Tuesday, 7 January 2025

Tomatoes ... whatever the weather they are great!

Tomatoes are mainly a carbohydrate with some fibre, but they are best known for their vitamin and mineral content which includes calcium, magnesium, beta-carotene (which becomes vitamin A when consumed), vitamins C and E, some B vitamins and vitamin K.

They are quite versatile and can be enjoyed hot or cold! A warming soup, a colourful salad in fact there are many wonderful recipes you could try but today I'm just going to share two.

As we are experiencing cold weather here in the UK my first choice has to be a soup, and what better than a sweet potato, carrot, red pepper and tomato soup find the recipe and more details here

If, however you are currently experiencing hot (or warm) weather this colourful salad may be more to your choice ... it's a tomato tricolore salad and you can find the recipe, see more details here

You will find a variety of articles and recipe ideas within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. LOVE tomatoes with mozzarella, basil, and a bit of balsamic reduction! YUM!

  2. Amo tomate pero odio la sopa de tomate. Te mando un beso

  3. That soup looks a winner to me.


  4. I love tomatoes! That soup looks so good.

  5. That soup looks amazing. It's a great winter meal, isn't it? Happy new week Jan.

  6. Didn't know they gad calcium -Christine cmlk79.blogspot.com

  7. Both options are loved!
    Thanks for the info!!

  8. Tomatoes are one of my favourite fruits.

  9. Mi piacciono molto i pomodori, sotto ogni forma.
    Credo siano uno degli alimenti tra i più versatili

  10. All looks good.
    Waiting for our tomatoes on the vines to ripen, Jan.

  11. Dear Jan!
    What a wonderful post. My eyes smile at the sight of such wonders. I love tomatoes and eat them every day. They are the best in the summer from my vegetable garden. They are delicious and above all BIO!!!
    I wish you lots of sun and only nice days.
    Greetings from gray, cloudy Poland.

  12. I tried eating tomatoes everyday

  13. I love tomatoes, but I generally don't like tomato soup.

  14. Gosto muito dos tomates, de qualquer modo! Lindo dia! beijos, chica

  15. I do love tomatoes :-D In a good soup or a salad, they are tasty :-D

  16. The soup sounds wonderful - just the ticket for a cold January day - but I like tomatoes in all their guises!

  17. I love tomatoes, the soup and the salad both look delicious!
    Take care, have a great day!

  18. I bet that soup is delicious, I'm going to make it as soon as I get the ingredients, but it's lentil soup for me today.

  19. A friend of ours loves his tomato sandwiches. I just made him some the other day. I'd never heard of tomato sandwiches until about 20 years ago when a different friend was all excited about her first garden tomatoes and was looking forward to tomato sandwiches. Those don't appeal to me much, but that soup looks excellent!

  20. That all looks delicious Jan! I love tomatoes in every way. Thanks so much for the links :)

  21. Warm or cold weather, I always enjoy soup and this one sounds healthy and delicious. Thanks.

  22. Such a great soup! I like it :-)
    That "tricolore" salade seems typical of Summer. Green, white and red are colours of the Italian flag.

  23. If you don't care for tomatoes in the winter, try eating grape tomatoes. They have a summer taste. I love tomato sandwiches since first eating them as a child.

  24. ...tomatoes fresh from the garden are my favorites, but are enjoying greenhouse grown tomatoes this winter.

  25. We are so fortunate to get fresh veggies most of the year here in Florida. I love 'maters'! lol Happy New year my friend. I know last year was extremely hard. I hope and pray this year will be a good one. Hugs!

  26. Tomatoes are delicious. I rarely purchase regular tomatoes out of season as they lack flavour. The grape tomatoes are not too bad. And I use lots of canned (tinned) tomatoes - I put up a dozen or so jars of my own tomatoes in the summer. The soup looks like the perfect thing for cold January days.

  27. I didn't used to like tomatoes, but I love them now! Thanks for the recipes.

  28. I’m hungry now for tomato basil soup.

  29. We love tomatoes. My husband loves to grow tomatoes, it is his very favorite plant to baby in our garden. ;-)
    Happy New Year!

  30. That soup is a vegetarian delight. So is that salad, but right now it's cold and I want soup. Thanks for both recipes, Jan.

  31. If someone asked me what my favourite. fruit or vegetable is, I would never think to answer with tomato. Yes, it's the one thing that I probably eat more than anything and could happily and easily eat it at every meal. Roasted tomatoes with scrambled eggs on toast for breakfast. Tomato soup for lunch. Something with a Ragu sauce for supper. My grandmother always put a very light sprinkling. of sugar into anything with a tomato to help counteract. acidity.
    Bon Appetit! Debbie.

  32. I love tomatoes, although in the off season (every month not August or September!) the only ones you can count on are the grape tomatoes from the store. But yum!

  33. My wife was diagnosed with diabetes several months ago, and immediately plunged into the research. She attributes her 30+ lb weight loss to discovering Kefir, which I'm now enjoying too.

  34. Oh that looks so good. I'm off to get the recipe!!

  35. Love eating a raw tomato in a day :)

    Here tomatoes are permanent part of daily cooking
    Thanks for nice sharing always dear Jan

  36. Both sound good, very cold here too so the soup sounds perfect, I do love cherry tomatoes in my salad!

  37. I love tomatoes and I am hoping for a good crop this year. Both recipes are delicious for different times of the year and I shall enjoy trying them out.

  38. El tomate me encanta y me gusta de todas formas. Besos.


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