Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Winter Green Beef Casserole : It's Low Carb

During these cooler winter months, you just cannot beat a warming casserole. The meat is always tender, and the vegetables with the various seasonings, herbs and gravy/stock just combine together and the taste is simply gorgeous. The other bonus is the sense of the taste you also get as the glorious aroma wafts through the kitchen into the hallway ....

Have all your cooking ingredients ready

Winter Green Beef Casserole
Serves 2 / 3
.450kg casserole steak, diced
1 green pepper
1 leek, trimmed
2 (medium sized) courgettes / zucchini
mushrooms, a handful 4 - 6
salt and black pepper for seasoning
mixed herbs
gravy / stock (of choice) about 3/4 pint (to cover meat etc.)
White cabbage to accompany dish

Wipe / wash meat and all vegetables with water before using
Put oven on to warm up. Gas 4, Electric 180
Dice up Meat into approx. 1 inch 'chunks' and place in oven proof casserole dish
De-seed pepper and cut into square pieces (or slices if you'd prefer)
Top and Tail Courgettes, then slice and add to casserole dish
Slice leek and add to casserole dish
Slice or quarter mushrooms and add to casserole dish
season with salt and black pepper
add herbs of your choice - I used dried mixed herbs
Make up your stock and pour over meat and vegetables to cover
Put lid on casserole dish, place in warmed oven, cook for 2 to 2 1/2 hours until meat is tender.

Tip - I usually gently stir all ingredients at least twice during cooking

Prepare your accompanying vegetables - we had white cabbage

When cooked - take out of the oven and serve on warmed plates.
We enjoyed this casserole simply served with white cabbage

Of course when you say the words Winter Green Beef Casserole, there is such a great choice of green vegetables to choose from. You could add to those I used, for example a few peas or green beans to name just two more ...

However, you choose to serve yours, hope you enjoy it.

All the best Jan


  1. Yum, it looks delicious, and very warming.

  2. Easy! I like it. Next time I make a beef stew I will add cabbage as well.

  3. I love a hearty soup. Being a vegetarian I think lentils would substitute well for the steak in this one.

  4. I said to my husband last night that beef stew would be on the menu soon. Great minds think alike! This looks delicious.

  5. Hey Jan,

    That's the sort of nutritious meal I could really do with right about now. Keep me warm on these chilly nights in the UK. Thank you for the recipe, Jan.


  6. In season I make casseroles for my partner. Always welcomed.

  7. Entro para desearte un Feliz Año Nuevo, junto a tus seres queridos.


  8. It looks perfect for the freezing weather we are having right now!

  9. Jan, this looks delicious!!! My Ml taught me to makes something (an Italian name which I cannot pronounce, let alone spell!!)'s got fresh tomatoes, zucchini, yellow squash, Italian green beans, onion...cooked adding crushed red hot to spice it up, then I add itty bitty turkey meatballs...go good!!!...:)JP

  10. A perfect meal for this time of year and especially the cold we're dealing with these days!

  11. This sounds VERY good. Hugs, Valerie

  12. I love leek. It helps us not to catch a cold.

  13. That looks very tasty...but at present I'm living on's been pretty hot here over the past few days.

    I'll store this one away for when winter comes. :)

  14. Hello, looks delicious and great for a cold winter day.
    Have a happy day!

  15. Why do you put it in the oven?
    You know, that´s the one I´m still afraid of... I just can´t help it! It screams at me "I´ll burn you!" ;-)
    Plus... ours takes forever to heat up, that´s time and money "wasted"...

  16. Looks like a great dish. Seems to me like the addition of about half a cup of red wine wouldn't do it any harm. And then of course you get to share the rest of the bottle with your dining partner!

  17. Sounds good to me. Especially as a fan of leeks. Strange how some folk just don't like leeks but it's just a long onion, and equally good ffur us as the rest of the onion family.

    Have a lovely New Year Jan & Eddie. Keep up the good work for 2018.


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