Wednesday, 18 September 2019

Tips To Improve Your Focus

Rachel Morrow writes:
"In a world of constant distractions, notifications, and shiny objects, it’s a no-brainer that we move through our days struggling to tick off the to-do list, leaving us to feel defeated at the end of a workday, only to have to turn around and do it all again tomorrow. 

Some of the most successful people in the world have mastered the art of focus and productivity, and you can too! Take charge of your mind and develop laser-like focus with these five suggestions.

1. Move Your Body in the AM 
One of the most important things we can do for our brain health is to move our bodies! Get the blood flowing first thing in the morning and feel the benefits throughout the day. Without getting too deep, one of the most important components in brain function and development is the protein Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF). Of all brain-building proteins, BDNF has been found to be the most susceptible to regulation by exercise and physical activity. Research indicates a consistent aerobic exercise routine supports a sufficient supply of BDNF.

2. Clear Your Workspace 
A clean desk at the start of your day is a clean slate. Find your notes scrambled across the desk by lunchtime? Take a break, then clear your space again for your afternoon ahead. An organized workspace will reduce the physical ‘noise’ around you. Turns out, science has backed this one with a study from 2017 showing that having more clutter around you results in more stress and depressive thought processes.

3. Brain-Friendly Work Habits 
Unlike the multiple brain-tabs we have open in our mind, we have the power to close too many browser-tabs on our computers. Think about how many times you’ve had multiple tasks open on your screen in the hopes that you will come back to that task to complete it before the days out, yet you find yourself clicking between multiple tasks and projects throughout the day.

Move around, hot desk, stand up, lay on the floor if you need to. Moving away from a space you’ve been in for consecutive hours can hinder your thought process. Without sounding too ‘whoo hoo’, moving your energy from a stagnant space can be a really positive and productive thing for your focus.

4. Feed Your Brain 

Did you know your brain is one of the fattiest organs in the body? And it needs plenty of good fats to help keep it running! Our brain cells are covered in a fatty layer of insulation called myelin, which helps them talk to one another through electrical signals. If your myelin is weak, communication between the cells slows down. Eating healthy fats like avocados, avocado oil, coconut meat, coconut oil, nuts and seeds, grass-fed ghee, olives, cold-water fatty fish, and grass-fed animal products will assist with myelin synthesis, repair, and maintenance!
Want to know more about brain boosting foods, this article here may interest you. 

5. Stop & Take a Deep Breath! 
It’s amazing how effective this quick and free tool is. Stop and try it right now. I mean it, stop reading this and take three deep breaths. Better? Deep breathing can help increase circulation, reduce stress, and improve your mood!" 

Rachels words above, with all relevant research links can be found here

Out of these five tips I do think number two works … a clear work space, whether it be an office desk, a home desk or even in the kitchen prior to cooking a delicious low carb meal does help.

Have you tried any of these tips? Perhaps you have your own favourite?

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


  1. Wonderful post on the beneficial behaviors for each day ^_^

    Happy Day to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  2. All good tips. Healthy eating and plenty of movement are both very important. Valerie

  3. ...staying focused is the name of the game.

  4. I take time outside, to breathe, to focus on nature. And am often invigorated by the break.

  5. Great post. I buy brain games magazines. Their puzzles really help me to focus.

  6. There are two things I find very beneficial. One of them is mentioned in this post: deep breathing. The other is to stick to a normal bodyweight; not easy but solves and prevents health problems.

  7. Great tips that can apply to we older folk too ... just got to look up what "hot desk" means lol xx

  8. I use brain games when husband has golf on. Also have an active house life, can't go outside in 100 deg. weather.

  9. Can I add something to the deep breaths? Sit up straight, breath in deep through the nose and blow out through the lips. I agree, it is amazing what this can do.

  10. This is an excellent post with amazing and thought provoking information, thank you for sharing it. Thanks to you I now have a bit more insight into brain boosting foods.

    Wishing you a great Thursday!

  11. I'll have to focus on this, but firstly...I'd better start breathing :)

    Then I'll focus on the pizza I have in the oven! :)

  12. I like a cluttered space. A clean space makes me feel like something is missing!

  13. what an incredibly wonderful piece of writing dear Jan
    thank you for sharing such great knowledge :0

    thank God that i almost follow these steps regularly specially the in morning i do bit of yoga steps to sooth my mind and create harmony between mind and body and that is best and most effective i must say

  14. Some good tips. I can't work amongst chaos, I have to have a clean desk.

  15. Good advice, I love being able to ride a bicycle or walk on the mornings I have a lot of writing to do!

  16. I remember to breathe - in with the good air, out with the bad - it works best to help me with stress. Very interesting post.

  17. Great ideas....I try to work my brain all the time cause with the fibro, focus sometimes gets really hard. There are those days that unless you know me and know what I suffer with, you would think I was a total flake. I can start a conversation, and cause I can't seem to focus on it I will jump over to something else and in a ten min conversation I can jump to five diff things.....and back. In the world of Fibromyalgia we call that a fibro fog! Thanks for the tips, they might help me.

  18. I'm guilty of having a messy desk in my study, but once in a while I have a big cleanout and feel much better.
    Great tips Jan :)

  19. These are wonderful suggestions, thank you!

  20. Neither a messy workplace nor noise deters me from focusing!

    The one thing I told my GED students to do during the four or more hour test was to get a roll of Pep-O-Mints LifeSavers and keep those in the mouth, just sucking on one and moving it about in the mouth. The item in the mouth and the peppermint helps with focus in my opinion.

  21. Hello,

    Wonderful suggestions. I am always cleaning away clutter. Enjoy your day!

  22. wow, this was great reading and wonderful advice!!! i am the queen of clearing clutter!!

  23. Great list! Thank you Jan! I have to start deep breathing!!! Big Hugs!


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