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Friday 2 August 2013

Victoria Taylor another Dietitian that gets it wrong.

We are pretty much retired these days so have to carefully budget our food bills. We love Waitrose food but cannot afford to buy all our supermarket requirements from them. Those that know me will know I’m not the controversial type, and I’m not confrontational (I leave that to Eddie) but in Waitrose today I picked up their ‘Waitrose Weekend’ free newspaper. An article there had me saying “Hey listen to this, it’s so wrong”

“On average we are eating the right amount of total fat, but not the right types,” says British Heart Foundation dietitian Victoria Taylor. Replacing saturated fat in your diet with monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats will help lower levels of bad LDL cholesterol. “If you normally use animal fat or butter, switch to unsaturated oils like sunflower, rapeseed or olive” advises Taylor. “Cut visible fat off meat and switch to skimmed or 1% milk”

“Eating too much salt  is linked to raised blood pressure, another major risk factor for heart disease” says Taylor. You shouldn’t consume more than one level teaspoonful (6g) a day, according to the Department of Health. But 75% of the salt in our diet comes from processed foods such as bread, sauces, processed meat and ready meals, so always check labels, says the Waitrose magazine.

Low carbers don’t eat much processed food therefore unless salt is being poured over their food I don’t think they are overdoing it. And as for telling us to drop butter for rapeseed oil fats, for goodness sake, not for me thank you.

All the best Jan


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jan.It must be an enforced requirement from interested parties (Big Pharma, food producers) for funded recipients to trot out these sad lies with such mind-numbing regularity that the general population swallows this unhealthy advice.
Let's be grateful we've seen through the (insert suitable epithet here) , such that we know how to eat more healthily.

You must get Eddie shopping more often - those trolleys keep one's motor skills finely honed : )

Geoff J

Anonymous said...

Butter is what I use now, after seeing and reading the many studies/articles about the pro's and con's butter v spreads it has to be the healthy option and that is definitely butter. Val

Lowcarb team member said...

Victoria Taylor also gives advice on healthy eating for diabetics at the BHF website:

"plenty of starchy foods such as bread, rice, potatoes and pasta. Choose wholegrain varieties wherever possible"

See: Victoria Taylor BHF


Lisa said...

Whatever mainstream dietitians advise, I always do the opposite. My son's diabetes dietician told us to "eat whatever you like-even McDonalds".

Lynda said...

And on it goes.... no wonder people are confused and get sicker.

Lowcarb team member said...

Hi Geoff, many thanks for your comment and continued support. Yes,Eddie's a dab hand at pushing trolleys and carrying baskets.LOL

Hey Val, glad to hear you use butter. Once you see what goes into making those spreads UGH I certainly would not use them.

Hello Lisa, you are a star mum. How you have handled your sons diabetes has been an eye opener for me and many of our readers I'm sure. Many thanks for your thoughts and comments.

Hey Lynda, yes that is the shame people do get confused, and often end up eating foods that make their condition far worse. Thank goodness for the internet, blogs, Dr Google etc where we can read and make more informed choices.

All the best Jan