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Wednesday 2 February 2022

Answers to February Quiz Plus ... A Recipe For Mustard and Sage Chicken with Celeriac Mash

Hello there, I hope you enjoyed yesterdays quiz. Many thanks to all those who read the post and special thanks to those who took time to comment.

Did you know the answers? Well, as promised here are the answers to the seven questions. For ease I have repeated the questions ...

1. At one time February was the last month of the year. True or false?

Originally the Roman calendar was only ten months. Two months were added at the end of the year, but later changed to become the first two months. This led to the inconsistency of the ninth to twelfth months actually getting their names from the numbers seven to ten.

2. February gets its name from the word februa. What language does this word come from?

3. What is the meaning of the word "februa"?

It means purification. The Romans held feast of purification during this month.

4. Augustus Caesar took a day from February to make August the same length as July. True or false?

There is a legend that he wanted the month named after him to be the same length as the month named after Julius Caesar, but there is no evidence to indicate that this is true.

5. Which flowers do many people consider February's flowers?

6. What is the birthstone for February?

Amethyst for sincerity.

7. How often does February have twenty-nine days?
Every four years.

There is actually a rare exception to this rule. When the year ends with 00, the first two digits have to be divisible by 4 to be a leap year.
For example, although 1900 is divisible by four, it was not a leap year. In years ending with 00, the first two digits standing alone have to be divisible by four. Thus 1600 and 2000 were leap years, 1700, 1800 and 1900 were not.

How did you do? Before I researched the answers I knew five 😊
By the way, although I've used a leap year image, it's not leap year this year!

... and now on to a tasty recipe suggestion, which you may wish to try.
Mustard and Sage Chicken with Celeriac Mash

Swapping potatoes for celeriac lowers the carbohydrates in this lovely mid-week dinner suggestion ... ready in under half an hour and tastes great!
Serves Three
1 celeriac, peeled and cut into chunks
3 chicken breasts, skinless
1 tbsp. English mustard powder
2 tsp olive oil
2 garlic cloves, crushed
8 sage leaves, chopped
100g low-fat crème fraîche, plus 2 tbsp. for the mash
1 chicken stock cube
2 tbsp. wholegrain mustard
To Serve
275g cooked green veg, such as thin-stemmed broccoli, peas or Savoy cabbage,
and more, can be seen here

A variety of articles and recipe ideas are within this blog, and not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues please take these into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter.

All the best Jan


Louca por porcelana said...

Very interesting! Best wishes,dear Jan.

William Kendall said...

Five out of seven for me.

peppylady (Dora) said...

I want to try celeriac.
Coffee is on and stay safe

Tom said...

...I failed this test!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

As far as I know I have never eaten celeriac. Maybe it's time to give it a try.

J.P. Alexander said...

Gracias por l as respuestas y la receta. Te mando un beso.

Christine said...

Thanks for the answers!

Debbie said...

this was fun, even though i am reading the answers before reading the post with the quiz!! the chicken looks and sounds delicious!!

Elderberry-Rob said...

I only knew one answer, which is sad as February is my birth month, could do better :)

Jo said...

A great quiz. Some of those answers were surprising.

linda said...

Well I got four right so not too bad.

eileeninmd said...

Fun quiz! The chicken meal looks delicious.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Iris Flavia said...

Interesting facts I didn´t know of.

DVArtist said...

Oh I got 5 correct on the quiz and learned a few things. I think I will try this recipe tonight. Thanks and have a great day.

DeniseinVA said...

What fun, a quiz and a recipe. Thanks Jan, both very much enjoyed!

Conniecrafter said...

Very interesting facts, I think I only knew a couple of them

Inger said...

Sorry I missed the quiz. I may try the chicken recipe. Going to the store tomorrow, so can buy it and the ingredients.

R's Rue said...

Delicious recipe.

Anne (cornucopia) said...

That chicken looks delicious.

Pam said...

Interesting, I knew some of the answers but not all. I am a Feb babe. Wow, the last couple yrs just flew by and it seems like it will be the end of Feb if we blink,

Sue said...

Oh I was rubbish, I only got 2 right, and one was a guess! Take care and have a very happy February, Sue xx

Adam said...

Sounds nice

Jeanie said...

I got them all except for the one about Caesar taking a day off February to make July and August the same month. That seemed weird enough to be true!

HappyK said...

I only got the last two right!

Lee said...

It's pork chops for me for my lunch today. It'll be the first time I've had pork chops in quite a I'm looking forward to them! :) Chop! Chop!

My name is Erika. said...

Thanks for this fun quiz. It is always fun to learn something new that relates around the month. Hope February is going well for these first couple of days.

Rose said...

This was fun...embarrassed to say I only got four right. And two of those were lucky guesses.

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I hate to admit how many I knew....or didn't know! lol Thanks for the fun and the yummy recipe too. I made blueberry muffins with the almond flour and oh my...they are GOOD! Hugs, Diane

Teresa said...

Acerté casi todas. La receta interesante como siempre. Besos.

Beatrice P. Boyd said...

February is my favorite month as it’s my birth month and that said, I enjoyed the month quiz, Jan, and also learned some new things.

carol l mckenna said...

Another great recipe ~ delish looking and sounding ` Xo

Wishing you joy in your days,

A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Giorgio said...

It isn't easy to find skipjack here. But I could try the recipe with the typical mediterranean tuna, which is also low in saturated fat and sodium, and it's a source of protein, and potassium ... in addition, there's olive oil in your recipe ;-)
Thanks for sharing!

Have a nice weekend!

Lowcarb team member said...

Hello Giorgio
I think this comment should have gone on the Tuna post!
So I have copied and pasted it there :)

Happy Weekend Wishes.

All the best Jan