Now, let's be clear; I don't read The Metro and am not a Take That fan (...) but have a look at this;
"...the fat-obsessed regime laid down by the boys’ category judge Gary Barlow led to chubby wannabe Craig Colton losing more than 6.3kg (1st) in a week.
The 22-year-old’s diet was dictated by the Take That singer’s own nutritionist.
‘I am on this very strict diet but it’s full of energy,’ said Colton.
He has been forced to do away with snacks, which have been swapped for seemingly boring almonds and sunflower seeds.
‘It’s pure protein and nutrition, no carbs,’ he added."
Take That! Indeed
Comment from Craig Colton in the Mirror;
ReplyDelete"It's a strict diet, but I'm so full of energy now..."
No surprise there then!