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Monday 26 August 2019

Cauliflower : Low Carb Recipe Choices

The cauliflower is one of the most versatile foods in the low carbers recipe book. From cauliflower cheese to finely grated as a rice substitute or mash with butter and use as a topping for shepherds and fish pies etc. With minimal carb content and over three times the vitamin C as potatoes, a truly great food. There are many different recipes where cauliflower can be used, below you will find six recipe suggestions, if you should try them I hope you enjoy them. 

Garlic and herb cauliflower mac and cheese with bacon

more details/recipe here

Cauliflower rice with turmeric, perfect for Asian style low carb dishes

more details/recipe here

Creamy Cauliflower Soup, it's low in carbs

 more details/recipe here

Cauliflower Low Carb Mash - four ways

more details/recipe here

Sausage with Cauliflower and Parsley Rice

 more details/recipe here

Parmesan Crusted Cauliflower

more details/recipe here

I wonder which of these above you may try, of course you may have your own favourite ... do please share in the comments below.

For readers who may not like cauliflower, perhaps try these low carb recipes which feature broccoli:
Summer Style All Green Salad, with broccoli, asparagus and more, details here
Turkey Bake, with Broccoli and Mushrooms in a creamy sauce, details here

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


mxtodis123 said...

Love cauliflower. Thanks for some great recipes.

Tom said... many ways to enjoy it.

Sue (this n that) said...

Hi Jan, great to see cauliflower recipes - we love the way it adapts to using it in different ways and look forward to putting some of your recipes into action. Thanks very much :D)

Valerie-Jael said...

I love all forms of cauliflower, but cauliflower cheese has been a big fave since childhood days, so yummy! Valerie

CJ Kennedy said...

This is the one veg I can't get Himself to eat 😔

JFM said...

Great and tasty ways to prepare cauliflower!!!
Thank you very much Jan 💮

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

That Parmesan crusted got the saliva flowing

Sue said...

Ooh I love cauliflower, and cheese, so that first recipe sounds perfect! I've saved that for later. Have a great week xx

Sandy said...

A vegetable I really never buy. Until recently the only way I had ever had it was with cheese sauce at home as a kid. Tasteless except for the cheese. Everyone used to boil the heck out of veggies so they really weren't good at all. Had them instead of potatoes recently at a restaurant. Quite good. Need to try and do something with them here at home.

Jo said...

I love cauliflower but my family do not, so we don't have it often. I really need to try those recipes which you mention for those who don't like cauliflower, perhaps I can change their minds.

sandy said...

all of these - especially the mac and cheese sounds like something I would love. thanks for the links.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, I love most veggies. All of these choices sound delicious! Thanks for sharing! Enjoy your day, wishing you a great new week ahead!

NCmountainwoman said...

My favorite is broken into flowerettes, drizzled with an olive oil and herb mixture and oven roasted. But I love it many different way.

Elephant's Child said...

I really, really like cauli (though I am the only member of the household who does). All the more for me.

Lynda said...

Oh I do love my versatile cauliflower! Tonight it's cauli mash with sausages and veg. Other nights we have the cauliflower rice or cauliflower cheese. It's such a great potato replacement that we don't miss potato much at all!

Christine said...

thanks for these wonderful ideas!

Bill said...

I love cauliflower, thanks, Jan for some great recipes.

Louca por porcelana said...

Your recipes look delicious!Great tips!

HappyK said...

The first one looks best for me.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful series of cauliflower recipes ~ ^_^

Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Thank you for the yummy cauliflower recipes. I bought a head yesterday, so I'll give one of them a try.

aussie aNNie said...

Delish recipes and I have had some of these and the flavour is just delish.xx

angryparsnip said...

Such interesting recipes I have tried the last one and it as wonderful.

My name is Erika. said...

Cauliflower is the yummiest and these all look good. Next time I get some at the store I will try one out. Although I could go for one right now. hugs-Erika

Conniecrafter said...

I am not real fond of cauliflower, but mixed with cheese it does make a good pizza crust :)

Angie said...

Jan - I would be likely to try all of these except for the mash. Thanks for the recipes - I will pass them on to my hubby and see what he might be interested in cooking!!!

Iris Flavia said...

Hmmm, I still have green cauliflower in the freezer, now I only need cheese :-)

Bob Bushell said...

That's a lovely recipe, lot's of cauliflower.

Laura. M said...

Me gusta la coliflor. Gracias por estas ricas recetas.
Un abrazo

Lady Fi said...

Looks delicious!

It's me said...

Always too Ria 🌺🌸💕

Rain said...

Oh I love all of these recipes! I'm buying more cauliflower this week! :)

William Kendall said...

The first I would go for.

Rose said...

some of these look and sound delicious....

Teresa said...

La coliflor me gusta mucho. Un beso.

Debbie said...

cauliflower is being used in so many dishes lately and it really is so delicious!! i like the sound of the first one, that's one i am going to make!!

Magic Love Crow said...

Thank you Jan! I love all these recipes!! Big Hugs!