Saturday 12 September 2020

Chicken : Low Carb : Keto : Three Delicious Recipe Choices

Chicken's many plus points - its versatility, as well as the ease and speed with which it can be cooked - make it one of the most popular meats around. It has a high level of good quality protein, as well as B vitamins, iron, copper and selenium.
The pale flesh has a close texture and a mild flavour that pairs up well with many different ingredients. Never eat raw chicken, and always thoroughly wash your hands, utensils and cutting board as soon as you've cut or handled raw chicken.
Here are three popular low carb/keto chicken dishes you may wish to try:-

Chicken and mushrooms with tomato cream sauce
Serves Four
4g net carbs per serving
4 chicken breasts (without skin)
sea salt and ground black pepper
1 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp salted butter
3 garlic cloves, minced
6 cremini mushrooms, thinly sliced
225 ml heavy whipping cream
75 g finely grated parmesan cheese
110 g fresh, diced tomatoes
fresh basil, for garnish
Instructions can be seen here

Chicken with mushrooms and Parmesan 
Serves Four
6g net carbs per serving
2 tbsp avocado oil or olive oil
650 g boneless chicken thighs
salt and pepper
225 g baby bella mushrooms, sliced
4 garlic cloves, minced
350 ml heavy (double) whipping cream
50 g parmesan cheese, grated
1 tsp fresh parsley
Instructions can be seen here

Cauliflower Chicken Alfredo
10g net carbs per serving
Serves Four
150 g bacon, diced
650 g chicken breasts (without skin)
50 g butter
4 garlic cloves
200 g baby spinach
350 ml heavy (double) whipping cream
110 g grated parmesan cheese
salt and pepper
550 g cauliflower
Instructions can be seen here

As my blogging friend Debbie would say; if you love chicken you will love these recipes; definitely a case of winner, winner, chicken dinner!
I wonder which of the above three recipes may you try first?

Alternative Recipe Suggestions
For our vegetarian and vegan readers, why not have a look at these recipe suggestions;
Vegetarian Choices, five recipe suggestions can be seen here
Mushroom Bourguignon with Celeriac Mash, more details here
Vegan Choices, lower carb recipe suggestions can be seen here

Lentil Shepherd's Pie, more details here 

Dear reader, you will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog. It is important to note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


  1. ...I'll go with the chicken and mushrooms with tomato cream sauce!

  2. All three sounds delicious! Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)

  3. It's always nice to see more chicken recipes. I must try one soon.

  4. I have doing keto for 2-1/2 weeks and feel GREAT!!! Thanks for the recipes.

  5. I remember when chicken was a rare and expensive treat. For my meat eating partner's sake I am grateful that has changed.

  6. Defo a dish for me and hubby...xx

  7. I love chicken in any form, almost. Since I am allergic to mammal meat, it is great that I love it.All these recipes look great.

  8. Sounds very delicious! Valerie
    Have a great Sunday!

  9. Nice recipe. It's delicious and healthy food. Good for diet. Ok, I follow this blog now. Thx

  10. Delicious and healthy food. I follow your blog now. Thx. Stay safe and healthy

  11. Wow, all of those look abaolutely delicious! I love comforting chicken meals like this, very yum!

  12. Hmmmmm, I know where my Parmesan goes, thank you!

  13. They all look and sound good, its difficult to choose a favourite.

  14. I'd be happy with any one of those dishes, they all look and sound delicious.

  15. These look yummy! I like chicken when it in something and not just plain, so these are right up my alley! Happy Sunday!

  16. Hello,

    These all sounds delicious, I am going to try the first one this week.
    Thanks for sharing. Enjoy your day! Wishing you a very happy new week ahead!

  17. Hello Jan! I am so thankful you visited my blog that it led me to yours! I love all these delicious chicken dishes that you shared. I remember I once tried keto diet and it made me shed 40 pounds and I never felt so good about my body but I got back to eating rice and I gained it all back. I am in the process of slowly going back not just for my figure but my overall health and your blog will be a great companion to this journey :)

  18. chicken is a favorite around here, all of these look really good!!

  19. All 3 of these look like good options, thx!

  20. Those first two look especially wonderful to me!

  21. I've saved these, as chicken is always popular in our house. Thanks Jan

  22. oh thank you for wonderful sharing dear Jan
    last one is most favorite :)

  23. All three chicken recipes sound delicious! I am waiting for a new refrigerator to be delivered today--our old one died a few weeks ago and we have been using a small one in the basement until the new one arrives. I can't wait to go shopping again and make some new recipes!


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The best of health to you and yours.
