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Saturday 25 February 2023

You'll be all right now Jack !

From time to time we post something completely different, and this story is a little different!
What would you do if you found a duck or swan on a train?

 'Plump' duck rescued from train in London and named Jack

A “plump” duck has been rescued after being left on a train at Herne Hill Station in London.

The duck, named Jack by a rescuer, was found by a passenger on Friday evening as Southeastern railway alerted travellers to the incident on Twitter and requested its owner “please make yourself known” to station staff.

The duck’s saviour, Ann Aitken-Davies from London Wildlife Protection, said she named the bird Jack after the baby found in a handbag on a train station in The Importance of Being Ernest.

image credit PA

“Jack was in a nappy and squashed into a bag,” she told the PA news agency.

He is plump and in very good condition.

“I have no idea why he was dumped but his owner knew he would be found if left on a train.”

Jack remains with a Swan Sanctuary volunteer and will be given a permanent home there after a period of quarantine.
Above words and images from here and here

So pleased that Jack will be looked after by The Swan Sanctuary, a charity dedicated to the care and treatment of swans and waterfowl with an established worldwide reputation.

All the best Jan


William Kendall said...

Good that he's looked after.

Tom said... does a duck get on a train, did it pay its toll?

HappyK said...

What an unusual story. Glad Jack is well.

Chatty Crone said...

SO glad he is okay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hena Tayeb said...

Oh that's so sad. Glad he is being taken care of.

Lady Caer Morganna said...

Good news! Glad Jack is doing well!

peppylady (Dora) said...

Jack is a good name for him.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Margaret D said...

Interesting Jack was left on a train...wouldn't happen here as we don't have passenger trains.
However, the bird is safe and being looked after and that's the main thing.

roentare said...

He looks so cute!

Valerie-Jael said...

Glad he will be well looked after, how sadx to just dump a helpless animal. Valerie

Donna said...

Ducks really don't make good "inside" pets...very messy...but adorable.

eileeninmd said...

Awww, poor Jack! I am glad he will have a new forever home. He is cute!

Take care, have a great day and a happy new week.

linda said...

Aw what a cute duck, I'm glad he's safe.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Did he have a ticket to travel? The last thing we want is ducks travelling without tickets. The railway company should send him a bill !!!

God bless.

My name is Erika. said...

I hope Jack has a great rest of his days someplace far away from the station and with lots of duck amenities.

Pam said...

Thank goodness for the folks that step in to take care of ducks, cats, dogs, any critter in the need of assistance. He is a pretty thing.

Salty Pumpkin Studio said...

Sad Jack's owner can't take care of him. Good he has a new home

Christine said...

Lucky for Jack!

Sally said...

Amazing story about Jack. It's a wonder why his owners just left him there. But hopefully now he'll have a good life at the sanctuary.

Teresa said...

Me alegra que esté bien. Besos.

baili said...

Nice story dear Jan

Always good to know that humanity and goodness exists.

Jack found a good heart that is nice
Blessings and hugs

Shari Burke said...

A happy ending for Jack!

Debbie said...

this is a wonderful story, especially for jack. i'm so glad you shared it!!

Stefania said...

Che bella questa anatra.
Sono felice che la sua storia abbia avuto un lieto fine 😃

Viagens pelo Rio de Janeiro e Brasil. said...

Boa tarde e um otimo domingo.
Jack com certeza será amado e bem cuidado.

Luiz Gomes.

Elderberry-Rob said...

How lucky that someone kind helped him

Conniecrafter said...

Well at least whoever had him left him somewhere that he could be found instead of somewhere he might have died, but you wonder how it could happen

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Good news for Jack. How sweet, too.

Snowbird said...

Whata wonderful story! I wonder why he was abandoned, he looks well cared

Jeanie said...

I love that he was found and cared for. Good news!

Anne (cornucopia) said...

Fascinating story. At least the owner left the duck somewhere where it could be rescued. A few years ago, someone in Connecticut US abandoned their Black Swan (which had clipped wings so the owner could have it as an "exotic" pet that couldn't fly away) in the reservoir, in December. It joined the Mute Swans, but the problem was: it gets cold enough for the reservoir to freeze over, and while the Mute Swans can fly away, the Black Swan could not, making it vulnerable to predators (Coyotes) in the area. Fortunately, a rescue group was able to capture the Black Swan.