Sunday, 29 December 2024

Chocolate and Brandy Shots : A Mary Berry Recipe

This Mary Berry recipe could be the quickest chocolate mousse you will ever make – no raw eggs or gelatine. It’s very rich but that’s perfect for a small serving after a meal. Serve in small espresso cups or shot glasses, you will need 8-12 depending on size. This recipe is egg free, gluten free and suitable for vegetarians. Makes a nice New Year's Eve treat!

200g/7oz dark chocolate (approx. 52% cocoa solids)
2 tbsp brandy
150ml/¼ pint pouring double (heavy) cream
250g/9oz full-fat mascarpone cheese, at room temperature

1. Remove 2 squares of chocolate and finely grate them. Set aside for the garnish.
2. Break the remaining chocolate into a pan, pour in the brandy and cream, and heat gently until the chocolate is melted and well incorporated. Set aside to cool slightly.
3. Spoon the mascarpone into a large bowl. Stir well so it is a smooth paste, then gradually add the melted chocolate mixture and mix until smooth.
4. Pour into your shot glasses or espresso cups. Sprinkle the grated chocolate on top and chill in the fridge for at least 2 hours. Serve chilled.

This recipe can be made up to 2 days ahead. Not suitable for freezing.
From an idea seen here

Other Chocolate Recipes You May Like
Chocolate, Vegan Low Carb Desserts see here
Chocolate Mousse, made the low carb way see here
Chocolate Heaven Cake, gluten free, wheat free, low carb see here

You will find a variety of recipe ideas, within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use a reliable meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. I would like to try this...

    1. As you have mentioned, that's perfect for a small serving after lunch. Thanks!
      Enjoy the last Sunday of the year ❄️

  2. They look and sound delicious indeed.
    Have a good weekend, don't get lost in the fog!

  3. Gracias por la receta. Se ve muy rica, Te mando un beso.

  4. Sounds good! -Christine

  5. ...before Christmas I saw Mary Berry Highland Christmas on public TV.

  6. These sound and look amazing .... a Question: What nutrient value do cherries have? x

  7. It does indeed sound quick and easy to make. And rich.

  8. Looks and sounds good, Jan.
    Happy New Year and may it be a good one.

  9. Oh! what deliciousness. Unfortunately, with cheese and cream. I can't eat it. Is there anything to replace it?
    Jam, I wish you a wonderful Sunday.

  10. This looks most indulgent. 😀

  11. Sounds and look delicious!
    Take care and enjoy these last days of 2024.
    I wish you all the best in 2025, Happy New Year!

  12. I don't think I've ever had brandy. Looks like a delicious dessert!

  13. Chocolate and brandy are very versatile. You can have them as in your recipe or separate. Or you can make your recipe and have them separately at the same time.

    God bless.

  14. Puff I don't know which one I like more, I think that wearing chocolate is already a lot, I take note
    My best wishes for this new year 2025 with your loved ones
    Best regards

  15. I know we would love this special treat. Happy New Year Jan!

  16. Many thanks for your comments and questions ...

    aussie aNNie said
    These sound and look amazing .... a Question: What nutrient value do cherries have?

    Hello Annie,
    Cherries: The deep red, beautiful berries are a delicious and healthy snack. Cherries are low in calories, but high in various nutrients like fibre and vitamin C. They also contain many antioxidants and plant compounds. Cherries contain nutrients that may protect against diseases such as cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s.
    More to read here:-

    ♥ Łucja-Maria ♥ said
    Oh! what deliciousness. Unfortunately, with cheese and cream. I can't eat it. Is there anything to replace it?
    Jam, I wish you a wonderful Sunday.

    Hello and thanks for your question.
    This silky chocolate mousse recipe may be better for you as it uses silken tofu and coconut oil, more details here :-

  17. REPLY TO Linda who left this comment on my previous Diabetes News post.

    It depends on whether AI is used for good or evil. I wonder if that would work without brandy?

    Hello Linda
    I'm sure this would be fine without the brandy, you could perhaps try it and see.
    If you should try it please come back and let us know what you thought.
    Thank you.

    All the best Jan

  18. I think I would enjoy one of these. They look delicious. Happy last few days of 2024.

  19. this sounds so good. and with only a small amount of brandy, i could have this!!

  20. New to me but I would love to try it.

  21. Ash said ...
    Yum! That looks so good

  22. Now that has got the juices flowing. It sounds so yummy

  23. this sounds good-- with or without the brandy!

  24. looks easy and rich??? Yum...All the best to you in 2025!! Happy New Year

  25. MMM, that looks good. I made some low carb apple muffins at Christmas, not sure what I did wrong but they didn't turn out well. I had one, hubby had 3 and we threw out the rest.

  26. REPLY TO

    Conniecrafter who (as part of her comment) said:
    "I made some low carb apple muffins at Christmas, not sure what I did wrong but they didn't turn out well"

    Hello Connie, so sorry to read that your low carb apple muffins were not successful.
    Have a look at Katrins post (use the link below) she may give you some helpful pointers :)

    All the best Jan

  27. Me ha encantado este postre, seguro que lo haré un día , y seguro que les gustará a mi familia. Gracias y besos.


    J.P. Alexander
    Gracias por la receta. Se ve muy rica, Te mando un beso.

    Thanks for the recipe. It looks very rich, I send you a kiss.

    Sembra squisita

    It looks exquisite

    Me ha encantado este postre, seguro que lo haré un día , y seguro que les gustará a mi familia. Gracias y besos

    I loved this dessert, I'm sure I'll make it one day, and I'm sure my family will like it. Thanks and kisses


The lowcarb team value your comments. Thank you for taking the time to contribute to our blog. Please note! negative comments and insults from anonymous idiots, with nothing to add to the debate will not be authorised. However, we welcome constructive criticism.

The best of health to you and yours.
