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Saturday 22 June 2024

Wishing you blue skies and a happy weekend


sky image from here

As the weekend comes round once more, I wish you a good one.
I hope you may see some blue skies.
According to the weather forecast I think Eddie and I will 😊

We may enjoy a delicious
Leek and Chorizo Frittata
you can see the recipe here

Whatever your plans are this weekend, I wish you an enjoyable one.
Take time to focus on the positive aspects of life and to find joy in the little things. 
Above all 'spread a little happiness' to all those around you.

All the best Jan


Alicia said...

Happy Weekend to you as well. We will have heat, heat and more heat here in Bakersfield CA. But we know it's time a yesterday was the first day of summer. I don't have big plans. I do want to try that Frittata, I love leeks and we just got some of our favorite Payton chorizo from a cousin that brings it to my mom from Arizona as it's her favorite.

Elephant's Child said...

I hope you do enjoy sunny skies - and frittata.

Linda said...

That is the forecast here in Alabama.

Tom said...

...thank you, but we are so dry, a rainy weekend sounds good to me.

Mari said...

Happy weekend to you too!

Christine said...

Delicious! Happy weekend!

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por la receta. Me gusto la imagen. Te mando un beso.

Lee said...

Blue sky and chilly here. Driving back from the supermarket this morning...along the top of this plateau the view to the west...across the valley to the mountain range in the distance took my breath away, and brought tears to my eyes. It was a most beautiful sight.

Take good care :)

Margaret D said...

Enjoy the sun whilst it's out.

roughterrain crane said...

This spring I planted seeds of a long green onion for the first time.

chica said...

Lindo céu e fritada! Ótimo fds! beijos, chica

roentare said...

The frittata is looking so yummy

Valerie-Jael said...

Your food looks great! Here we had a wonderful sunrise - I couldn't sleep! But now the skies are mostly grey! Hugs, Valerie

eileeninmd said...

The Frittata looks delicious.
Happy weekend to you!

My name is Erika. said...

Send those blue skies our way. It's raining here and looks like a dark weekend. :( Your casserole looks delicious too. I hope you have a beautiful weekend.

kathyinozarks said...

We have very blue skies here along with high heat and humidity-but that's summer in the Ozarks. Your dish sounds delicious.
Happy weekend Kathy

DMS said...

Thanks! I love when there is a blue sky with some clouds too. :) I hope you have a delightful weekend. :)

CJ Kennedy said...

My weather is the same as Erika's. Send those blue skies here. Have a great weekend.

Ananka said...

Enjoy your weekend. Hoping for better weather up here!

The Furry Gnome said...

I could enjoy some of those blue skies!

A Brit in Tennessee said...

Beautiful blue summer sky, I hope you are having a lovely weekend.

Jeanie said...

That fritatta looks great but these days I'm looking for either cold food or stuff cooked outside!

HappyK said...

I wish the same for you. :)

jabblog said...

I hope you are enjoying your weekend. The weather forecast is for heat this week, not too much, I hope! We shall see.

Teresa said...

Felicidades también para ti. Besos.

José Antonio Sánchez Rumí said...

Well, if according to forecasts here we are expecting a warmer than normal summer, that is scorching with heat.
Happy week.

baili said...

I am happy that you and Eddie gonna enjoy some blue skies and pleasant weather dear Jan 🤗
May days ahead be full of pleasure and delight for you and loved ones

Divers and Sundry said...

We need rain 😂 I've never had a frittata.

Conniecrafter said...

Hope your weekend ended up being a good one, it was just too HOT here to get out, we have even had heat warnings not to stay out too long, but I think we will get some relief soon at least a couple days :)