Sunday, 6 December 2020

Chicken Stew with Cider and Chorizo, delicious served with celeriac mash and green beans

Yes, yet another chicken recipe! You really can't have too many can you!? For me chicken has so many plus points. Its versatility, as well as the ease and speed with which it can be cooked, make it one of the most popular meats around. It's certainly popular in our house! Plus of course it has a high level of good quality protein, as well as B vitamins, iron, copper and selenium... and it's usually reasonably priced too!

This chicken and chorizo stew recipe is hearty but elegant, and is great to make in advance of people coming over, present Covid conditions allowing!

Serves Four
For the chicken
2 tbsp olive oil
4 whole chicken legs (drumstick and thigh separated)
225g/8oz chorizo, diced
6 shallots, peeled, finely chopped
2 tbsp plain flour
600ml/1 pint dry cider
150ml/¼ pint chicken stock
1 heaped tbsp Dijon mustard
salt and freshly ground black pepper
3 tbsp double (heavy) cream
For the celeriac mash
1 celeriac, peeled, chopped
squeeze fresh lemon juice
25g/1oz butter
1-2 tbsp single cream
salt and freshly ground white pepper
steamed green beans, to serve

1. For the chicken, preheat the oven to 190C/375F/Gas 5. Heat the oil in a large ovenproof frying pan and add all the chicken pieces to the pan. Cook for 10-12 minutes turning frequently until evenly browned. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
2. Add the chorizo and shallots to the pan and fry, stirring frequently for five minutes, or until softened and the fat is beginning to run from the chorizo. Sprinkle in the flour and stir to coat.
3. Gradually pour in the cider and stock, stirring continuously until boiling and thickened slightly. Stir in the mustard, season well with salt and pepper and return the chicken to the frying pan.
4. Cover the frying pan with aluminium foil and cook in the oven for 35-40 minutes, or until the chicken’s juices run clear when pierced with a skewer.
5. For the celeriac mash, place the celeriac in a saucepan and cover with water and a squeeze of lemon juice. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat, cover and simmer for about 15 minutes, or until tender.
6. Drain the celeriac well and tip it back into the pan. Mash over a low heat with the butter and single cream. Season with salt and white pepper.
7. To serve, stir the double cream into the chicken liquor and serve the chicken and sauce with the celeriac mash and steamed green beans.
From original recipe here 

Some other chicken recipes you may like
Creamy Garlic Mushroom Chicken - see here
Chicken Provençal - see here
Chicken Drumsticks Simply Baked - see here

A variety of articles and recipe ideas are within this blog. Please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


  1. Yummmmmmm!!!
    Looks and sounds delicious...thank you for sharing!

  2. This is comfort food to the max!

  3. Yum-yum-yum! Today's meal is planned but I think one day this week I might have to make that chicken stew.

  4. Never heard of Celeriac.. I like all these ingredients so I would probably love this recipe. Have a happy week..

  5. I could do everything but the celeriac mash..Not for me! Love the rose arrangements, too! Diana

  6. I really must try celeriac mash. Soon.

  7. Beautiful individual bouquets. The green beans look good, but I'll let others have my portion of the chorizo, thank you.

  8. Ooohhhh yeahhh. Chicken and Chorizo, you can't go wrong. Yummmm

  9. This looks delicious another one pinned to try later, I have never tried celeriac I must give it a go.

  10. Ooh this sounds lovely, certainly a way to jazz up the chicken. Take care and have a great week, Sue xx

  11. such a pretty dish, it sounds wonderful. i would serve mashed potatoes with it, but that's just me!!

    either way, it would be delicious!!

  12. That looks delicious. I hadn't thought of the chicken with the chorizo -- that would be good! Thanks, Jan! Happy new week!

  13. Yum....I need to cook something this week. HAHA....I usually cook twice a week and it last for days.

  14. I don't have a lot of the ingredients for this one but hubby loves his garlic and mushrooms so that sounds like it could be a good one!
    Have a great week ahead!

  15. Hi Jan, This really sounds delicious. Thank you for sharing. Wishing you a good week ahead. John

  16. It been a while since I had chorizo
    Stay Safe and Coffee is on

  17. We're big fans of chicken too, as you say, it's so versatile. We have it cooked in many different ways.

  18. Just a word! Delicious!
    Have a great week, Jan!

  19. Buena Receta. El pollo es una de las carnes que no tiene grasa.

    Que tengas una buena semana.

  20. Hello Jan,
    That looks so delicious.
    It's always a surprise to see your lovely meals.
    Very nicely decorated.
    And a funny picture of the flowers.

    Greetings, Marco

  21. Oh my gosh does that ever look delicious!!! Christine is right, total comfort food! :)

  22. that sounds like comfort food.

  23. This looks so good (with faux chicken, of course. Heh.)
    Have a great one.

  24. Gorgeous vases of flowers here, great recipe and looks delish. No wonder I love coming here so much to see and eat I feel overweight already. xx

  25. Me gusta . Se ve estupendo. Cuidaros.
    Un abrazo.

  26. El pollo me gusta mucho. Besos.

  27. So looks yummy. I'll try to cook this.

  28. yonosoymillenium said...
    que receta mas interesante, me encanta

    Google translate:
    that most interesting recipe, I love

    VENTANA DE FOTO said...
    Buena Receta. El pollo es una de las carnes que no tiene grasa.

    Que tengas una buena seman

    Google translate:
    Good Recipe. Chicken is one of the fat-free meats.

    Have a good week.

    Laura. M said...
    Me gusta . Se ve estupendo. Cuidaros.
    Un abrazo

    Google translate:
    I like it. It looks great. Take care of yourself.
    A hug.

    Teresa said...
    El pollo me gusta mucho. Besos

    Google translate:
    I really like chicken. Kisses.


    All the best Jan

  29. oh sounds DELICIOUS :)

    thank you for such an appealing recipe dear Jan


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