Saturday 8 December 2018

Brussels Sprouts Christmas Tree : It's a Showstopper

Brussels sprouts are rich in many valuable nutrients, and not just to be enjoyed at Christmas. These 'mini cabbages' have a nutty, distinct flavour but they are seen as "The quintessential Christmas dinner veg. Brussels sprouts are thought to have been cultivated in Belgium in the 16th century - hence the name. Although they're related to cabbage - they even look like a miniature, compact version - they have a sweet, nutty flavour, which some people can find bitter. They grow in multiple rows along a thick, central stalk.
Talking of Brussels Sprouts, how about the Christmas Tree …

It's a tasty work of art, isn't it …

Kate says, "turn the humble sprout side dish into a showstopper this Christmas! Roasted Brussel Sprout Christmas Tree – simply arrange into a fun tree shape and roast. Roasting makes sprouts taste delicious and is a vegan and gluten free Christmas side dish."

Serves Four
25-30 Brussel sprouts
1 parsnip (or carrot)
1 slice butternut squash
2 tbsp. olive oil
1 handful dried cranberries

salt and pepper

1. Preheat the oven to 180C/350F. Line a baking sheet with baking paper.
2. Check the sprouts for any major blemishes and cut them out. Trim the bottom and cut each one in half so there is a flat side. Place them into a bowl with half the oil and toss to coat.
3. Peel and slice the parsnip (or carrot) lengthways into equal length pieces then rub to coat with some of the remaining oil.
4. Add the sprouts to the baking sheet in a large tree shape. Use the parsnips to create the tree trunk.
5. Use a star cookie cutter (or a knife to make the shape freehand) to make a star shape from the butternut squash slice. Lightly coat it with oil and add to the top of the sprout tree.
6. Roast in the oven for 20 minutes or until cooked and beginning to brown. 
7. Add the dried cranberries decoratively to the sprout Christmas tree and sprinkle with salt and pepper.
8. Serve
This super idea from Kate, comes with a step by step guide … you will find it here 

Readers, you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, but it is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Yes, roasted or grilled they are delicious.

  2. Love this idea as we do eat brussel sprouts in our family!
    Thank you Jan 🎄

  3. ...I'd rather look at them than eat them.

  4. Very clever to roast these beauties in the shape of a Christmas tree! I'm the only one in my family that likes them, though! ♥

  5. What a great idea! This would be fun to serve at parties.

  6. My mother told me that I couldn't be a vegetarian because I don't like brussel sprouts (her cooking them to a nasty grey state might have something to do with that). She was wrong. I still can't face sprouts though.

  7. Oh, I love brussel sprouts and this is such a cute way to display them. Thanks for sharing, my friend.

    Have a beautiful weekend! Hugs and blessings to you!

  8. I love roasted Brussels Sprouts! So much better than boiled.

  9. What a fun idea - and delicious, too. Hugs, Valerie

  10. Awww, this is fun, yum and healthy - it looks wonderful!

  11. What a great way to serve them, a real show stopper.

  12. Hello Jan!
    Such a lovely idea for Christmas and for the buffet on a festive dinner!
    Thank you so much for sharing! Have a lovely day and a happy weekend!

  13. I love Brussels sprouts, Christmas dinner wouldn't be Christmas dinner without them.

  14. An amazing idea and I am sure it tasted wonderful

    Love Chrissie xx

  15. Wonderful idea. Great addition to the Christmas tabel.

  16. Thanks to your talent, the sprouts are glad to have shaped the christmas tree. Happy sunday to you.

  17. Very creative.

    I like sprouts. My mother tended to add some butter and season them with nutmeg.

  18. Eat lots of them, just started roasting them in the last few years.Easy to grow here, and a frost nip makes them sweeter.

  19. I love sprouts and this is cute.

  20. Oh, wow, i love Brussels Sprouts ! I most certainly going to try this !!

  21. Isn't that nice. I love sprouts

  22. I love Brussels sprouts and this idea is super cute!

  23. I love grilled brussels sprouts.
    have a great weekend

  24. What a creative idea, I love Brussels sprouts!

  25. What an utterly sweet idea!!! I am tempted to do this!

  26. What a wonderful idea !
    Love Brussel Sprouts.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  27. This sure would encourage the kiddies to eat their Brussels Sprouts. :)

  28. What a creative foodie idea ~ delish too!

    Happy Day to you,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  29. This is creative! It may be the only way to get some relatives to eat Brussels sprouts.

  30. This is a beautiful little tree out of brussels sprouts. I never used to like them but now I love them roasted.

  31. I love Brussel sprouts, and the way you set them out.

  32. Well they look wonderful here, but they'll never be my favourite xx

  33. I am a fan and just LOVE the brussels Christmas tree!xxx

  34. I do love brussel sprouts- and have never seen them in tree form. Creative and tasty. :)

  35. wow,, i love brussel sprouts - cool idea.

  36. Oh dear. Is it the sprouts season again? Might as well be Marmite time. Just kidding.

  37. This is so much fun! I love this idea!!


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