Friday 8 January 2021

Health Benefits of Cucumbers

Tess Patrick writes:
"When we think of the healthiest green foods, our minds picture kale salads and spirulina smoothies. Only it doesn’t have to be that complicated, the ultimate green food might have been right in front of us all along. Cucumber is one of the most versatile and health-promoting foods to easily bring into any diet and like tomatoes, cucumber is one of those foods used as a vegetable but is technically a fruit. Regardless of it’s botanical classification, it can (and should) still be used as one healthy component of your 5+ a day.

We use cucumbers in everything from tasty pickles, to Greek salads, and even fresh green juices, and this is just one of the reasons we love them. Discover seven favourite health benefits of cucumbers below:

Incredibly Hydrating (96% Water Content)
Some love lemon or lime in their water, but why not try a few slices of cucumber, with some sprigs of mint, it's refreshing! From time-to-time, some of us may have likely been left with unpleasant soggy sandwiches from the water-rich food. It should be no surprise, as they consist of 96% water content, which is used by the body to digest and transport nutrients to exactly where they need to go, as well as being needed for all elements of our health.

Good Source Of Fibre And Promotes Digestion
Dietary fibre is an often neglected requirement in our daily diets. Fibre is needed to regulate bowel movements and promote good digestive health! Without sufficient fibre intake, of soluble, insoluble, and resistant starch, toxins and wastes can remain unmoved in various stages of the digestive tract, which can wreak all kinds of havoc in the body. Often this can lead to inflammation and chronic disease, so providing your body with the fibre it needs to function regularly is needed for thriving health. To add to the bountiful fibre, adequate hydration is also needed to transport wastes through the body, so the high water content also aids in digestion.

Aids In Blood Sugar Control
Insulin resistance and diabetes are many countries most longstanding and pressing health concerns. Increasingly, people are looking to preventative approaches and natural ways to manage any risk factors - including their blood sugar control. In some recent studies, diets rich in cucumber have been shown to reduce and help control blood sugar levels. Others have taken it further and found that cucumber peel extract reverses diabetes-associated changes to health while decreasing blood sugar. These findings may suggest that these health-promoting benefits may be found in the nutrient-rich cucumber skin, so stop peeling those cucumbers and enjoy them as nature intended!

Rich Source Of Vital Micronutrients
A healthy, balanced diet is more about the ‘right’ portion of macros - we need sufficient micronutrient intakes (vitamins and minerals) for our healthiest versions of ourselves. Most fruits and vegetables offer a diverse range of micronutrients. Cucumbers are rich in Vitamins C and K, as well as magnesium, potassium, and manganese (11oz contains 10%, 13%, and 12% of RDI’s respectively)!

Contains Antioxidants For Cellular Health
Antioxidants are a buzzword in the health and wellness space, but what do they actually do? Through environmental toxicity and widespread other day-to-day factors, our body’s cells are subject to oxidization (a chemical reaction that forms highly reactive atoms with unpaired electrons known as free radicals). Antioxidants are compounds, commonly found in plant-based sources, to prevent chronic health concerns arising over time - including cancer, heart, lung, and autoimmune disease. In one 30-day study, results found that the daily consumption of cucumber powder (a higher intake than one would typically consume), increased antioxidant activity within the body.

Low Calorie And May Aid In Weight Loss
When on weight-loss journeys, or calorie-specific diets, individuals at times need to be concerned with caloric intake. For example, for weight loss, one needs to be in a caloric deficit (although this differs from person-to-person and should be done with the advice of a qualified practitioner). The difficulty for many people is that calories also equate to energy, so it’s important to eat low-calorie foods that still have the nutrients to sustain you. Thankfully, cucumber is one of these foods, with 45cal to an 11oz serving. It makes for a great snack with protein-rich dips like hummus to facilitate weight loss.

Easy Addition To Any Diet
The good thing about cucumber is that it is an easy addition to any diet/menu plan. You can dice them up in a wrap or sandwich, pickle them for later, use them as a staple in Greek salads or tzatziki, and as mentioned earlier, why not dice them up and add them to a carafe of water for an extra thirst-quenching drink. That way, you can make sure you’re taking advantage of all of the ‘vegetables’ widely available health-promoting properties."
Words above taken from original article, which can be seen in full with all research links here

Some recipes suggestions which feature cucumber
Pan-fried trout with a cucumber, apple and dill salad - see here
Crab and Chia In Cucumber Cups (with chervil sprigs) - see here
Salmon, Cucumber and Radish Salad - see here
Chicken Souvlaki with tzatziki sauce - see here
Cucumber and Halloumi Bites - see here

stilton bites using cucumber and red peppers - see here

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I'm eating more cucumbers! Thank you Jan! Big Hugs!

  2. I was fortunate to grow cucs this last summer and then canned some. Nothing like a cucumber sandwich on homemade bread.

  3. Delish looking cucumbers, looks like it's a treat for us tonight..xx

  4. ...some of this I didn't know.

  5. Wonderful post Jan
    Thank you so much!!!

  6. I love me some cucumbers, they are so good! Thanks for always posting such nice healthy tips :)

  7. I had no idea about all these benefits but I love eating cucumbers -- sometimes lunch would be a whole seedless cucumber! Cucumber sandwiches, pickles, marinated cuke and onions... I love them. Now I can feel a bit more smug when I enjoy them!

  8. They taste so good too. I try to keep a bowlful of cold saltwater with cucumber slices in the fridge. Take out a few and rinse them off for a good snack.

  9. Not for me. Except for pickled I really dislike them.

  10. Hallo Jan, erstmal ein gesundes neues Jahr !
    Ich liebe Gurken, aber das Problem ist, dass es fast keine ungespritzten bei uns gibt.
    Biogurken sind außerdem sehr teuer.
    Ich wasche dann die Gurke ziemlich heiß ab und schäle dann ein paar Streifen ab.
    So bekomme ich wenigstens etwas Gesundes davon .
    Danke für deine tollen Beiträge, ich lese sie alle, kommentiere aber selten
    ♥lichst Jutta

  11. I love cucumber! It is also a nice addition to water.

  12. São tantos os benefícios e é tão refrescante! beijos, lindo fim de semana! chica

  13. I wouldn't have thought that cucumber has so many health benefits.

  14. Once again. Such valuable and rarely mentioned good news. We do love a piece or two of cucumber in a salad, even better with a smoked salmon sandwich when we're feeling flushed with cash.

  15. Hello,

    I can eat cucumbers at all! Take care, have a happy weekend!

  16. I love cucumbers, I eat them almost everyday!

  17. Who knew the humble cucumber was so beneficial to our health...

  18. I remember growing cucumbers! Yeah, summer!

  19. Very interesting I didn't know they were that good for you, I eat it everyday so it's all good.

  20. I have to say I do like cucumber, but not in water. It reminds me of my skincare system back in the 70/80's. Ahhh it would take more than the humble cucumber to sort out my laughter lines now lol. Take care and have a great weekend xx

  21. I love cucumbers. The recipes of cucumber salads are great. Good 2021.

  22. I really like cucumbers ... and they are good as a compress for tired eyes too!

  23. Happy new Year, Jan, and thanks for the cucumber post. I didn't know the skin was so good, thanks for the tip. And cucumbers are not expensive, either. Seems to me it could be worth spending a little extra to get organic to make sure you get the whole benefit of eating the skin, isn't it? I am going to change my latest grocery order to do that, anyhow!

  24. Hi Jan, Wow, you have given me a new appreciation for cucumbers! :-) Thank you for all the good and healthy information. I hope you and Eddie are doing well and staying safe. Take good care my friend! John

  25. good information on cucumbers, we love them!! easy to grow in the garden and delicious to eat!!

  26. Jutta.K. said...
    Hallo Jan, erstmal ein gesundes neues Jahr !
    Ich liebe Gurken, aber das Problem ist, dass es fast keine ungespritzten bei uns gibt.
    Biogurken sind außerdem sehr teuer.
    Ich wasche dann die Gurke ziemlich heiß ab und schäle dann ein paar Streifen ab.
    So bekomme ich wenigstens etwas Gesundes davon .
    Danke für deine tollen Beiträge, ich lese sie alle, kommentiere aber selten
    ♥lichst Jutta

    Google translate:
    Hello Jan, first a healthy new year !
    I love cucumbers, but the problem is that there are almost no un-injected ones here.
    Bio-cucumbers are also very expensive.
    I then wash off the cucumber quite hot and then peel off a few strips.
    So I get at least something healthy from it.
    Thank you for your great posts, I read them all, but rarely comment

  27. chica said...
    São tantos os benefícios e é tão refrescante! beijos, lindo fim de semana! chica

    Google translate:
    There are so many benefits and it's so refreshing! kisses, beautiful weekend! Chica

  28. I always love cucumbers, but they are not very tasty this time of year where I live. Summer is when they really shine.

  29. We love cucumbers and eat them often.

  30. Informative post about cucumbers ~ great!

    Moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  31. I love cucumbers. They go great in any kind of salad.

  32. And they are pretty easy to grow at home, a delicious snack also...Yum.

  33. Good idea with the cheese, have both in the fridge. So crazy with lockdown I bought just too much!!

  34. I'm going to eat cucumbers. I knew they had vitamins but never thought of them as super foods. Thanks for sharing. I learn so much here.

  35. I love cucumbers. We always have some in the house.

  36. I have always liked cucumbers, but as I have grown old, I love them.

  37. it would be good if I liked these more


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