Thursday, 11 January 2018

Frittata with Fresh Spinach, Bacon or Chorizo : Low Carb

This gorgeous dish looks so tasty - and it is! Simple to make, it combines eggs, spinach, bacon or chorizo and some grated cheese! So nutritious and as my grand-daughter may say ... 'it's yummy in your tummy'

Serves Four
4g carb per serving
8 eggs
1 cup / 225ml heavy (double) whipping cream
8 oz. / 225g fresh spinach
51⁄3 oz. / 150g diced bacon or chorizo
51⁄3 oz. / 150g shredded (grated) cheese
2 tablespoons butter, for frying
salt and pepper

Please see recipe instructions here
Just serve with a lovely cup of coffee or tea.

 ... and for you dear reader, these flowers to cheer up a cool winters day,
or a hot day if you may be in the Southern Hemisphere !

image from google

All the best Jan


  1. ...bacon makes everything better.

  2. Hello, this looks delicious. Thanks for sharing. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day!

  3. I don't usually make frittatas. That is a very good meal. A friend of mine who visited me yesterday said she was going to make that for dinner.

    Thanks for the flowers!


  4. Going to try this...looks amazing!

  5. This sure looks like it´s very yummy in the tummy indeed! Fresh spinach is a problem here, though, but reckon you can take the frozen stuff as well... I hope to find time for cooking next week :-)

  6. Frittata in one form or another is often served here. And thank you for the flowers.

  7. Oh that looks yummy! I could try it with soyrizo...

  8. Chorizo sausage is one of the culinary gods'gifts to humanity!

  9. That recipe does look yummy!
    Thank you for the flowers. Love them!

  10. yum and i love the flowers!!!

  11. It's been so steamy here of late...all I seem to enjoy eating is fresh fruit...too hot to cook. But this looks great! :)

  12. Looks so delicious and tasty. Pretty easy to do. Thank you.

  13. the flowers are so pretty to see as the snow is falling here and the temps are quite low.

  14. Will be trying this next week. Also got a recipe for Oopsie Bread while at Diet Doctor site. Thanks.

  15. I have tried making a frittata once. I wasn't very successful- but I think this sounds tasty (minus the meat for me). I may try making one again! :)

  16. I am proud of myself! I made a cabbage roll casserole today!

  17. Now that is so simple and I just love the taste of chorizo but try not to eat it too often. A low fat chorizo would be useful.


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