Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Carbo, and the deranged, demented and confused.

Say what you like about old Tubolard, aka Carbopile, he will post anything sent into his blog. From the out of their skulls, medication addicted, to the on the run Broadmoor patient, Carbo is there for them all. Old Tubo, the disgraced forum mod, and owner of the failed and defunct forum, diabetes for life, ho ho, never misses an opportunity to kick lowcarb. Staggeringly, his last post on his bog roll, is enthusing about the benefits of a lowcarb tomato omelette for breakfast. Let no man be beyond redemption eh. The latest posted comment.

“Not for a minute do I believe that Eddie is a low carber, he just uses that as an excuse to start arguments so that he has something to write about oh his blog.”

I have posted well over six thousand posts on various forums promoting low carb. I have run, and paid for, the website, for over three years, and have set up this and other blogs promoting the lowcarb way of life. What more can I do ?

“It's as clear as day that Eddie is, and has always been, a bully, his life, otherwise, must really be very boring and miserable. He doesn't have a life outside of bullying and generally being a miserable old git.”

I have lost count of the times, I have offered to meet Carbo, and his delinquents to discuss the virtues of lowcarb, not a word from these gutless cowards. They have absolutely no courage in their phoney convictions, and will hide in anonymous bunkers forever, and that’s a fact ! We bully the bullies, including you, my gutless commentator..

“I was very happy when Eddie and his sock puppets got banned a couple of years ago but I'm equally glad that I am no longer a member of DUK, the new "management" maybe not be as bad as Eddie out in the open but behind the scenes they are probably worse, I would not be surprised if they allowed Eddie to return under a different "nick". In fact, I am pretty certain he is back there posting and forcing non-low carbers to leave the forum.”

Not at the moment, I am too busy fishing, but when the cold weather really sets in, I may be back.

“DUK is gradually turning into a low-carb only forum, no wonder, the new "Admin" is a low-carber himself.”

Lowcarbing is the way forward for the safe control of diabetes. But hey, it’s not the only way. Some prefer the nutrient low carbs, and prefer to cover carbs with meds. Each to their own. Good to see is doing very well without Kenny boy and the high carb, high meds mob.
Mitch the militant !


  1. Why keep commenting on Carbo. He is a retard and as for his readers. Come on they are living in the land of nod.

  2. Here we go again Tub's sheeple bleating just because they can't have things their own way, come on now don't bleat around the bush pray tell just who are these little poor lambs we are supposed to have been bullying?

    The real facts are since the departure of Kenny boy there's a level playing field on DCUK and they can no longer go round in a pack attacking lowcarbers and expect the support of the mods.


  3. The Good Shepherd5 October 2011 at 22:33

    An ode to the sheeple!

    There poor little lambs who've lost their way,
    Baa! Baa! Baa!
    There little black sheep who've gone astray,

  4. Hey you got carbo foaming at the mouth again, he posted another nonsensical tirade.

    Keep up the good work Bro

  5. Nice to see Kornelia has found a place to hang out. Carbo and Karen a match made in heaven. Could it be she is turning Carbo into a lowcarber ? Hence his posting, a lowcarb tomato omelette recipe !

    Old Tubs was a natural for lowcarbing, a real win-win situation. Check out the Jets recipes on the forum of flog, some great ideas, I am sure the chocolate fish would approve. How long before Tubs is going for the celeriac mash ? Time will tell.


  6. Watch out Carbo, Karen will stitch you up like a kipper, good and proper.

    Or she might just suggest a good and proper kipper breakfast.

    You never know.

    2nd Macadamians 12:47,
    "As for the man who hears my words but refuses to low-carb, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it."

    P.S. My money says that Carbo will be popping pecans by Christmas.

  7. Suppose I can understand carbo's attempts to distance himself from his alter ego tubolard, after all it was tubs who in an undignified manner led the exodus of the anti's from DCUK. I well remember the thread (and a comment from Viv1969 if your going stop your whinging and GO!) that was started to announce their departure to fantasy island, AKA diabetesforlife which as we know was an abject failure.

    I'm afraid dear old carbo did not learn the lesson from his mistakes and still comes up with the same old tripe with the added bonus? of Orlistat. I think it's only fair to avoid the reference to tubolard as he gets so upset at the term, poor dear! So I've decided after a lot of deliberation to rename him tubocarbs, I did think of using the name Master Bates but due to his sensitive nature it's best I stick with tubocarbs, Aw bless his little cotton socks. Sincerely yours Graham

  8. I think 'Carbolard' would upset him more. So we won't call him it.

    Very often :)

  9. Can anyone help please, I've lost my sheep I do hope they are not with that nasty Mr Carbo's sheeple.

    BO xx


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