Saturday, 21 December 2024

Flop has found her waddle again!

As the saying goes - great minds think alike! I had this post in draft ready to publish on the 2nd December but Janice at 'Jabblog' beat me to it! She posted news about Flop on the 1st December. However, it is such a heart-warming story I thought I would still post it on this blog - just wait a week or two - and in a more recent update there has also been news of Flop in Canada too, because apparently the Zookeepers in England used the technique that helped a Toronto penguin with a similar illness, more on that can be read here

If you haven't already seen this story, or even if you have, I hope you enjoy it ... personally I like stories like this, and the video I link to below is highly recommended.

How Flop the penguin learned to walk

Keepers at Dudley Zoo have helped a little penguin to learn to waddle again.

Flop the Humboldt penguin hatched in April but lost her ability to stand after an infection and became very poorly.

Zoo staff saved her life by making a special baby bouncer especially designed to keep Flop upright - particularly at feeding time.

Thanks to this, some penguin physiotherapy and a lot of hard work from Flop and friends she has now healed well enough to get back on her feet.

Keepers even made a penguin treadmill and adapted a baby walker to help her find her waddle again.

photo credit - Dudley Zoo

It took Flop about a month to build enough strength to rejoin the other young penguins in the colony.

The bird will eventually return to the main colony, although keepers say she will always be smaller than the others.

In a statement, Dudley Zoo said: "Flop, our very special penguin has found her waddle and we can’t wait to watch how she adapts to any challenges that come her way in the future."
There is a lovely video here of Flop, she really is a cutie.
Words above from story seen here

All the best Jan


  1. ...penguins are such interesting critters!

  2. The video was lovely to watch. A nice post.


  3. Que bien por el pingüino. Te mando un beso.

  4. Thankfully, they worked hard to save her.

  5. What a heartwarming story! Flop’s recovery is nothing short of inspiring, and the innovative solutions by the zoo staff, from the baby bouncer to the penguin treadmill, are truly creative and compassionate. It’s always wonderful to hear about animals being given such thoughtful care, and it’s great that Flop is now able to waddle again! Thanks for sharing this update, even though Janice beat you to it—it's a story worth repeating!

    Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a joyful holiday season! 🎄

  6. A heart-warming story and video

  7. I hope Flop has a long and healthy life.

  8. They are marvelous creatures!

  9. Didn't know about this. Interesting.

  10. How lovely to learn more about Flop. I didn't know about Flap in Toronto. It's wonderful that experiences and expertise are shared between zoo staff across the world. Thank you for this post, Jan. Have a lovely weekend. (It's damp and cold here in Berkshire.)

  11. What a cute story, love the penguin.
    I am glad it found it's waddle.
    Take care, have a wonderful weekend.

  12. The whole world loves a penguin, but we are slowly (well, not so slowly anymore) and systematically destroying their habitat. Some species are flirting with extinction.

  13. This is such a happy story. I'm so glad you shared it because we all could use some happy.

  14. Awww, so cute! I'm glad you posted it.

  15. In the Patagonia of Argentina there is a penguin reserve.
    It is translated into English. I send you the video

  16. You just can't get enough of Flop, I've read about her earlier but still, happy tears filled my eyes again. I love and admire those who work with animals and spend so much time and effort to make a sick one whole again.

  17. A lovely story Jan and I'm glad you published it. So happy for Flop.
    Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for 2025. Avril xx


  18. Me alegra ver así al pingúino.
    Os deseo unas buenas fiestas. Feliz Navidad para Todos.
    Un abrazo.


    J.P. Alexander
    Que bien por el pingüino. Te mando un beso.

    Good for the penguin. I send you a kiss.

    Laura. M
    Me alegra ver así al pingúino.
    Os deseo unas buenas fiestas. Feliz Navidad para Todos.
    Un abrazo

    I'm glad to see the penguin like this.
    I wish you a good holiday season. Merry Christmas to all.
    A hug

  20. REPLY TO
    Norma2 who said ...
    In the Patagonia of Argentina there is a penguin reserve.
    It is translated into English. I send you the video

    Many thanks for sending this link.

    All the best Jan

  21. all the best for Flop .. thanks for the report!
    greetings Elke

  22. I am happy you shared this touching story Jan, as I believe I missed it at Janice's blog. Darling little Flop! All the best!

  23. It's so wonderful they were able to help Flog.

  24. It is always so amazing to see the stories of how they can help animals get back their ability to function again, he is so cute!

  25. Me ha gustado mucho esta noticia tan bonita. Abrazos y Feliz Navidad.


    Me ha gustado mucho esta noticia tan bonita. Abrazos y Feliz Navidad

    I really liked this beautiful news. Hugs and Merry Christmas


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