Friday, 26 June 2020

Coping With Type One Diabetes In The Heat : Some Precautions You Can Take

As I wrote yesterday, see here, the UK has been experiencing HOT weather. It reminded me of this post I originally posted in 2018. But what was written then is still very relevant today.

Emma Baird (a type 1 diabetic ) writes:

If you’re a type 1, what special precautions do you need to take when the mercury rises? I prepared this handy infographic to help…

Please note—if you have neuropathy (nerve damage) this can affect your ability to sweat and therefore cool down. Go out early in the morning or later in the afternoon if you can, drink water to stay hydrated and exercise in air-conditioned gyms (when Covid 19 restrictions allow)*. Cut down on drinks with caffeine and alcohol, and take care of yourself as best you can."

This and more from Diabetes Diet Blog here

* In June 2020 Gyms are currently closed due to Covid 19.

All the best Jan


  1. ...good advise for everyone!

  2. Thank you for the information 🌷

  3. Good advice Jan. This weather is particularly difficult for type 1's.

  4. Hello Jan!
    Great post! Thank you for sharing!
    Have a lovely weekend!

  5. I do not have diabetes, rather lupus shares my body. Heat is very bad for me but I love it so much. I make sure I have sun screen, a bit floppy hat and I have always worn a UV mask during summer. I saves my skin. Have a great weekend.

  6. MS means that I struggle in the heat. I drink copious (more copious) amounts of water and on very hot days do my best to go out at first light or not at all.

  7. Great post Jan ! Now fortunately we are in winter so really cold days.
    Yes I hear there are really hot tme!
    Take care Jan !

  8. Hello,

    Good advice, thanks for sharing! Enjoy your weekend!

  9. This is great information...I will send my diabetic friend over to read this, I'm sure she will find it really helpful.
    Thank you so much.😊😊

    Have a super weekend...and stay safe.

    Hugs xxx

  10. Thanks so much for sharing such important info! Be safe! RO

  11. Very good info post ~ ^_^

    Be Safe, Be Well,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)


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