Thursday 30 January 2020

Blueberry Chaffles : Low Carb

If you haven’t heard of the term “chaffle” yet

It's the latest craze that has taken the diabetes community by storm!

What is a chaffle you ask? 

A chaffle is basically a cheese and egg alternative to bread, cooked in a mini (or regular, just adjust recipes accordingly) waffle maker that can be used for anything from breakfast foods straight through to your after-dinner treat. It basically acts as a base to any creative concoction you can conjure up.

Why are people with diabetes so excited about chaffles?

Well for one, those of us who love to experiment with new low-carb options now have this new blank canvas to create from. But more importantly, this latest cooking invention can also help keep your blood sugars in check straight from morning till night! That's good news!

But you don't have to be diabetic to enjoy them, why not give them a try!

Blueberry Chaffles

Is there anything that keto waffles, aka "chaffles", can't do? Here with hints of vanilla and delicious pops of sweet blueberry, they make a light and fluffy breakfast ...

Serves Four
9g carbs per serving
Blueberry chaffles
4 eggs
4 oz./110g (1 cup equals 4 oz.) mozzarella cheese, shredded
1 tbsp. / 8g coconut flour
1 tsp vanilla extract
½ cup / 125ml fresh blueberries
½ cup / 125ml heavy (double) whipping cream

1 cup / 225ml fresh blueberries
Weight, measurement conversion tables
if required, see here 
can be seen here

Blueberries, not only are they delicious and nutritious but they also have one of the highest antioxidant levels amongst all fruits, vegetables, spices and seasonings.

Blueberries are low in carbs and therefore do not have a significant impact on blood glucose levels, making them a good choice for diabetics.

Blueberries can also be frozen without reducing any of their antioxidant properties or delicate structure. So pick up those on offer in the supermarket and get them in the freezer ... now that's a good idea!

We bring a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news/views and recipe ideas to this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I've never heard of these! They look very pretty! (And blueberries on ANYTHING would make them delightful!)

  2. ...Chaffles seem to be the rage, I should try them.

  3. Chaffles are a very, very clever invention.

  4. These sound very delicious! Valerie

  5. I'd love to try this as I'm always looking for a way to cut carbs. can almond flour be used instead of coconut flour?

  6. Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...
    I'd love to try this as I'm always looking for a way to cut carbs. can almond flour be used instead of coconut flour?

    Hello Pat, and thank you for your comment and question.
    There is an alternative low carb chaffles recipe which uses almond flour instead, see this link

    Enjoy your chaffles :)

    All the best Jan

  7. I need to remember and ask my daughter if she knows about these...she isn't diabetic but she watches her carbs.

  8. How does the cheese taste with blueberries and cream? I think I hall have to try these.

  9. They look delicious. I could easily down a few right now! :)

  10. I bought a little waffle maker - I just have to do it!
    What other flour can you use besides coconut flour?

  11. They look delicious, especially with the blueberries.

  12. That's a great idea, freezing blueberries, thank you Jan.

  13. These look delicious, I'll have to buy a waffle iron again.
    Thanks Jan and have a lovely weekend.

  14. My favorite fruit, I shall look forward to trying this. Thanks Jan :)

  15. A great recipe Jan, chaffles are our new favourite thing! Have a very happy weekend, Sue xx

  16. this looks great, blueberries are my favorites!!

  17. Oh that looks wonderful. Love blueberries.

  18. My name is Erika. said...
    How does the cheese taste with blueberries and cream? I think I hall have to try these

    Hello Erika, and thanks for your comment and question.
    This recipe works well and it's a little like the low carb pancake on the link below, even though you use cheese they do not taste of cheese.

    Enjoy your chaffles and perhaps a low carb pancake too.

    All the best Jan

  19. Chatty Crone said...
    I bought a little waffle maker - I just have to do it!
    What other flour can you use besides coconut flour?

    Hello there and many thanks for your comment and question.
    These chaffles feature a low carb coconut flour.
    They can also be made using low carb almond flour, see this link

    Happy Chaffle making :)

    All the best Jan

  20. These look interesting! Our grandson has asked for a waffle supper for his 6th birthday dinner with us. I'll make regular ones, and a few of these, too. Thanks for the recipe.

  21. I have never come across them before, but certainly like the look of them.

  22. I've never heard of Chaffles. They look good!

  23. Chaffles, never heard of them. They look yummy!

  24. Unique and yummy looking~and blueberries are the best!

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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The best of health to you and yours.
