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Wednesday 12 February 2014

Low carb high fat not only for diabetics !

Check out these two ladies, Jan on the left (my wife) 60 years of age and Franziska 48 years of age. Both non diabetics, no known health problems and both low carbers for years. So, you don't have to be diabetic to reap the benefits of a low carb high fat lifestyle. Jan consumes way over the recommended calorie intake per day and never gains weight. But then she never eats more than 50 grams of carb per day.

Franziska promotes low carb at every opportunity check out her number plate. I am lucky having a star Dietitian and registered Diabetes Educator as a friend, oh that all diabetics were as lucky as me.

Check out Franziska's great site here.



tess said...

no wonder Eddie is so inspired to spread the LC message, with these two on his team! :-)

Gwen said...

hi Jan!!! :)

Anonymous said...

Love that number plate


Lowcarb team member said...

"no wonder Eddie is so inspired to spread the LC message, with these two on his team! :-)"

Two diamonds. A Man should never argue with a good Woman. You can never win.

I know these things. A man can never fathom the unfathomable.


Franziska Spritzler said...

Thanks so much, Eddie, Tess, and Kay. I really enjoyed meeting Eddie and Jan last summer. We had a great time. I love the pics you posted today.

Best regards,


PS I'm 47, not 48, but I don't mind at all. Plenty of cool things about growing older! Of course, there are other parts of aging that aren't so great, but we won't dwell on that ;)

Lori Miller said...

Lookin' good!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi to all !

..... and thanks so much for taking time to comment, it's much appreciated.

All the best Jan