Friday, 20 December 2024

Friday Meal Choices : What May You Choose ?

As Friday comes around again, I'm sharing four meal suggestions.
Will you choose one of them?
Or perhaps you have something different in mind?
Please share your thoughts in the comments below 😊

Paprika Pork with Red Peppers : Low Carb Dinner
Just lightly spiced and satisfyingly creamy, this pork recipe needs only a handful of ingredients,
and the addition of sliced red peppers gives the dish more depth and texture.
more details can be seen here

Chicken Casserole ... a little like mother used to make !
With its high level of good quality protein, as well as B vitamins, iron, copper and selenium,
chicken is always a popular choice. This recipe is quite like mother used to make … 
I can almost smell it cooking now!
more details can be seen here

Individual Fish Pies : Low Carb, Dairy Free and Tasty !
This lovely dish served in individual dishes just adds to it somehow,
especially with some chopped fresh parsley on top ... Tasty!
more details can be seen here

Roasted Cauliflower Steak & Spanakopita Melts
take all the flavours of the Greek spinach pie, spanakopita,
and put it on a low-carb roasted cauliflower steak
more details can be seen within this post here

You will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e., use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. They all look great Jan. I have some chicken defrosting in the refrigerator so maybe the chicken casserole. Have a happy evening!


  2. ...I'm going with the chicken casserole.

  3. I would choose the paprika pork, it looks delicious!

  4. I think I would choose cauliflower pie.

  5. Lovely selection -Christine

  6. I need to show my daughter the recipe for the cauliflower... I went and looked and seen that I have the same reaction...I would love to try it.

  7. Both of these recipes sound delicious and comforting! The paprika pork with red peppers seems like a perfect balance of flavor and texture, while the chicken casserole brings back warm, nostalgic memories of home-cooked meals. They both seem like great options for a satisfying, low-carb dinner! I invite you to read my latest blog post:

  8. I like all of them, but since it's Friday, I will choose the fish.

  9. They all look very nice, Jan. Baked chicken legs here for dinner this evening.

  10. My choice would definitely be the cauliflower steak. Sounds quite tasty.

  11. I´m still sitting on Ingo´s old, cooked potatoes. I´ll fry them, add sliced chicken breast with an egg and cheese, parsley. Salt, pepper. I am soooo boring. But I cannot throw food away (unless it really goes wrong... or bad).

  12. I don't think I could manage any of them. If I ate meat I would pick the chicken or the fish pie, but I never did really enjoy pork or cauliflower. My favourite meats when I ate meat were lamb, turkey and oily fish. I enjoyed fish pie but not with eggs in it.
    keep safe and warm, looks like more windy weather! Debbie

  13. Thank you. The cauliflower steak would be delicious when our weather cools down. For the moment salads are my go to.

  14. Io sceglierei il pollo.Buon fine settimana.

  15. Hello,
    They all look delicious! I would probably choose the Chicken casserole.
    Take care, have a great day and a happy weekend!

  16. These definitely look delicious! I particularly love the roasted cauliflower steak idea. I make pizza on Fridays, but would certainly try these recipes! Have a nice weekend, Jan!

  17. I like the idea of a cauliflower steak!

  18. That looks delicious, thanks for sharing.
    Jan, I wish you and all your loved ones a peaceful Holidays and a New Year, full of everything good, especially health.
    Take care and Best wishes

  19. Looks yummy. If it would get colder and stay that way, I would love to be making some soup!

  20. It's looking delicious. Thank you for your friendship. Merry christmas !

  21. Delicious looking options, Jan. I am intrigued by the cauliflower steak.

  22. Everything here always looks so good. I never really plan meals for my type 1 diabetes, but they usually end up being low carb.

  23. I fancy the individual fish pies today, but all the dishes look so tempting.

  24. The fish pie I would like to try it. It looks yummy.

  25. They all look yummy but if I had to pick I'd chose the Fish Pie.

  26. Hmmm. That's a tough choice. I think I might go with the fish pie, seeing I wish I had some fish in the house right now. Have a great weekend,

  27. Gracias por la recetas. Te mando un beso.

  28. that first pork dish sounds interesting. We went out to a mexican restaurant this eveing, they have some dishes we can actually eat.

  29. They al look delicious but the fish pie most intrigues me.

  30. They all look delicious, thanks for the link to the recipes. Avril xx

  31. This would be a hard choice, they all look delicious! Thanks for the link and all the best!

  32. I love me some roasted cauli. It's just so good in the air fryer too. Leftover-wise though, not so much. Freshly roasted though, count me in!

  33. Elegiría el pollo y la coliflor. Besos.


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The best of health to you and yours.
