Tuesday, 4 April 2023

A P R I L : Recipes Part Two

Continuing on from Part One of the A P R I L posts
where I thought I'd have a play on the letters that make up April
and choose a favourite food from each letter.

I started with:-
A for Apple Crumble
P for Peppers
R for Rhubarb

So what will we have for the two remaining letters I and L ??
By the way, many thanks to those of you who made suggestions
on the first part of this post here they were appreciated 😊

I is for ice-cream
I think most of us enjoy a scoop of creamy, oh-so-delicious ice cream.
Make your scoop satisfying, simple, and sugar free
with this low carb/keto version!
You could add a few low carb berries - strawberries or blueberries are nice!

Two Servings
5g carbs per serving
2 egg yolks
1¼ cups (300ml) heavy (double) whipping cream
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
2 tablespoons erythritol (optional)
2 egg whites
More details here

L is for Leeks
Leeks are from the allium family like onions and garlic, but have a much sweeter, milder flavour.
According to legend, seventh-century Welsh soldiers wore leeks in their hats
to distinguish them from the enemy army.
Ever since, the allium has been a Welsh national symbol.
 Choose leeks with bright green tops and trim the root and leaf tops
before rinsing well to remove grit and soil.
Buttered leeks are delicious, see here

Leek, Cauliflower and Cheese Gratin
This gratin mix makes a winning and tasty combination.
Nutrition Per Serving : Fat 25.9g Protein 15.4g Carbs 14g Fibre 4g
Serves Four
30g butter
30g plain flour
400ml whole milk
3 tbsp. double (heavy) cream
100g mature Cheddar, grated
1 leek, cut into chunks
Medium head of cauliflower, broken into equal-size florets
Few thyme sprigs, leaves picked
More details here

What do you think of these suggestions? 
Why not share your favourite choice for Aprils last two letters I and L in the comments ...

Dear reader, this blog is presented in a magazine style - we hope something for everyone. You will find a variety of articles, studies, thoughts, photographs, cartoons, music and recipes!

However, not all the food and recipes ideas featured in this blog may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. If you have any concerns about your health, it is always advisable to consult your doctor or health care team.

All the best Jan


  1. All of these recipes sound delicious, but I think I has to be my favorite. You can't go wrong with ice cream. Happy new week.

  2. ...I've never had leeks.

  3. I - Iced Tea, Zero sugar

    L - Lobster Thermidor.... divine!!

    : )

  4. Gracias por las recetas ambas estan muy ricas. Tomó nota. Te mando un beso.

  5. I would choose the leeks, although, that ice-cream does look good!

  6. I intend to make all 3 recipes posted so far for A,P, and R. They seem easy enough and sound delicious. I'm all for Ice Cream but not so much for Leeks. Thanks for posting.

  7. Ooh, the leek gratin looks delicious. I'm bookmarking that recipe.

  8. Great recipe of the ice cream :) ... erythritol isn't easy to find here.

    Have a nice day!

  9. Both recipes sound good. I would also choose Ice cream because I'm an ice cream junkie. L is for lemons and maybe lemonade. Thanks for this fun look at April, Jan.

  10. Hello,

    I love ice cream, yum! I have never tried leeks.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  11. Thanks, I think I'll do the leek and cheese bake. Got some wonderful leeks yesterday! Valerie

  12. I am a huge fan of leeks! They are so good :-D

  13. Lolol...ice cream and lasagna...

  14. Very tasty recipes. Thanx Jan.

    God bless.

  15. Oh wow! Thanks so much for sharing these lovely recipes. I've been eating more and more veggies and fruits these days - particularly berries, so I thank you. Hope you've been doing well, and sending lots of hugs, RO

  16. I have only used leeks a few times, but will admit that the leek and cauliflower casserole looks delicious, Jan.
    Sending all best wishes to you and yours for a Happy Easter holiday.

  17. I love ice cream, but have never made it and I love leeks and cauliflower - maybe not together. lol

  18. Leeks are one of my favourites.

  19. I think I'd have to say ditto with what Eileen said...ice cream & never tasted leeks.

  20. I love ice cream, only its not to fond of me.

  21. Siempre nos dejas buenas recetas. Besos.

  22. I absolutely love the suggestions and will try the ice cream for sure. Have a nice day.

  23. Ice cream. I like leeks but they don't like me.

  24. Excellent recipes.
    Thanks for sharing.

  25. All of those sound really good.

  26. More good recipes.
    I - Yes, I agree Ice Cream.
    L - Anything lemon.

  27. Ice cream! Living on the farm, we had two milk cows. Tons of milk and tons of cream provided us with excellent ice cream.

  28. We had milk cows, and had whole fat milk and rich cream. Ice Cream happened almost every wkend.

  29. That leek and cauliflower gratin looks delicious!xxx

  30. not only does the ice cream look good but that pretty green grass with the sun shinning looks very inviting too :)

  31. ice cream Ah who does not love it :)))

    such a compelling recipe dear Jan ,thanks

    never saw such dish of cauliflower wow

  32. They all sound great. But ice cream is my favourite!

  33. Ice cream. My fave! Ice cream any way you do it -- in a dish, a cone, as a pie or a cake!


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