider on a web and tiny bug in the web. I decided the spiders were catching all the fruit flies in my kitchen. They drove me crazy. I decided the spiders were catching fruit flies, so I never killed them again.
    Now, I did sweep the ones off the ceiling in my bedroom.

  9. Thanks for sharing -Christine

  10. I'm not keen on spiders, but since I started looking at them more closely, through macro photography, I find them more fascinating than terrifying. I'm glad we don't have poisonous spiders in this country, though.

  11. Very interesting about spiders in your part of the world, Jan.
    Not fond of spiders, and we have one that comes into houses, if bitten it may cause problems for the victim.

  12. I start to love spiders after getting into macro photography

  13. 70km, wow. Not really a fan, but if I see one again, it really might help, if I gave it name, good idea.
    I love book "Charlotte´s Web".

  14. Spider are great, to have outside the house.
    The cake look yummy! Take care, have a great day!

  15. Great post. I've never had a problem with house spiders. They do more good than harm.

  16. I love spiders so much. They are amazing creatures. I am not a fan of flies so having spiders in the house controls the flies during summer. Their webs are amazing too. Now if I lived in another country with venomous spiders I might not feel the same though! One good thing about Scotland, no nasties and as I am always taking photos and holding them that's a plus!

  17. I don't mind most spiders, but I can't say the same about the rest of my household. Here, most of the spiders you see are safe, but there's always the danger of those hiding in dark places being very venomous (black widows and brown recluse)

  18. Not a fan of spiders. I've been bitten twice. I am a fan of that cake and I'd gladly take a bite or two

  19. I like spiders, and I don't kill the ones in the house, but I do sweep away their webs too often, and not always on purpose. This was a fun season read. :)

  20. I'm fine with them as long as they aren't in my house!

  21. Interesting information about those creatures! I am not afraid of spiders.
    Thanks for sharing that Italian lemon cake :-)

  22. Love it.

  23. I know they do have a good purpose, but I still think they are scary. :-)

  24. We have Stink Bug Season. And, when they let their smell go, gross, gross, gross.

  25. Trato de matarlas, cuando las veo. gracias por la receta. Te mando un beso.

  26. Spiders are fascinating and great information post about them ~ thanks,

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    clm ~ A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  27. Jan, spiders are excellent natural predators, which means that they kill mosquitoes, flies, cockroaches and other types of insects that have entered your home, so when there are spiders in the house, they help keep the population of other insects under control.
    But... I better not get any of them in my way!

  28. Love spiders! My other half is terrified of them though, so they’re not welcome in our house. He still catches them and sets them free on the other side of the road, though, no matter how scared he is - he’d never kill one. My dreams of owning a tarantula are long dead now 😂

  29. I just found a spider in my sink hiding along the plastic I cleaned to put in the recycle bin, he wasn't too big but he was quite hairy and all I could think was it needed to be killed, maybe next time I will try and catch him and take him outdoors :)

  30. I don't mind spiders but don't particularly want them in the house and I do squash them.

  31. I don't like spiders, but I will always carefully remove them from the house, and politely ask them to not return :)


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