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Friday 10 January 2014

DCUK Quote of the day !

"I started the thread 'recent insulin study' in 'Diabetes Discussions' which you - innapropriately I feel - closed down today on the grounds that the forum was no place for "scaremongering... potentially dangerous information". Briefly overlooking the evident similarities with approaches taken in Orwell's 1984 (truth is such an inconveniently dangerous thing isn't it?), could I please query your precise grounds for closing down this apparently rather popular and, I felt, informative thread? Could you point, for example, to the specific comment added to the thread which you felt to be 'scaremongering' or 'potentially dangerous'? Certainly, for my part, the information I posted was an accurate reflection of information which is in the public domain and which I am very well qualified to interpret. A number of, often interesting and occasionally conflicting, viewpoints were added - this is the nature of debate, which, I would assume, is the primary function of a 'forum' (the latter deriving its title from debating habits embedded within the Roman political structure - which history suggests would themselves also have been on occasion fairly frank, forthright and not always in line with establishment views!) Whilst I believe one comment on the thread (given the moderator note added) may have included (somewhat oddly) a profanity, this having been 'blanked out', it clearly could not serve to give offence and all other comments on this thread, as far as I can tell, were civilised and entirely appropriate for this setting. So, could you please confirm what it was you took exception to in respect of the thread? I would appreciate it if you could be specific and give details of the individual comment(s) and content to which you objected."

Thank you.


Thread Locked at DCUK

“There has been exactly zero censorship in any sense, other than one post which could have led people to make dangerous decisions about their health. The thread was CLOSED, not deleted. This means all the advice and discussion still remains there, fully intact.

I feel history is repeating itself here, so I am also going to CLOSE (not censor or delete) this thread too. If you wish to raise an issue with me, please do it via private message.”

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