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Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Balance Declines With Age, But Exercise Can Help !

How's your balance? : 'Balance declines with age, but exercise can help stave off some of the risk of falling'

image from google

Sharing an article by Evan Papa Associate Professor of Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Science, Tufts University

Balance declines with age, but exercise can help stave off some of the risk of falling

Each year, about 1 in every 4 older adults experience a fall. In fact, falls are the leading cause of injuries in adults ages 65 and older. Falls are the most common cause of hip fractures and traumatic brain injuries.

Injuries like those are also risk factors for placement in a nursing home, where the fall risk is nearly three times higher than for people living in the community.

A number of physical changes with ageing often go unseen preceding falls, including muscle weakness, decreased balance and changes in vision.

Why ageing leads to increased risk of falls:
Ageing is a process that affects the systems and tissues of every person. The rate and magnitude of ageing may be different for each person, but overall physical decline is an inevitable part of life. Most people think ageing starts in their 60's, but in fact we spend most of our life span undergoing the process of decline, typically beginning in our 30's.

Older adults are more prone to falling for various reasons, including age-related changes in their bodies and vision changes that leave them vulnerable to environmental factors such as curbs, stairs and carpet folds.

Here are some common reasons older adults may experience falls:
First, ageing leads to a natural loss of muscle strength and flexibility, making it more challenging to maintain balance and stability. The loss of strength and poor balance are two of the most common causes of falls.

Second, older adults often have chronic conditions such as arthritis, Parkinson’s disease or diabetes that can affect their mobility, coordination and overall stability.

In addition, certain medications commonly taken by older adults, such as sedatives or blood pressure drugs, can cause dizziness, drowsiness or a drop in blood pressure, leading to an increased risk of falls.

Age-related vision changes, such as reduced depth perception and peripheral vision and difficulty in differentiating colours or contrasts, can make it harder to navigate and identify potential hazards. Hazards in the environment, such as uneven surfaces, slippery floors, inadequate lighting, loose rugs or carpets or cluttered pathways, can significantly contribute to falls among older adults.

Older adults who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have limited physical activity may also experience reduced strength, flexibility and balance.

And finally, such conditions as dementia or Alzheimer’s disease can affect judgement, attention and spatial awareness, leading to increased fall risk.

Theories of ageing:
There are numerous theories about why we age but there is no one unifying notion that explains all the changes in our bodies. A large portion of ageing-related decline is caused by our genes, which determine the structure and function of bones, muscle growth and repair and visual depth perception, among other things. But there are also numerous lifestyle-related factors that influence our rate of ageing including diet, exercise, stress and exposure to environmental toxins.

A recent advance in scientific understanding of ageing is that there is a difference between your chronological age and your biological age. Chronological age is simply the number of years you’ve been on the Earth. Biological age, however, refers to how old your cells and tissues are. It is based on physiological evidence from a blood test and is related to your physical and functional ability. Thus, if you’re healthy and fit, your biological age may be lower than your chronological age. However, the reverse can also be true.

Evan Papa encourages patients to focus on their biological age because it empowers them to take control over the ageing process. We obviously have no control over when we are born. By focusing on the age of our cells, we can avoid long-held beliefs that our bodies are destined to develop cancer, diabetes or other conditions that have historically been tied to how long we live.

And by taking control of diet, exercise, sleep and other lifestyle factors you can actually decrease your biological age and improve your quality of life.

Fall prevention:
Adopting lifestyle changes such as regular, long-term exercise can reduce the consequences of ageing, including falls and injuries. Following a healthy diet, managing chronic conditions, reviewing medications with health care professionals, maintaining a safe home environment and getting regular vision checkups can also help reduce the risk of falls in older adults.

There are several exercises that physical therapists use to improve balance for patients. It is important to note however, that before starting any exercise program, everyone should consult with a health care professional or a qualified physical therapist to determine the most appropriate exercises for their specific needs.

Here are forms of exercise Evan commonly recommends to his patients to improve balance:

1. Balance training can help improve coordination and proprioception, which is the body’s ability to sense where it is in space. By practising movements that challenge the body’s balance, such as standing on one leg or walking heel-to-toe, the nervous system becomes better at coordinating movement and maintaining balance. A large research study analysing nearly 8,000 older adults found that balance and functional exercises reduce the rate of falls by 24%.

2. Strength training exercises involve lifting weights or using resistance bands to increase muscle strength and power. By strengthening the muscles in the legs, hips and core, older adults can improve their ability to maintain balance and stability.

3. Tai chi is a gentle martial art that focuses on slow, controlled movements and shifting body weight. Research shows that it can improve balance, strength and flexibility in older adults. Several combined studies in tai chi have demonstrated a 20% reduction in the number of people who experience falls.

4. Certain yoga poses can enhance balance and stability. Tree pose, warrior pose and mountain pose are examples of poses that can help improve balance. It’s best to practice yoga under the guidance of a qualified instructor who can adapt the poses to individual abilities.

5. Flexibility training involves stretching the muscles and joints, which can improve range of motion and reduce stiffness. By improving range of motion, older adults can improve their ability to move safely and avoid falls caused by limitations in mobility.

6. Use of assistive devices can be helpful when strength or balance impairments are present. Research studies involving the evaluation of canes and walkers used by older adults confirm that these devices can improve balance and mobility. Training from a physical or occupational therapist in the proper use of assistive devices is an important part of improving safety.

The above taken from original article, which you can read in full, with all relevant research links here

How's your balance? I do practice number one, and I've always wanted to try number three ... perhaps I just might 😊

Please note that articles within this blog are provided for general information only, and should not be treated as a substitute for the medical advice of your own doctor or any other health care professional. If you have any concerns about your general health, including medication, you should contact your Doctor/local health care provider.

All the best Jan


DeniseinVA said...

Great article Jan, I am having balance issues since I sprained my knee. I shall bookmark this. Thank you and all the best :)

DVArtist said...

I will be 73 in a few months. I do balance and fitness walking almost everyday. Light weights too. My grandmother lived to be 104, she told all of us to keep moving everyday.

J.P. Alexander said...

Si hay que mantenerse activo y cuidarse. Te mando un beso.

Mari said...

My balance is definitely worse than it used to be. You've shared some good ideas. Thanks!

Christine said...

Good advice.

John's Island said...

Hello Jan, This is an excellent article … thank you for sharing. If I could highlight one sentence, it is this one: “And by taking control of diet, exercise, sleep and other lifestyle factors you can actually decrease your biological age and improve your quality of life.” Evan gives us lots to think about! I am going to print this post out and save it in a file I keep for life guidelines. I send you wishes for a happy rest of the week. Again, thank you for sharing your blog. John

Angie's Recipes said...

A long time yogi and strength training fan, so my balance is pretty good.

Margaret D said...

That a good read and makes common sense to me.

Lorrie said...

I do exercises to help my balance. And I often stand on one foot while brushing my teeth at the sink. Every little bit helps, I think.

Granny Marigold said...

I find that if I slow down and be more careful I am less apt to fall ( seems obvious but not easy for me) and also using a cane is a huge help.

Iris Flavia said...

My friend "told me" to flamingo every day and write with my left hand - and I´m getting better by the day. Just walked on my heels in the kitchen, works, too. Thank you for all the tips and pointing out all the issues that may be on the way (I am 53, but you can never start early enough, right).

Jules said...

My balance has never been great, so it's something I need to work on.
Some good advice here. Thank you. Xx

Linda said...

All my adult life, I have fallen about. The falls have not increased at almost 80. I just can no longer get up. Every medication I take lists dizziness, and I take nothing for pain. I have never broken a bone yet. I have done tai chi and number one.

roentare said...

You are such a good writer with these useful tips

Giorgio said...

That's a very interesting post, Jan! Physical exercise offers numerous benefits for older adults.

chica said...

Muito bom e importante nos lembrar disso! Precisamos ! beijos, lindoi dia! chica

eileeninmd said...

I should be doing some balance exercises.
Great post and info.
Take care, have a great day!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

A very good article. Thanx.

God bless.

jabblog said...

I quite fancy tai chi, too, but fear that is as far as I will get with it, 😎

Tom said...

...balance can be a HUGE problem.

Dianna said...

Thanks so much, Jan, for this helpful information. I know that exercise is something I need to do more of and this article only helped to validate that for me.

stardust said...

Balance is important to prevent fall. I check my balance everyday if I can put on socks while standing on one leg. Keep walking, keep exercising, and keep smiling.

Donna said...

I walk every glad my hips and knees still work without pain...!

Breathtaking said...

Hello Jan :)
Excellent article, something to keep in mind in my daily routine as my balance is pretty bad. In my mid eighties I do try to exercise my legs by peddling, and sitting down, standing up exercises to strengthen weak leg muscles. Thank you Jan for more information.

R's Rue said...

Thank you for sharing.

Sue said...

I can trip over my own shadow, but I'm just clumsy! As an ex jujitsu student at least I've learned to fall with style lol x

baili said...

Heartfelt thanks for sharing incredibly detailed and helpful tips and knowledge dear Jan!
I found idea of difference between chronological and biological age wow quite interesting actually
I wonder what is mine?
Now when I have osteoarthritis I have included some more exercises to strengthen my bones and muscles suggested by Sue ,my friend from London.they are helping me out with this by the Grace of God!

The Furry Gnome said...

I have really good balance, because I'm sitting in my chair all day!

Debbie said...

my balance is terrible but this is some really great information reminding us that exercise also includes working on balance!!

Anita said...

Great post💖I will try👍😊

This N That said...

Good information..My balance is pretty good..I hope it remains that way..I hope you are having a good day..

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I was quite impressed with this article, especially since I fell recently. I'm going to try tip 1. Thanks for sharing this.

Lowcarb team member said...


J.P. Alexander
Si hay que mantenerse activo y cuidarse. Te mando un beso.

If you have to stay active and take care of yourself, I send you a kiss.

Muito bom e importante nos lembrar disso! Precisamos ! beijos, lindoi dia! chica

Very good and important to remind us of that! Need! Kisses, beautiful day! Chica

Bill said...

Lots of great advice. Thanks, Jan.

HappyK said...

My balance isn't what it was but I do exercises and walk every day.
Great advice.

My name is Erika. said...

I do balance exercises along with muscle building. But balance is one thing I do worry about. This was an interesting and relevant read. Thank you.

Ananka said...

These are good tips. Tai Chi is good for a lot of things for both young and old! :-D

Conniecrafter said...

My balance isn't good at all, it seems to get better and then worse again, I have gone to PT and other things, I am thinking I just need to get stronger but I don't think my vertigo episodes help much either, I think I have too much going on, thanks for the article

Jeanie said...

This is a timely one for me, having spent last Sunday in the ER due to a fall. I need to get back to my balance exercises, although that wouldn't have saved me last week! This is a good post. Thanks.

Creations By Cindy said...

Great article Jan. Balance is so important and I am trying to get back to some form of balancing and exercise. During treatments it was a no go. I used to very faithful doing yoga and before I got sick I was doing low strength training and some cardio. Trying to get back slowly but surely. Hugs and blessings, Cindy said...

I try to do exercises every day including ones for balance.

Teresa said...

Un gran e interesante reportaje. Gracias y besos.

Back2OurSmallCorner said...

Thank you for sharing this useful information about balance as we all get older and how to benefit from a variety of exercises.