Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Thank you for the tips !

There are many time saving cleaning tips in magazines, newspapers and on the internet. I saw these two recently and thought they were both good to pass on ...

How to clean your shower quickly

If your shower head is clogged with limescale, wrap it in a plastic bag filled with white vinegar and secure it with a rubber band. Leave it for 30 minutes while you put your feet up and relax, and once the time is up your shower will be looking as good as new.

How to clean your microwave quickly

Cleaning your microwave can seem like a laborious task, meaning it is never at the top of our to do list. However, there is a quick and eco-friendly way to get your microwave sparkling again. Simply place some slices of lemon in a bowl of water and add a toothpick to prevent it from boiling over. Pop the bowl in the microwave and set the time for three to five minutes. This will loosen all the grease and grime and make it super easy to wipe away with a cloth.

Of course after you've done any cleaning or tidying always take time to reward yourself with a cuppa and a slice of low carb cake.

Italian Lemon Cake
recipe details here

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. I knew the shower tip and I try to be sure to keep my microwave nice and clean so it doesn't need any heavy duty cleaning. My grandmother used to make Italian Lemon cake, it's probably been close to 50 years since I've had it, but still remember it! I will definitely give this recipe a try. :)

  2. Gracias por los consejos de limpieza y la receta. Te mando un beso

  3. I've tried the shower head trick--it does work.

    If you don't have lemon, some vinegar in the water will also do to loosen the crud in your microwave.

  4. Great tips - I will definitely try them! The lemon-scented microwave sounds wonderful! And that cake looks delish. Hope you are having a lovely spring week. xx K

  5. Good tips. Enjoy your week.

  6. Excellent suggestions - including the cuppa.

  7. we do the microwave clean and it's also great for cleaning the blender too -lemon and a little hot water zapped to get rid of odours after it has been used for garlic or ginger!

  8. Thanks for the good tips. And that lemon cake looks wonderful! Valerie

  9. Great tips. I want some cake.

  10. Good cleaning tips, but putting your feet up with a cuppa and slice of cake is the best.

  11. Great tips and ohhhh Italian Lemon cake! I can do that for sure. Have a nice day.

  12. Thank you for these cleaning tips Jan. The lemon cake looks delicious. :)

  13. Thank you so much for these great tips, especially the shower head one. The limescale build up has been driving me insane, in spite of trying every cleaning product I could think of. I tried your tip, and voilà...a shiny clean shower head!😊😊
    Thank you so much, also, for your kind comments on my blog...I really, really appreciate them.😊😊

    Have a super day!

    Hugs xxx

  14. Thanks for these handy tips! Lovely lemon cake too.

  15. Those are both terrific (If I ever get around to getting a new microwave!). Thanks for the recipe link.

  16. Nice tip on cleaning the microwave. I'll try it the next time it gets dirty. BTW, my shower head was so clogged with limescale, the tip you offered using vinegar didn't work. I had to remove the shower head, soak it overnight in CLR (a commercial product that is safe to use, even through your coffee maker) before the scale was removed. Great for staying on top of the scale problem, though.

  17. Love lemon cake!!
    I've done the vinegar before and found it to work. Don't seem to have that problem at this house. We have well water - don't know it that makes a difference.
    My microwave never really gets dirty because I wipe it down right away if needed.

  18. Great tips for stubborn items that need to be cleaned from time to time!

  19. This is how we clean our showerhead as we have such hard water here. I'll make sure there's a piece of cake available for afterwards next time lol x

  20. Oh great cleaning ideas and Italian lemon cake looks delish ~ Xo

    Living moment by moment,

    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  21. Great tips! I'll try them. That cake looks delicious.xxx

  22. These are both great tips, especially the one about the microwave! And the cake looks really delicious!

  23. Helpful post - ..about the shower etc. and that cake looks so good.

  24. I'm trying the shower head idea! Thanks for the lemon cake! Big Hugs!

  25. I am quite impressed by what you have shared in your blog. Thanks for this amazing information


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