Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Tuesday Trio : Low Carb Recipe Suggestions (12)

It's time for Tuesday Trio
Read on and see what this weeks selections are

Vegetable Frittata
This LCHF Vegetable Frittata is a great addition to any low carb recipe collection. 
If there are any leftovers - just keep them for tomorrow's lunch!
Serves Four (but can easily be amended to suit)
1 cup Broccoli floweret's and stalk
1 cup Cauliflower floweret's and stalk
1 Zucchini (courgette) sliced into 2 cm slices
½ cup Mushrooms sliced (not too thinly)
1 small onion sliced into large pieces (quartered)
1 tbsp. Butter
1 cup Cream
4 Eggs
1 tbsp. Mustard, wholegrain (optional)
Salt and pepper
¼ cup Cheese, grated (cheddar works well)
More details here

Cheese-Crusted Omelette
perfect as a hearty breakfast, or a quick keto/low carb lunch or dinner.
Serves One
2 eggs
2 tbsp. heavy (double) whipping cream
1 tbsp. butter or coconut oil
salt and ground black pepper
75 g (150 ml) mature shredded/grated cheese or sliced
2 mushrooms, sliced
2 cherry tomatoes, sliced
2 tbsp. cream cheese
15 g baby spinach
30 g deli turkey
1 tsp dried oregano
More details here

Vegetable Packed Bobotie
This South African classic is a family favourite and a brilliant 'vessel' for secret vegetables!
This version is quite mild in flavour,
but you can always add a little more curry powder to spice it up should you wish.
Serves 6-8
5 tablespoons butter
1 onion, chopped
2 carrots, peeled and chopped
1 red pepper, seeded and chopped
1 cup grated courgette (zucchini)
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger
3 cloves garlic, crushed
1 tablespoon mild curry powder
1 teaspoon turmeric
2 teaspoons ground cumin
2 teaspoons ground coriander
3 whole cloves
5 whole allspice
2 tablespoons honey (optional)
1 tablespoon red wine vinegar
1 x 400g tin whole peeled tomatoes, blended
800g beef mince
1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
salt and pepper
For the custard 
1 cup milk
2 eggs, beaten
8 bay leaves
More details here

I hope you've enjoyed this Tuesday Trio, have you a favourite out of these three?

You can see more Tuesday Trio posts here
If you need help with weight/measurement conversion - see here

Dear reader, you will find a variety of recipe ideas within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. ...great ways to enjoy eggs.

  2. They all sound very good! Thanks for sharing! Valerie

  3. Hello,

    These all look delicious, thanks for sharing.

    Take care, enjoy your day and week ahead!

  4. I'm definitely going to have a go with the cheese crusted omelette - looks just my sort of easy dinner! Have a great week :)
    Wren x

  5. They all look good. Chunks of baked sweet potato instead of broccli (allergic), and adding a bunch of chopped greens. Thank you. I know to keep paper handy to write down recipes when I read you blog.
    Stay safe

  6. They all look delicious but I've never heard of bobotie before.

  7. Ohhh I must be hungry because I want to make both of these right now. LOL Enjoy your day.

  8. Both of those versions look delicious! All I had today for breakfast was a fig bar and coffee. Now I'm hungry.

  9. I haven't made a frittata in a long time--I must remedy that soon!

  10. The fritatta and omelet are calling my name. Which reminds me, time to make dinner!

  11. My favorite? ALL :)

    They each look and sound so good. I'm going to keep these recipes. Thank you, Jan.


  12. It's lovely to see these egg dishes. Thank you as always for inspiration in the kitchen. Have a great week.

  13. Every single recipe is one I would enjoy!

  14. They all look so yummy and delicious!

  15. I'm trying to decide what to have for lunch....decisions...decisions! :)

  16. All three of this dishes look easy and delicious! Eggs are so versatile.

  17. all yummy...i have been cooking every day and always on the lookout for some new/different recipes!!!

  18. My pick would be the vegetable frittata Jan, but they all look scrumptious 💜

  19. All three recipes look delicious. I prefer the frittata. Thanx Jan.

    God bless always.

  20. I always use 1/2 and 1/2 (light cream) in my omelets, but never considered using whipping cream. Great idea when I have left over whipping cream at Thanksgiving later this month. I've copied all recipes today. I plan to use them all.

  21. The egg for one sounds like what I've ordered at I Hop. Delicious. Now I know I can make it at home!

  22. Delicious! So much goodness here.

  23. OMG...I would love to try all these, they look absolutely delicious!
    Well, that takes care of the next few lunches...many thanks.😊😊

    Hope you're having a great day.

    Hugs xxx

  24. Hi Jan, You do an excellent job with your blog. These dishes look delicious and healthy ... can it get any better? :-) Thank you, as always, for sharing. As I'm typing this its about 3PM in the UK. I hope you're having a wonderful day. Take care and stay safe. Best regards from Seattle! John

  25. Oooh lovely recipes, but you had me at the cheesy omelette. In fact, I now know what I'm having for tea! Take care, Sue xx

  26. The Cheese-Crusted Omelet it is!!!

  27. They all look delicious. I'll go with the frittata.

  28. What colourful tasty looking dishes.xxx

  29. Jan - I think I would lean toward the bobotie!

  30. This looks so yummy! thanks for great opinion. But actually, one question in my mind which one is more beneficial for diet boiled eggs or omelete?

  31. Looks good but because of my IBS I can not longer eat vegetables without terrible consequences...
    Thanks so much for stopping by!!

  32. Hello Jan,
    This looks so tasty. What a lovely meal.
    Nice to keep seeing new dishes on your blog. It gives nice new ideas to make and taste. I love it.

    Greetings, Marco

  33. Joseph William said...
    This looks so yummy! thanks for great opinion. But actually, one question in my mind which one is more beneficial for diet boiled eggs or omelete?

    Hello Joseph, many thanks for your comment and question.

    These articles may help you decide:

    What Is The Healthiest Way to Cook and Eat Eggs?

    Healthiest Way to Cook Eggs !

    Health Benefits of Eating Eggs

    All the best Jan

  34. Bobotie?!! A new dish for me to make. Thank you!
    : )

  35. Diabox app Offers the functionality of alarms when hypoglycemia occurs or having a platform to see your blood glucose at a glance on your smartphone or watch.


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The best of health to you and yours.
