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Sunday 16 September 2018

Flower Beauties, and as busy as a bee !

Back in June, Eddie and I took you for a walk in the garden, but in case you missed it you can see it here

Like so many, we experienced a hot and quite dry summer and wondered how the garden and it's flowers would cope. Now in these cooler Autumn days, we enjoyed a quiet afternoon stroll and were so pleased that these flowers have bloomed so well.

… and isn't it nice to see the bee, being busy !

please click on pictures to enlarge 

Did you know the saying or phrase, Busy as a Bee, "likely originates from something that bees are known for - being hard workers.

Bees are indeed busy little insects. Doing what, you ask? Pollinating plants, for one! In order to reproduce, many plants actually depend on bees for pollination. How so? For a flower to reproduce, the stamen (the male organ of a flower) has to produce pollen, and then that pollen needs to get to the stigma of the pistil (the female organ of a flower). How does the pollen get there? Bees! When a bee lands on a flower, the pollen sticks to the hairs of its body. Then, when they land on another flower of the same type, the pollen makes contact with the stigma of the flower, and thus pollination occurs. So while bees are buzzing around from plant to plant, they're doing quite a bit of work—they are busy bees indeed.

There's also the part where bees collect nectar (a sugary liquid that flowers produce) and they use that to make honey, and then there is the whole building a hive thing... alright, you get it, they have a lot of work to do. ​

So how old is this saying? Well, it goes back to at least the 14th century. A man named Geoffrey Chaucer is the author of a book called The Canterbury Tales, which is believed to have been written between the years 1387 and 1400. In a part of the book titled "The Merchant's Epilogue," there is a line that reads:

'In wommen been! for ay as bisy as bees.' "

We hope you enjoy your Autumn Days
(or Spring if you are in the Southern Hemisphere)

All the best
Jan and Eddie


riitta k said...

Lovely flowers and busy bee information you share! Thank you - happy autumn days.

roughterrain crane said...

Thank you for giving me a chance to open the first page of autumn with flowers in the season. Beauty of flowers makes me think whether they know their own beauty or not. Thanks for your comment on my post.

Tom said...'s interesting how words and phrases become part of everyday speech.

Jo said...

Lovely photos. My garden has really suffered this year in the hot, dry weather.

Cheryl said...

I have a passion for bees that goes way back. As a small child I would watch them working away in the garden.

A beautiful post, with some lovely facts about the bee.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Happy autumn Jan and Eddie, it's been lovely walk in the garden. Looking forward to lots of yummy autumn style meals. Speaking of busy as a bee, that's me this coming week, spring cleaning/painting ✨

eileeninmd said...

Hello, beautiful flowers. I am sure the bees are happy in your garden.
Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new ahead.

Maria Rodrigues said...

Beautiful flowers, the last photo with the bee is spectacular!
Have a wonderful Sunday.
Divagar Sobre Tudo um Pouco

Noke said...

Schöne Blüten.

Anne Hagman-Niilola said...

So beautiful flowers! Have a nice new week

Lois said...

I have always been fascinated by bees and the pollination process. Wonderful photos!

Linda said...

Chaucer and flowers make for a great post.

Mary Kirkland said...

Such pretty flowers.

Christine said...

Delightful quote and beautiful flowers today, thanks for the information on bees.

Chris Lally said...

Where would we be without bees?
Enjoyed your post, Jan. Such beautiful photographs!

Mylittlepieceofengland said...

Beautiful flowers. I love bees and have a few pieces of ‘bee’ jewellery xx

Bill said...

Beautiful flowers and the busy bee sure knows how to work hard. It is interesting how the saying "busy as a bee" originated.
Have a wonderful day and new week!

William Kendall said...

Such pretty flowers!

Valerie-Jael said...

Wonderful photos, love the bee, thanks for sharing. Hugs, Valerie

Elephant's Child said...

Brilliant capture of the bee butt.

HappyK said...

Pretty flowers. Interesting about the bees.

carol l mckenna said...

Love the info on 'busy bee' ~ lovely floral photos! ^_^

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores

Lee said...

Bees have a very important job to do. Bees are necessary...and we must protect them.

Lovely flowers...a bright start to my day. :)

Martha said...

These flowers are so lovely. And how I love bees! Such wonderful and hard working little critters!

Debbie said...

such beautiful blooms, bright and vibrant colors!!! i am happy to welcome fall!!

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, we had many a busy bee and hence loads of strawberries, too - sooo yum!
I hope next summer will be as great and busy as this one!

Sue said...

We have some very happy bees at the moment 'cos the lavender is in flower xx

Snowbird said...

Gorgeous flowers, oh yes, we do have to take care of our bees!xxx

Teresa said...

Muy bonitas. Feliz semana.

sandy said...

such pretty flowers - I use to be busy as a bee but no more, slower pace it.

Magic Love Crow said...

Gorgeous flowers and amazing information! Thank you!! Big Hugs!

baili said...

Oh such delight to see your flowers dear Jan!

you just brightened my day :)

i loved Chaucer 's tales during my Masters studies ,he was brilliant painter of characters ,glad you shared the origin of this interesting quote
more blessings to you!