Saturday, 31 December 2011

Only fools and horses.

Stick a Mars bar in me pocket,
I’ll fetch the Orlistat from the van,
Cause if you want bent ‘uns,
And you don’t ask questions,
Then Carbo he’s your man.

Where the BG’s come from is a mystery,
It’s like the changing of the seasons,
And the tides of the sea,
But here’s the one that’s driving me berserk,
Why can’t the fools make low GI work.

All sugar, starch no FAT,
No weight loss is guaranteed,
Black or white, rich or broke,
He’ll raise weight and BG's at a stroke.

God bless lowcarb Street,
Viva lowcarb Street,
Long live lowcarb Street,
C`est magnifique lowcarb Street,
Magnifique lowcarb Street.


CDC study finds significant increases in American's consumption of calories, carbohydrates and fats.

A new study has found that over 30 years, American's eating habits now include many more calories, carbohydrates and fats are eaten daily. From 1971 to 2000, the study found, women increased their caloric intake by 22 percent, men by 7 percent. Much of the change was found to be due to an increase in the amount of carbohydrates we have been eating. The findings may reinforce the current trend among those sometimes known as "carb-avoids," of reducing or even eliminating foods like breads and pasta.

And while the percentage of calories Americans get from fat, especially saturated fats, has decreased, the numbers might be deceiving. The actual amount of fat eaten on a daily basis has gone up. It just makes up a smaller percentage of the total caloric pie now that we are eating so many more carbs. Cookies, pasta, soda and other carbohydrates appear to be mostly to blame. Among women, carbs jumped from about 45 percent of the daily caloric intake to almost 52 percent. For men, they grew from 42 percent to 49.

Part of the problem, some experts say, may stem from the traditional dietary advice to steer clear of fatty foods. That advice, they say, helped set off an explosion of "fat-free" carbohydrate-laden foods that Americans mistakenly believed they could eat with few consequences.


Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Monty Beantipper wins Time Magazine Man Of The Year Award !

The world of diabetes was left stunned today, when Time Magazine, rolled out their annual man of the year award in New York. Regarded by many, as one of the most prestigious awards, even hardened lowcarb activists and Monty disciples were left speechless. Beantipper, one of the diabetic worlds most controversial figures, and thought to be dead (many anti lowcarb crazies wish he was) received the award, from long term mentor, and friend, Roger (keto warrior) Jenkins. Looking fit, and years younger than his age, Monty walked onto the stage and received a standing ovation. Years of fighting Carbo, Kenny boy, lowcarb antis, and lunatic dietitions, clearly etched on his battle hardened and scarred face. A true lowcarb warrior, unashamed, and un-repentant. A legend in his own lowcarb lunch time.

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

Sugar consumption accelerates aging !

The largest source of calories for individuals living in industrialized nations comes from sugar. Sugar increases insulin levels which promote fat accumulation and inflammation throughout the body. Sugar consumption and elevated insulin accelerate the aging process and create an environment conducive to degenerative disease.

In the year 1700, the average individual consumed about 4 pounds of sugar each year. In 1800, it was about 18 pounds of sugar per year. In 1900, the average person ate 90 pounds of sugar per year. In 2009, the average individual consumes 150 pounds of sugar per year. Half of our society consumes ? pound of sugar per day. Most of this is in unnatural, man-made forms such as sucrose and high fructose corn syrup.

Lifestyle behaviors that lead to chronically elevated blood sugar and insulin levels cause a cellular resistance to insulin. These behaviors include excessive sugar intake, processed foods and sedentary lifestyle. Elevated blood sugar and insulin cause excessive free radical damage and inflammation throughout the body.



Friday, 23 December 2011

From Fergus, The man that started us on the road to recovery !

If the diagnosis was quick, the coming to terms part took a great deal longer. Shamefully, I have to admit that I didn’t test my blood sugars at all for many years. Not once. I simply got by, certainly more by luck than judgement, but clearly I must have simply run my blood sugars high enough to avoid disaster, but also too high to avoid it forever. Anyone who remembers urinalysis testing will know what an effective disincentive it was to measuring the success of your treatment. It seemed to me at the time that paying attention to how you felt physically was often more informative than a test which could only really tell you when you’d screwed up, and even then only well after the event. So I simply followed my instincts, and it seemed to work reasonably well.

Over the years, however I began to notice the weight building up. The new clothes would be in slightly larger sizes than the year before despite my efforts to stay physically active but surely my diet wasn’t to blame? In time I had a beautiful wife, 4 young children and a flourishing career but still no time for my diabetes. Then, one day driving home from work my blood sugar dropped so low that I lost consciousness at the wheel of my car. I came to in the back of an ambulance with my car wrapped around a lamppost and a traffic policeman asking me whether I had intended to commit suicide. I still have a chill down my spine when I think of what might have happened. I had no recollection of even getting in the damn car, let alone the 7 miles I had travelled to get to my lamppost. That was my wake-up call.

I woke up the very next day with a to-do list that suddenly included finally facing up to the complexities of a life threatening illness, attempting to normalise my blood sugars and losing quite a few pounds in weight at the same time. Simple.

At first, I’d have been happy simply to have settled for the weight loss. I’d had enough of getting breathless climbing stairs and wobbling in an unattractive way as I came back down again. It’s not a good look. But neither could I imagine myself as the sort of person who could go hungry for very long, so the idea of ‘going on a diet’ was a bit of a non-starter. How did people do that?

Of my 27 years of diabetes, 16 of them were as a committed vegetarian. The principles of animal welfare appealed to me as a leftie student and of course it also sat comfortably with what was, and still is broadly perceived to be a healthy diet. In other words, these were 16 years in which wheat, rice and potato were the daddies. Breakfast would invariably be cereal or toast, lunch a sandwich, pizza or something under the ‘convenience’ label. Dinner of course almost invariably had to involve pasta. Oh, come on, I was a student for Christ’s sake!

None of this is a million miles away from what would be considered normal for many people in the West today. In fact, it could almost be described as low fat so would probably meet with the approval of many of the agencies that advise us on healthy living. As a student, I still had no time to test my blood sugars, so I was blissfully unaware of the affect my diet was having on my blood glucose.

However, in September 2000, I came across a newspaper article that suggested, for the first time in my experience, that the carbohydrates I’d been eating were a part of the problem - not the solution. This was just before the rebirth of the Atkins diet but the basic principles were broadly similar. They need no explanation here.

Armed with this information, I arrived home from work one evening with a shopping bag full of eggs, cream, cheese and vegetables and told my wife we were going on a diet. She thought I was joking of course, but I was deadly serious. This was a radical departure from the way I had lived previously and so at this point I was sure to weigh myself and resolved to weigh myself again every day for a year to see what happened. I would also test my blood sugar 4 to 5 times a day so I could see how my insulin needs were affected. 
Confession time. At that time I weighed 232 pounds. For someone of my height, 6 foot 4 inches, that’s 7 pounds short of the definition of obesity. I was also injecting almost 80 units of insulin daily, which I knew had to stop.

What I observed was that the more I replaced the pasta, bread, rice and cereal with protein, vegetables and fat, the less insulin I needed. After the initial shock of deprivation of the starchy comfort food I also started to notice that I also felt hungry much less often. I made a chart. It mapped my falling weight and my falling insulin doses. The direct correlation was inescapable.

At this point something had to give if I was to replace any more of the carbohydrates with protein. It was time to ditch the vegetarian lifestyle and try and explain that one to the wife also! The look of betrayal on her face, which accompanied my first piece of salmon in 16 years, lives with me still!

So I started to eat fish again, then poultry and now the weight was really starting to shift. The bread and potatoes were slowly replaced with more green vegetables and the only real surprise was how easy the transformation was, and how much better I was starting to feel. One year after beginning the experiment, I weighed  175 pounds. My BMI had fallen from almost 29 to 22, my blood sugars were those of a healthy nondiabetic, as were my blood lipids. My friends and family were simply amazed at the transformation. I now had the energy to start cycling and running again, things I had been unable to do for years.
My daily doses of insulin, Lantus basal and Humalog bolus, had been reduced from 80 units to 21 units. I was now using 26% of the insulin I had once needed, but felt less hunger and greater energy. Even now, it seems like a deal too good to be true.

One’s glycated haemoglobin level is the best measure of longer-term blood sugar control of course. If you looked at my HbA1C chart you’d notice that, according to Dr Richard Bernstein’s research, nondiabetics who are not obese almost invariably have glycated haemoglobin level between 4.2 and 4.6%. Yet UK National Health Service guidelines have set a level of 7% as suitable for diabetics, over 50% higher than the highest nondiabetic level. These are levels far in excess of those at any time in our evolutionary history and are in fact symptomatic of the root cause of the great majority, perhaps all, of the complications associated with diabetes. I was thrilled to discover that when I replaced the starch in my diet with fat and protein, my HbA1c levels rapidly returned to a normal nondiabetic level, in the 4% range.

The reason a high HbA1C is so dangerous, I discovered, lies in the biochemistry of glucose and its interaction with proteins and lipids. The nondiabetic body reacts quickly when glucose levels are elevated in the blood and produces insulin to lower them. An appropriate analogy might be the way in which a healthy immune system produces white blood cells to combat a viral attack or infection. Excess glucose in the blood reacts chemically with proteins and destroys their ability to function. These reactions are known as glycation reactions. If these glycation reactions continue over time then they start to cause damage to all of the parts of the body normally associated with poorly controlled diabetes.

Cholesterol is often the first word I hear when I talk to people about a low carbohydrate, high fat diet. Surely high fat equals high cholesterol, which means an increased risk of cardiac problems somewhere down the line, right? Wrong. It had become clear to me that a low cholesterol diet was as logical as the low fat diet I’d followed for years. To illustrate I can offer my most recent blood test results which, after over 7 years of eating a lot more fat and a lot less carbohydrate show a higher than normal HDL (good) cholesterol and much lower than normal LDL (bad) cholesterol level. My cholesterol ratio fell from 2.6 to 1.7. My triglyceride levels are now 0.6, well below what is considered the bottom of the normal range.

Some have warned me that eating more protein in my diet risks some sort of permanent kidney damage. I see no credible evidence for this at all. In fact, a graph on the renal unit at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary website suggests that kidney function of Type 1 diabetics is typically reduced to 33% after 25 years. That’s the about time I’ve had diabetes but my kidney function shows no sign of damage whatsoever.

It’s now clear to me that we in the developed world generally subsist on a diet that would be almost totally unrecognisable to all but our most recent ancestors. For all but the most recent 1% of our history we have thrived on a diet high in protein and fat. Carbohydrate would have formed the smallest part of our diet and at best would have comprised seasonal fruits, nuts and vegetables in very limited quantities. Carbohydrate has never been a staple food until only very recently.

There are now very few tribes of human hunter-gatherers who continue to live in ways similar to those both they and our own ancestors would have for hundreds of thousands of years. The Kung San (more familiar to us as the Bushmen of the Kalahari) has a lifestyle, and therefore a diet, reasonably close to how ours may once have been. The Kung San became something of a cause celebre in the 1960’s and 1970’s when they were one of the most extensively studied of hunter-gatherer tribes.

Although big game animals are now far less available to them than they would once have been, the Bushmen’s diet still consists predominantly of meat, milk and the fantastically exotic sounding mongongo nut. Their diet is supplemented by whatever roots, berries and vegetables are available in the immediate environment at certain times of the year. The studies (Lee) measured their food group intake as follows:
Carbohydrate-                                                                            14%
Protein-                                                                                         16%
Fat-                                                                                                70%
So the key thing to note is that this is an incredibly high fat diet, and relatively low in carbohydrate. Guess what happens? They are a slim and long-lived people, with no recognised incidence of cardiac illness, diabetes or many of the other diseases of the industrialised world. Now, if dietary fat was really the great evil that it is continually portrayed, wouldn’t these people show some of the symptoms of degenerative disease supposedly caused by a high fat diet? Well, they don’t, and neither do I. Nor do the Inuit, the Masai, Samburu nomads, Great Plains Indians or Australian Aborigines. They can’t all be statistical anomalies, can they? 

OK, it almost feels counter-intuitive to argue for fat and protein in our diets and to say that carbohydrate is harmful and addictive. Dietary fat has had a relentlessly bad press for more than the last 30 years. At the same time that the low-fat dogma is being relentlessly and constantly reinforced, the virtues of whole grains and complex carbohydrates are held to be central to a healthy diet.

But I’d argue that even these carbs, the nice cops to refined carbohydrates nasty cops, are comparative newcomers to the human diet. Before the agricultural revolution some 8 – 10,000 years ago these foods were not part of our diet at all. Our bodies simply haven’t had sufficient time to learn how to deal with them properly. But particularly as we now consume them in unprecedented quantities so we find crises of diabetes and obesity as never before. 

The role of the hormone insulin is key to resolving these issues. In that sense, my ability precisely to measure and control my insulin usage, and to correlate that with my weight and my blood lipid profile, has proven to me beyond doubt that neither fat, saturated or unsaturated, nor protein causes us harm. It’s the carbohydrate, and the disproportionate quantity of insulin required to deal with it, that harms us. By us, I mean all of us and not simply the diabetic minority.

I have proven to myself that in dramatically reducing my consumption of carbohydrates, I have made a correspondingly dramatic reduction in my insulin requirements. This has equated to a return to my optimum body weight and to a blood lipid profile that very few nondiabetics could aspire to. 
Unless I was an insulin dependant diabetic, I doubt I would have been able to make this clear association between insulin usage and physical health. In that sense, it’s a great privilege to be diabetic.
It’s fairly clear from my measurements that reducing my insulin usage, normalising my blood sugars and keeping them controlled has resulted in significant weight loss. Not only that, but it has achieved the even harder task of maintaining that weight loss. 

My self-experimentation has convinced me that we are privileged to live in an era when we not only have the treatments available to help us lead normal lives, but also that the tools at our disposal allow us an understanding of our dietary processes which is denied to the vast majority of ‘normal’ people.
I’ve come a long way since September 2000. The principles I have learned have rescued my health and given me the tools I need to lead a long, healthy active life, unencumbered by my diabetes. I have no diabetic complications at all, which may be unusual for someone who has had the condition for such a long time. My only regret is that the medical establishment is so entrenched in its own dietary dogma that it cannot or will not recognise the simple truths that could make such a difference to the lives and the health of so many.

My sincere wish is that the medical experts who offer advice to diabetics and non-diabetics alike will recognise the great benefits that a low carbohydrate lifestyle can bring and many more people may enjoy those benefits too.

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Thank you Colin !

Why we keep going, a comment received today.

"I have never even been to the Carbo guys blog, so don't worry about what others say... I am with the others here, you do an amazing job and represent a light in the darkness out there on the internet. Just so you know I was shooting 15-20 blood sugars... I shot for the first time in three years of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes a 5.9!

Without people like you people like me would be dying.

Thank You and PLEASE keep doing your incredible work! (stop focusing on the trolls!)

Colin (from Toronto)"

Thanks Colin. Stay fit and healthy and thank you for your time!

Lions Led by Donkeys?

I am extremely biased. I believe our armed forces are the best in the world. It takes a very special person, who can keep his head and be surrounded with horror. Our Men and Women do this week in and week out. An even harder job is done by the Wives of these great men. Running a home and bringing up children. Waiting for that terrible phone call, or knock on the door.

Check this video out and buy the track.

What a great guy Gareth is, and a massive tribute to the brave Wives of great Men.


Tuesday, 20 December 2011

Is type two diabetes a genetic fault ?

People who have followed me over the years, on forums and blogs, know I believe type two diabetes, is very often, down to a genetic fault. My Grandmother, and Father died from type two diabetes complications. Both my Sister and I are type two diabetics, as is one of my Sons. We are doing our best to stop the disease spreading to our grandchildren.

Under medical advice and supervision, our three grandchildren are lowcarbers. Don’t get me wrong, they are not down to my 30-50 carbs per day. Their diets are based on low starch/lowcarb fresh vegetables and lowcarb fruits. Fresh chicken, beef and fish is added, together with butter, cheese and cream. They only drink water and milk. They eat a very small amount of pasta and high quality bread. They eat no sugar, concentrated fruit drinks, sweets, crisps etc. Chocolate in small amounts and lowcarb ice cream is a once a week treat. They are all thriving, may that always be the case.

Carbo poster says.
"When all else fails the Ediot brings out pictures of the grandchildren and videos of music. It is a fad diet and time will tell"

I love my grandchildren and hope they will keep to their nil sugar, low starch diets, and will stick to this fad diet, and never become type two diabetics.


Sunday, 18 December 2011

Our youngest lowcarb team member is doing very well !

These pictures were taken today, in a park around twenty miles North of the centre of London. Can anyone guess the name of the park ?

Food firms 'market to children online'

Unhealthy food is being "shamelessly" promoted to children online to get around bans on television adverts, campaigners have claimed.

The British Heart Foundation cited websites by Cadbury's and Nestle as examples of "cynical marketing".
Sites used childish language, games and free gifts to appeal to children, according to the report.

Examples of websites cited by the campaign was a site promoting Nesquik - a milkshake powder high in sugar.

Titled the "Imagination Station", the site is hosted by an animated rabbit character and including a quiz game and a guide to making a spacesuit.

Friday, 16 December 2011

More Lowcarb good news.


I found your site quite by chance when I googled 'Lowish Carb in the UK' or
something like that. I'm not a diabetic, but I was very impressed by your site
and your blog. I loved the recipes and have tried a few already!

I've been playing around with low carb eating off and on for a couple of years,
but could never really get into it, because I was trying to be too perfect! I've
decided to take a slightly more laid back approach, and love the fact that I can
have cake/bread type substitutes like your low carb cake or one of the almond
sponges with cream and berries.

I've only been eating the way you recommend since Monday, but feel tons better
already! I don't get hungry either. Amazing! I'm eating more than I was on a low
fat Weightwatchers type eating plan and don't feel irritable or down. In fact, I
feel much happier generally. I've also lost about 4lbs since Monday (and it's
only Thursday!).

I was wondering if there was any way of contacting others who follow your plan
via a Forum or similar? It would be great to be in touch with others who are
eating this way.

I know the Christmas period will be a real challenge, as I'm off to stay with my
aunt for a few days on Monday. I plan to eat as low carb as possible and will
take the low carb cake with me!

Many thanks again for your wonderful site, blog and recipes.

Wishing you health and happiness,

E mail address, name and tel. no. supplied.


Thursday, 15 December 2011

Fights seven bears !

Very few people know this, but I am a reincarnation. In a previous life, as an American indigenous person, I was known as “fights seven bears” 



Coming soon, a shredding of Carbo's latest post.

"Because they often cut out key foods, fad diets may cause the following symptoms:
Weakness and fatigue;
Nausea and headaches;
Inadequate vitamin and mineral intake
Fad diets that severely restrict food groups or nutrients may also mean that you miss out on the protective health effects that a balanced eating plan provides.
Here's a list of ten signs that indicate you could be being sold a fad diet:

Promises a large or fast weight loss (more than two pounds per week);
Does not include suggestions to consult with your doctor or a registered dietitian;

Encourages you to eliminate food groups (such as grains) or eat from a limited selection of foods;

Offers rigid menus that don’t consider your likes, dislikes and lifestyles;
Neglects active living or lifestyle changes;

Provides far fewer calories that what is needed for an energised, healthy lifestyle;

Contradicts what most trusted health professionals say;

Depends on special products, supplements or treatments;
Has miraculous claims;

Relies on testimonials and anecdotes rather than scientific evidence.
I’ll leave it to your own fertile imaginations to decide whether you’ve read claims that ring these particular alarm bells. Please feel free to leave a comment pointing out where you’ve read them, just so that you can warn people off these sites."

Lowcarb, a fad diet, Carbo is out to lunch, Carbo is a very high carb, and drugs and Oriblestat advocate. This self confessed, high carb, morbidly obese, cover it with med's blowhard, never gives up. As I said, we can, and will, shred his argument, full-stop !


British town grows all of its own vegetables, witnesses improved civic life and reduced crime as a result.

When the small British mill town of Todmorden, tucked in between Yorkshire and Lancashire, first began installing fruit and vegetable gardens all around the area as part of the Incredible Edible program, it likely had no idea that the novel, yet simple, concept would make the town a foremost inspirational and self-sustaining model of the future.

Fresh herbs, succulent greens, and tasty fruits can be found growing near civic buildings, college campuses, supermarket parking lots, and various other places. Small garden plots, raised planting beds, and even small soil strips in these areas can be found brimming with fresh produce, all of which are free to anyone who want it, and at any time.

The program has been so successful, in fact, that many other communities both in the UK and abroad are now interested in starting their own public garden programs as well. Besides improving the sense of community and reducing crime, Incredible Edible has renewed a new sense of appreciation for food and how it is grown, as well as renewed interest in actually growing it among the next generation, which is the envy of many progressive communities around the world.

24,000 diabetes deaths a year 'could be avoided'

Up to 24,000 diabetes-related deaths could be avoided in England each year, if patients and doctors better managed the condition, a report concludes.

The first-ever audit of patient deaths from the condition said basic health checks, a good diet and regular medication could prevent most of them.

Diabetes UK said it was vital the 2.3 million sufferers had top quality care.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Stephen Biko never forget this man !

Since his death in police custody, he has been called a martyr of the anti-apartheid movement. While living, his writings and activism attempted to empower black people, and he was famous for his slogan "black is beautiful", which he described as meaning: "man, you are okay as you are, begin to look upon yourself as a human being".

Patients kick the insulin habit through diet, exercise.

Aaron Snyder of San Diego bench presses to control his diabetes through diet and strength and conditioning at his home on October 20, 2009 in the Mission Bay area. Snyder was diagnosed 10 years ago, he lost 50 pounds the first year and 10 more later. Now He sticks to a low-carb diet and works out everyday without taking medication.

Lifestyle changes: Over the next year he lost 50 pounds on a low-carb diet, and 10 more pounds the year after that. His doctor put him on insulin and metformin, a non-insulin medication that decreases the livers output of sugar and boosts cells' ability to metabolize insulin. He began exercising daily.

Today: He still weighs 160 pounds, and sticks to his low-carb diet. Two years ago, he stopped taking all his diabetes medications, and his blood pressure and cholesterol are normal. He works out every day, lifting weights four days a week, and riding a stationary bike 30 minutes three days a week.,0,3604643.story

Monday, 12 December 2011

Intermittent, Low-Carbohydrate Diets More Successful Than Standard Dieting, Study Finds

Harvie and her colleagues compared three diets during four months for effects on weight loss and blood markers of breast cancer risk among 115 women with a family history of breast cancer. They randomly assigned patients to one of the following diets: a calorie-restricted, low-carbohydrate diet for two days per week; an "ad lib" low-carbohydrate diet in which patients were permitted to eat unlimited protein and healthy fats, such as lean meats, olives and nuts, also for two days per week; and a standard, calorie-restricted daily Mediterranean diet for seven days per week.
Data revealed that both intermittent, low-carbohydrate diets were superior to the standard, daily Mediterranean diet in reducing weight, body fat and insulin resistance. Mean reduction in weight and body fat was roughly 4 kilograms (about 9 pounds) with the intermittent approaches compared with 2.4 kilograms (about 5 pounds) with the standard dietary approach. Insulin resistance reduced by 22 percent with the restricted low-carbohydrate diet and by 14 percent with the "ad lib" low-carbohydrate diet compared with 4 percent with the standard Mediterranean diet.

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Lowcarb Pear, Cinnamon and cream sponge cake.

100g ground almonds
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon of melted butter
2 tablespoons of double cream
2 tea spoons of cinnamon
120 grams of pear quarters 

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl. Almonds, baking powder and cinnamon.
Melt the butter, I use a Pyrex jug, add the eggs, cream, then add the dry ingredients and mix well. Pour mix into a 6" x 3" micro-wave safe glass dish, cook at 700 watts for 3 minutes. Allow to cool and cut in half. Spread on extra thick cream and add tinned pear quarters, dust with cinnamon powder. Serves four. 

Friday, 9 December 2011

Diet craze leaves Norwegians starved of butter

The soaring popularity of a fat-rich fad diet has depleted stocks of butter in Norway creating a looming Christmas culinary crisis.

Norwegians have eaten up the country's entire stockpile of butter, partly as the result of a "low-carb" diet sweeping the Nordic nation which emphasizes a higher intake of fats.

"Sales all of a sudden just soared, 20 percent in October then 30 percent in November," said Lars Galtung, the head of communications at TINE, the country's biggest farmer-owned cooperative.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Taking a break.

No, I am not doing a Capt. Oates, but it is time for a break. Over the last three or so years, I have posted over six thousand posts on various forums. Many hundreds of posts on blogs, promoting the low carb, minimal/no meds way to control type two diabetes. It’s time for a break.

For the next month or so I am going to be fishing on the lake above. We will be spending some time in our beloved lake district. In the winter the lakes are almost deserted and it’s heaven on earth to us. We will post some recipes and good food information, as it comes in on our food blog.

Thank you for your support and positive comments, and the best of health to you and yours.

Peace and good fortune to all.

Music and photographs beyond description of me. Our World is a wonderful place, and well worth fighting for.

Type two diabetes is a doddle !

You think you have had a bad break ? Check this video out. What we have is nothing ! This Woman’s courage and bravery is beyond most peoples comprehension.


The biggest load of Bollocks I have ever heard.

Yesterday, Jeremy Clarkson, the presenter of Top Gear, a bit of a buffoon and tongue in cheek, third rate comedian, of a motoring program, made the following comments. “Strikers should be executed in front of their families” all hell has broken loose ! Thousands of complaints have been received by the BBC. As I said, what bollocks.

The UK and the rest of the World is coming close to financial Armageddon. Countless banks are bankrupt and sovereign debt cannot ever be repaid. Tens of millions of European young people unemployed, with no chance of ever getting meaningful employment, everything we know going down the tubes, and Clarkson gets help to promote his new DVD.

The human race is nut’s and that’s a fact.


To Kill a Mockingbird.

In 1960, the masterpiece, To Kill A Mockingbird was published, a book by Harper Lee. This is a story about racial prejudice. Over fifty years on, has anything changed ? Men known as the Cardiff three. Men of dark skin, have still not received true justice. These men were “fitted up” and served four years in prison, for a crime they had no knowledge. A white man has now been convicted of the crime. Today, the court case involving eight white Policemen has collapsed. It appears many Police files have been accidentally destroyed or disappeared.

Draw your own conclusions.


Wednesday, 30 November 2011

Diabetes does not have to progress to horrific complications !

The main symptom for diabetes is highly elevated blood glucose numbers. Highly elevated BG numbers is the reason for diabetic complications. Hold good BG numbers, less than HbA1c six and stay free from complications. The younger you are the more important. Non diabetics do not suffer from the complications as shown in the video. I normally embed videos but not this time.



Monday, 28 November 2011

Lowcarb trifle !

Ingredients: Serves 6-8
100 grams of ground almonds
1 teaspoon of baking powder
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon of melted butter
2 tablespoons of double cream
A pack of frozen lowcarb summer fruits
300ml of extra thick cream
A handful of toasted flaked almonds
2 x 12.5 grams of instant jelly crystals


Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl.
Melt the butter, I use a Pyrex jug, add the eggs, cream, then add the dry ingredients and mix. Pour into a 6" microwave proof dish. Microwave in a 700watt for 3 minutes. Allow almond sponge to cool and break up into small pieces.

 Layer up in a Pyrex bowl ( 7" wide by 4" deep ) the fruit, and sponge. Pour over the lowcarb raspberry liquid jelly and allow to set in the fridge. Cover top with extra thick cream and toasted flaked almonds.


Ingredients (serves 2)
1 small cauliflower, grated
1 red onion, finely chopped

 2 table spoons of Patak's Madras curry paste
3 boiled eggs (8 minutes in boiling water), quartered
250g smoked haddock, or unsmoked salmon is also good, poached in water for 5 minutes
Lots of finely chopped parsley, or coriander
Some lemon wedges to serve.


Fry the onion in olive oil or butter until soft. Add the curry paste and fry for 3-4 minutes more. Now add the grated cauliflower and cook until all the ingredients are well coloured, maybe 8-10 minutes. Add the flaked fish, then the herbs and finally the eggs. Salt and pepper to taste, then spoon onto warmed plates with the lemon wedges.

A great meal served anytime of day. Will keep you going for hours. Low carb and will keep those BG numbers to non diabetic, very tasty.

Lifestyle Changes Effective In Protecting Against Type II Diabetes

"Changing to a healthier lifestyle appears to be at least as effective as taking prescription drugs in reducing the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, says a new British Medical Journal study.

They found that lifestyle changes, e.g. switching to a healthier diet and increasing exercise to be at least as effective as taking prescription drugs. On average, lifestyle changes helped to reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by around half. Lifestyle changes were also less likely to have adverse side-effects."

Lifestyle changes to a healthier diet and increasing exercise is far more effective than most prescription drugs for lowering BG numbers and reversing type two diabetes. Type two diabetes drugs are being banned on safety grounds faster that the boffins can come with regurgitated out of patent junk.


Saturday, 26 November 2011

Music night again.

My favourite TV programme at the moment. OK, I'm in love with her.


Blood Glucose Monitoring Break-Thru the no test strip BG Meter !

After months of speculation, and denials from Glugo Pharmaceuticals, the amazing no test strip required, blood glucose meter was unveiled at the Savoy Hotel on Friday. NHS buyers and the usual pharma hacks were clearly left stunned, when the Glugo MK1 was presented by Endo super star Professor Iver Knobheadski, Professor Emeritus at the globally renowned, Broadmore Institute of Diabetes research. After a brief demonstration, Knobheadski explained the rationale behind the new Glugo MK1. The BG meter that never reads higher than 5.4mmol.

“For years the NHS and DUK have pushed a diet that was based on sugar/starch. This has lead to the gruesome statistics as published by the government. Obesity has gone through the roof together with type two diabetes. This has lead to a huge increase in depression for diabetics. This meter will be a life saver for those that follow the eat carbs with every meal dogma, depression banished at a stroke or heart attack or amputation etc. etc.”

Knob some of you may recall, stunned the world when he recommended a 10000 calorie a day 100% carb diet for the newly diagnosed, he argued most diabetics would be dead within five years and would save the NHS a fortune. This hypothesis did not go down well with the diabetic community, but was heralded as a break through by many NHS dietitions.
Glugo’s Sales and Marketing Director Rick Ripoff could hardly contain himself when he stated “Our meter could not have come at a better time. With the raising of HbA1c guidelines by NICE, the withdrawal of test strips for almost all type two diabetics and the cut back of many approved diabetes drugs, this product will sell itself”

Priced to sell at only £199 postage free we know you will be delighted. Never worry about high BG numbers again.

Coming soon, our state-of-the-art weighing scales. The more you weigh, the lower the recorded weight. Sure to be a monster hit, a must for all those who love those carbs and meds.

Should you become blind or minus a limb, or suffer kidney failure or heart attack using our products, please contact our Lawyers, Bullshite, Whitewash and Koverupp of New York.

Lowcarb Flax crackers

Measure six tablespoons of ground golden flax meal into a mixing bowl. Add a few shakes of dried dill, onion powder, salt, cayenne pepper and mix well. Add half a small glass of water and mix until all the ingredients come together, then let it 'rest' for a couple of minutes.

Take out an egg sized piece and between two sheets of baking paper, press it down, then roll out quite thinly. Peel back the top layer of baking paper, then to make them look good, cut out in fancy tiny circles with a very small biscuit cutter, and place the shapes on a baking paper covered, microwave platter.

Zap for 2 minutes in a microwave oven and slide the crunchy biscuits onto a cooling rack. If they are not crunchy enough, you can return them to the microwave oven for more time. Please note ! they will crisp up more as they cool. When cool, store in an airtight container. These can also be cooked in a conventional oven.

Variations: Add some grated parmesan cheese, use half almond meal and half flax meal....... experiment and enjoy.



More recipes and good food ideas at

British women 'fattest in Europe'

Figures released by the European Commission showed that nearly a quarter (23.9 per cent) of women in the UK were obese in 2008/09, when the data was recorded.

The statistics showed British men are not far behind, with 22.1 per cent being classed as overweight, coming second only to Malta.

British women have been named the most overweight in Europe.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies evaluating the association of sound dietary advice and useful information to the diabetic community of Kens Forum.

Background: After evaluating the threads and postings from the moderators and forum members the postings were considered for relevance for the average diabetic, for those looking to lose weight, and the safe reduction of BG numbers, and any sound information whatsoever.

Objective: The objective of this meta-analysis was to summarize the evidence related to the aforementioned forum posts.

A full evaluation was made of the posts, and the value of the information was considered. “High all, a bit quiet tonight, boiled to death, who craves carbs and I can’t stop yawning” were studied for helpful information to the newly diagnosed.

Conclusions: After thorough and exhaustive examination of the said posts, they were considered to be about as much use as a rubber beak on a woodpecker !


Nice-approved drugs banned by quarter of health authorities.

Good news on Drugs and Dangerous medication ! Less drugs can only improve the health for many people.

What a pity Avandia and Actos etc. etc. were not banned before countless deaths. So many of the drugs dolled out like cup cakes at a kids birthday party are either useless or downright dangerous.

In December 2003, Allen Roses, the then worldwide vice-president of genetics at GlaxoSmithKline, noted that most prescription medicines do not work on most people who take them. "The vast majority of drugs – more than 90 per cent – only work in 30 or 50 per cent of the people."

What he could have also said , many of our expensive drugs are not only useless, they have killed millions of people. This is evidenced by the $Billions big Pharma has paid out in fines and compensation over recent years.



Study Reveals A Natural Fatty Acid Used In Manufacturing Can Modulate Glucose Control

A Van Andel Research Institute (VARI) study published recently in the Journal of Biological Chemistry reveals that a natural fatty acid can serve as a regulator of blood sugar levels.

According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), nearly 26 million Americans have diabetes, and current drugs commonly used to treat the disease sometimes have unwanted side effects.

Decanoic acid, also known as "Capric acid," occurs naturally in coconut oil and palm kernel oil, as well as in the milk and animal fats of some mammals.

Diabetes affects 8.3 percent of Americans of all ages, and 11.3 percent of adults aged 20 and older. About 27 percent of those with diabetes - 7 million Americans - do not know they have the disease. Prediabetes affects 35 percent of adults aged 20 and older.

Obesity kills over 30,000 a year !

More than 30,000 lives are being lost each year because of weight-related diseases, warned Health Secretary John Reid.

Highlighting the appalling death toll from Britain's worsening obesity crisis, he said the problem was affecting children as young as 13.

"Obesity levels are rising at an alarming rate," said Dr Reid as he launched a national consultation on public health.

The cost of obesity to the Health Service is estimated to be £500million a year.

"Most alarmingly, over a third of children are overweight or obese and there are increases in cases of Type II diabetes in children."

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Check out Jimmy Moore

Jimmy is a lowcarb stalwart and one hell of a fighter, the harder he gets hit, the faster he gets up. Jimmy lost a beloved brother at a very young age and he and his wife recently lost a baby. A ferocious worker, who never backs down.


Merck to Plead Guilty, Pay $950M in U.S. Vioxx Probe.

Merck Sharp & Dohme will plead guilty to one count of misbranding Vioxx, the company and U.S. prosecutors said yesterday. The company will pay a $321.6 million criminal fine and $628.3 million to resolve civil claims that it sold Vioxx for unapproved uses and made false statements about its cardiovascular safety.

Before that approval, the company touted Vioxx to physicians for rheumatoid arthritis, prompting the FDA to send a warning letter on Sept. 17, 2001. The letter said Merck made a misleading claim suggesting that “Vioxx is effective for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis when this has not been demonstrated,” according to the criminal charge that Merck Sharp & Dohme will admit in federal court in Boston.

Former Vioxx users who sued in state and federal courts claimed Merck didn’t adequately disclose safety data to the FDA, failed to properly warn doctors and patients of the drug’s risks, and misrepresented the potential harm in marketing materials.

They accused Merck officials of withholding data in 2000 about a clinical trial that found Vioxx caused five times more heart attacks than another painkiller and publishing misleading and inaccurate information about the drug’s health risks.

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Carbo's blog. Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"The trouble is though Edie has taken intensive/tight control to mean low carb. That is rather obvious from his comment. He has never had any concept as to how type 1's control THEIR diabetes or in fact how insulin works or even how different food groups effect blood sugars. "

How do type ones control THEIR diabetes ?

Very poorly it would appear !

NHS Statistics for 2008 2009:
Percentage of Type 1 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 7.5 per cent = 71.4 per cent.
Percentage of Type 2 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 7.5 per cent = 33.4 per cent.
Percentage of Type 1 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 10.0 per cent = 33.6 per cent.
Percentage of Type 2 diabetics with HbA1c greater than 10.0 per cent = 14.3 per cent.
These results are very similar to those found in 2006 – 2007 and 2007 – 2008.

Hence the 20 years plus reduced life expectancy.


Anonymous said... at Carbo's blog.

Anonymous said... at Carbo's blog.

"Note that Eddie’s blog is called ‘Low Carb Diabetic with the following intro to tell you what his blog is about!

“Shining a spotlight on the exploitation, misinformation, and ludicrous dietary advice that leads to diabetic complications, and the early and unnecessary death of thousands of diabetics every year. The mainstream advice is plainly wrong and is at last being recognised as such by at least some of the more enlightened medical professionals. Please check out our website”

They establish that anything they post is to underpin or support that low carb diet if you want further prove of their motives then take a look at Eddie website!"

The facts re. diabetes.

This post uses the following reference “Diabetes in the UK 2010 – Key Statistics on Diabetes”. Link at bottom of page. [Page xx] refers to the page number xx of the above document.

Diabetes is one of the biggest health challenges in the UK today. The UK is facing a huge increase in the number of people with diabetes. In 1996 the number of people diagnosed with diabetes was approximately 1.4 million, in 2009 approximately 2.6 million and by 2025 estimated to be approximately 4 million [Page 3].

The motivation for the post comes from the realisation that if the growing health crisis is to be curbed and the number of people dying from diabetes and its complications is to be reduced then there is a need to increase awareness of the risks involved in not keeping blood glucose levels under control.


Adults: In 2009 there was approximately 2.6 million adults diagnosed with diabetes: approximately 10 % Type 1, 90 % Type 2 [Page 4].

Children: In England in 2009 there was approximately 22000 children diagnosed with diabetes: approximately 97 % Type 1, 1.5 % Type 2 and 1.5 % another type of diabetes [Page 7].


Keeping blood glucose levels as near normal as possible can greatly reduce the risks of the following diabetes complications [Page 11].

Cardiovascular Disease (CVD): CVD accounts for 44 % of fatalities with Type 1, 52 % in Type 2 [Page 11].

Kidney Disease (nephropathy): Kidney disease accounts for 21 % of fatalities with Type 1, 11 % in Type 2 [Page 12].

Eye Disease (retinopathy): Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness; within 20 years of diagnosis nearly 100 % Type 1 and almost 60 % of Type 2 have some degree of retinopathy [Page 12].

Amputation: Diabetes is the leading cause of lower limb amputations; more than 10 % of foot ulcers result in an amputation; up to 70 % diabetics die within 5 years of having an amputation [Page 12].

Depression: The prevalence of depression is approximately twice as high in diabetics as it is in the general population [Page 13].

Neuropathy: May affect up to 50 % of diabetics [page 13].

Complications In Pregnancy: In order not to increase the stress I have not quoted the relevant statistic. The statistics can be found on [Page 14].

Life Expectancy: Life expectancy is reduced, on average, by more than 20 years for Type 1, up to 10 years for Type 2 [Page 14].

Good Diabetes Management

Research shows that keeping blood glucose levels as near normal as possible, keeping blood pressure well controlled, managing weight and keeping active can greatly reduce the risk of the diabetic complications.

So, my anonymous one, if eating crap is worth 10-20 years of your life carry on. But why try to take others with you ?


Saturday, 19 November 2011

Nutrition and Alzheimer's disease: The detrimental role of a high carbohydrate diet.

In this paper, we have highlighted that AD may also be caused by a deficiency in the supply chain of cholesterol, fats, and antioxidants to the brain. We have provided much evidence of the importance of
these nutrients to brain function, and have shown that AD patients are deficient in cholesterol and fats in the cerebral spinal fluid.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Intensive Diabetes Therapy Protects Type 1 Diabetics' Kidneys, Study Shows

People with type 1 diabetes are at high risk of developing kidney disease, but no therapies are proven to prevent impaired kidney function in these patients.

Over an average of 22 years in DCCT/EDIC, intensive therapy was more effective at preserving long-term kidney function in study participants. A total of 24 participants assigned to intensive therapy and 46 assigned to conventional therapy developed impaired kidney function, meaning that intensive diabetes therapy reduced patients' risk by 50%. Of those with impaired kidney function, 8 assigned to intensive therapy and 16 assigned to conventional therapy developed kidney failure.

"This study demonstrates that impaired kidney function can be prevented in type 1 diabetes and reinforces the importance of maintaining good glucose control early in the course of type 1 diabetes to prevent long-term kidney complications," said Dr. de Boer.

One of the reasons we keep going !

We received this email yesterday via our website and it’s these sort of messages that keep us going.

I just thought I'd send you an e-mail of encouragement!

I am not a diabetic myself, but I'm a strong believer when it comes to low carb, especially for people with insulin-related problems, whatever they are. I am carefully attempting to get the diabetics in my circle of acquaintance to try restricting their carbs, but since this approach is not at all supported by any institution in the Netherlands, this is a very slow process. It's really good to find that people in a place as close as the UK have started a blog like yours, with good info and great recipes! I might try setting up a similar recipe site in Dutch, so people can read it in their own language.

The only thing is that I am vegetarian/part-time vegan myself, so obviously lots of meat, eggs and cheese are out of the question for me. I succeed at eating a moderately low carb vegan diet, but I can certainly understand that people who want/need to be really low can't do it without animal products, at least not with current product-availability.

I wish you the best of luck with your efforts. I hope the future has less carbs, so life will be easier and healthier for a lot of people!


Government obesity panel quietly abolished

A panel of advisers on tackling obesity has been disbanded over claims the Government was too sympathetic to the food and drink industry.

Members of the advisory group, which was set up under Labour, said the Government preferred to consult food and drink firms than scientific experts over Britain's obesity crisis.

Last year, Mr Lansley came under fire for ruling out an anti-junk food law while asking the food and drink sector to fund the Change 4 Life health campaign. Announcing the plans to reduce taxpayer spending on promoting healthy living, he said: "We will be pressing industry for actual funding."

Coca-Cola, Mars, Kraft, Nestle and PepsiCo were already involved in the Change 4 Life campaign, which advertised lifestyle changes on television.

Tam Fry, of the National Obesity Forum, described the decision as "nothing other than a bare-faced request for cash from a rich food and drink industry to bail out a cash-starved Department of Health campaign."

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

God save us from Human Nature !

My old antagonist Carbo, posted a thread with a recipe on Monday the 10th of October, it has received to date, two comments. The blogs latest post, posted by his oppo, Carbs United, another carb addict and high medication stalwart, “Indigestion strikes vocal low carber” sole purpose to slag me off, has received in far less time, 68 comments, and going up by the minute ! OK much of the grief has been aimed at Ken, but not all.

What can we learn from this ? Clearly no one on Carbo’s blog is interested in recipes. No one is interested in the latest diabetic information. No one is interested in a low carb way of life, or recipes that can help BG numbers. Those with a bare minimum of diabetes knowledge knows, reduce the carbs or up the meds. Some like Carbo obtain safe BG numbers, while shovelling carbs down their necks. But there is usually a price to pay. In Carbo’s case, continuing obesity.

We have seen the gruesome NHS statistics regarding serious complications and the lamentable number of diabetics that get to a safe HbA1c. It seems to me, most of Carbo’s commentators are hell bent on making sure the terrible statistics continue for others. Who are these people ? Reps for big pharma, salesman of junk food, or diabetics with complications, who missed the low carb boat.

Time will tell, as we have seen with Kens unravelling. If his forum ever becomes successful, I will eat my hat and disappear into oblivion. And that’s a promise !


When does a diet plan become ridiculous ?

When my old mate Ken was running into the ground, he promoted a very low fat, very low carb, very low calorie diet. When a Doctor, and low carb expert, questioned Ken on his diet, Ken and Sue defended the diet for all they were worth, and promptly banned the Doctor.

Fast forward six months, and Albert aka Ken was posting a very similar diet on d. Ken has admitted over at Carbo’s cess pit, Albert and his mates, and I quote “post ridiculous diet ideas to wind up the avid low carbers” i.e. the same diet as the dynamic duo’s.

This leaves me confused, is a diet sensible if your name is Ken or Sue ? But becomes ridiculous if your name is Albert aka Ken. We need to be told.


Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Kens Kingdom !

Kenny boy, as thick as Carbo’s belly fat. I have held off from commenting on Kenny’s forum of doom, but hey, the guy is at it big time on Carbo’s cess pit blog. The arch buffoon is over there posting this.“I suppose I better set the records right about Albert/Kenbert whatever.....initially that was an account that was set up for various people to slag off the new kid on the block, Benedict', otherwise known as Benny Boy and various other nicknames. Then after I left the West Mids it also became a vehicle for some mates of mine who had the log in details to post ridiculous diet ideas to wind up the avid low carbers, such as pianoman who sounds remarkably like DocZoc/David from the defunct LCF. Don't really know about that, just a hunch. The other target was the idiot and his blog lowcarbdiabetic. Well, they fell for it hook, line and wasn't me, just a bunch of pissed off mates using my old PC which I had bequeathed to one of them !! They had a deal of fun while I wasn't around and properly got up the nose of Benny Boy and some of the mods on DCUK. I told them to stop it as it was once again me that was getting the flack !! That's it.......!!”

Kenny, we knew your grubby little hand was on the tiller from the start you chump ! You have proved this with your posting you numbskull ! Never forget, Kenny stuck to the NHS high carb diet for over ten years. He has said “it nearly killed me” Lowcarbers put this moron straight, and he tells people on his own forum he is on less than 60 carb per day. He is also on a very low fat diet. Well, Kenny took early retirement years ago, and workers like me are paying his disability pension. I hope he learns soon the benefits of healthy fats. I can appreciate, a man that sits on his arse for eighteen hours a day, can get by on very few calories, but us workers need more.

Even Carbo’s forum of failure started out better than Kenny’s forum of the dammed, especially when you consider all the posting, signposting and PMing being done. Kenny’s forum is dead meat, the only person who cannot see it, is Ken. But when did this lunatic ever have a grip on reality. Most switched on, newly diagnosed diabetic people, realise the carbs have got to go within days or weeks of diagnosis, Kenny got the message after ten years, need I say more. As I said, thick as Carbo's belly fat !

Carbo totally carb addicted, and a regular Orlistat user. Years into type two diabetes, and still clueless about reducing weight to a safe level. The likes of Carbo talk the talk, and walk the walk, but remain, vastly over weight.

Does this seem hard ? Check out his cess pit of a blog. Dedicated to taking on low carbers and those with some self disipline and common sense.


Monday, 14 November 2011

Christmas pudd. Lowcarb Of course !

100 grams ground almond flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
2 large eggs
1 tablespoon of melted butter
2 tablespoons of double cream
100 grams of lowcarb thawed frozen fruits. Blueberries, blackcurrants and strawberries.
60 grams of 90-95% cocoa dark chocolate
Two tea spoons of cocoa powder
One large shot of brandy
A handful of almond flakes and broken walnuts
Extra thick cream

Mix all dry ingredients in a bowl.
Melt the butter, I use a Pyrex jug, add the eggs, cream, and fruit. Add the dry ingredients and mix. Pour into a medium size Pyrex mixing bowl. Microwave in a 700watt for 5 minutes. Turn out upside-down onto five layers of kitchen paper on a flat plate. Zap in micro-wave for a further two minutes. Melt the chocolate in a heat proof bowl standing in a saucepan of boiling water. Pour over pudding and serve with a scoop of extra thick cream. Serves four.


Beware the 'Janus face’ of modern medicine !

Over the past 60 years, medicine has metamorphosed from a modest pursuit of limited effectiveness to a massive global phenomenon employing millions and costing trillions.

And yet the more powerful the medical enterprise has become, the greater the incentive for its professional and commercial interests to extend their influence yet further – resulting in the progressive “medicalisation” of people’s lives to no good purpose.

But, alleges Dr Marcia Angell, the former chief editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, the pharmaceutical industry has, in the process, “moved very far from the original high purpose of discovering and producing useful new drugs. Now primarily marketing machines to sell drugs of dubious benefit, it uses its wealth and power to co-opt every institution that might stand in its way – including the medical profession itself.”

Minimise drugs, maximise good food and exercise. "Let your food be your medicine, and your medicine be your food." Hippocrates


Sunday, 13 November 2011

Low carb better than low fat for diabetics.

Compared with a low-fat diet, a low-carbohydrate, Mediterranean-style diet led to more favorable changes in glycemic control and coronary risk factors and delayed the need for antihyperglycemic drug therapy in overweight patients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes.

Saturday, 12 November 2011

Gustav Mahler musical genius.

Mahler had a daughter called Maria, who succumbed to scarlet fever and diphtheria. He wrote this music in Venice following her death. Heart breaking and beautiful. Many years later, the cinematography genius, Luchino Visconti, made a film, called Death In Venice and used Mahler’s music. A masterpiece in my opinion.

Check out the film Death In Venice. A photography masterclass. One of my favourites. Eddie

Yes it's Saturday night again. Maria Callas: Ave Maria (Verdi)

If this does not move you, check your pulse, you may just be dead.


GPs told to screen all patients aged over 25 for diabetes !

GPs should go through their practice records and identify all patients aged over 25 who are at high risk of type 2 diabetes – in particular those of South Asian descent – a new draft NICE guideline recommends.
The guideline – put out for consultation today – marks a massive expansion in diabetes screening, with NICE recommending GPs invite all patients identified as high risk for a blood test.


Thursday, 10 November 2011

GlaxoSmithKline to settle drug disputes for $3bn

GlaxoSmithKline is set to pay one of the pharmaceutical industry’s largest ever fines after resolving disputes with the US government over the way it marketed and developed its drugs, at a cost of $3bn (£1.8bn).

Caught with your pants down.

Post by Abby

“I wonder if any of the Mods or Admin can help?

I have had to reregister on the forum as I cannot log on with my registered user name any more. When I tried to log in it said I was using an incorrect user name or password and to contact the Administrator by Email. I have done this twice now and have received no reply to my query.

I find it very odd that no one has taken the time to answer my question. Surely on such a big forum there is somebody who deals with these queries and does not just leave members stranded with no clue to what is happening? As someone used to dealing with Human resources and employees I find this attitude rather odd even for a virtual environment such as this.”

From forum admin.

Hi Abby

“The reason you can't log in is because you were banned. A number of users reported that you were asking them to join another diabetes forum. We consider this spam and this is also against forum T&Cs.

Whilst we have no issue with you joining again, if you continue to PM users asking them to join other forums, you will be banned again!”

If Abby disappears from permanently, you can catch up with her at Carbo’s cess pit, where she is a regular commenter.
