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Wednesday, 27 March 2019

A comment received yesterday

"Wish you wouldn't get political. I come here for nutritional info not politics." anon

Politics controls almost every aspect of our lives, including the food we eat, including the junk masquerading as food, that has fuelled the obesity epidemic and type two diabetes. From our website I wrote this article ten years ago. The situation is now worse, there are over 400 million diabetics now. 

"The book called The Politics of Food was written some twenty years ago and highlights the extremely cosy relationship between Members of Parliament and the food industry. It was  staggering to learn, that in 1987, when the sugar industry was coming under attack, no less than 64 M.P.s were involved in the promotion of the sugar industry and its high sugar using customers. Michael Shersby M. P. was not only the Chairman of the Conservative backbench committee on food and drink, he was also the Director-General of the Sugar Bureau.

It is also a fact many experts advising the government on food have to sign the official secrets act. When a scientist queried this and stated "I have to sign the official secrets act to advise on a sausage" he was informed it had to be done because companies wanted to protect their trade secrets. I expect an analytical chemist could tell you exactly what's in a Walls pork without too much trouble.

Over the last forty years or so many of the large trials and studies on food and diet have been sponsored by large food companies and their associated trade bodies and conglomerations. As you would expect, findings and results have been heavily biased towards commercial interests and considerations. Would a large international company spend huge sums of money so that the end result would be to rubbish their own products ?

Upon diagnosis, the NHS often issue a 24 page booklet called "Diabetes A Practical Guide For Patients" The booklet is supported by Takeda, the largest manufacturer of insulin in Japan. The diet information is the usual eat plenty of carbs with every meal recommendation. Lots of high carbohydrate food is the last thing we diabetics need. Would a manufacturer of insulin have an interest in recommending low carbohydrate diets. Clearly the more people low carb. the less insulin they require. Would an insulin manufacturer, sponsor a book that promoted a low carbohydrate diet for diabetics, and therefore lose sales and revenue?"

From the Guardian here



Tom said...

...this YOUR blog, post whatever you want!!!

Catarina said...

I totally agree with Tom.

Author R. Mac Wheeler said...

whiners everywhere.

All we can do is put up with 'em.

Sami said...

I had read that comment and saw it was from an anonymous poster. It seems to be easy to complain and be a bully and not show your face/name.
It's your blog and you should post whatever you want. I enjoy your music and your cartoons as well as your recipes :)
I have to agree politics is everywhere as you say and very much linked to the choices our Governments make with the help of dodgy sponsors.

carol l mckenna said...

Even 'the personal' is political ~ great recipes here but food is political as well ~

Happy Moments to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Valerie-Jael said...

Stay political and keep reporting. Valerie

Christine said...

agree with Tom

Betsy Banks Adams said...

That's why I don't allow anonymous comments on my blog. IF you can't give me 'your' name ---then that's 'your' problem.

I love this blog --with all of the wonderful info that affects so many of us in so many ways... I will read this blog over many, many others --which say NOTHING....

Keep up the good work.

Mary Kirkland said...

It's your blog, you can post anything you want. If people don't like it they can scroll past it and not read it all.

Miss Val's Creations said...

We have the same issues here with the food industry and the politicians. The connection is too strong to ignore.

Lorrie said...

I agree with Tom - it's your blog to post what you want.

NanaDiana said...

Gotta love those anonymous posters. They say the BEST THINGS because they know no one will know who they are. IF you are going to make a statement it is my feeling you should sign your name...but then...what do I know!!
Your blog- your words- don't like it-move along!

Bill said...

There are jerks everywhere, don't like what you see, please move along. This is your blog.

Magic Love Crow said...

This is your blog and I love it! Keep being you! Big Hugs!

Lee said... is your blog.

We can't please all the the people all the time....sometime we can't please anyone because they're just impossible to please! :)

Carol Blackburn said...

Interesting information. Those who don't like it can just click passed and move on. I delete all Anonymous comments and try not to even read them. Some people are just not happy with anything or themselves. Enjoy this day!

George Pereira said...

looks like some people can't appreciate the freedom to have views that don't agree with theirs.

Lady Caer Morganna said...

I agree with the rest of the commenters here. Quite honestly, I freely admit that politics is NOT my thing exactly, but if you do not like what you read - MOVE ON! That is why we have the exit options on our keyboards, people! I also delete 'anonymous' comments from my blog - IMO, these are just cowards behind keyboards. It is YOUR BLOG and anyone who can not respect that does not not have to stay here. That simple. ;)

Have a great day Eddie!

Debby Ray said...

Tom said it all. :D

baili said...

I absolutely love this blog and it has brought many positive changes in my dietary attitude !

to avoid spams publish my comments after approving them and how strange that since i do this spams are less on my site

Kezzie said...

It's your blog so you can write what you want! I mentioned Brexit on my blog the other day in a one sentence throwaway comment and not one person commented on it! If they want to, they can just ignore it!

Phil Slade said...

Good points Eddie. We know the policians don't work for us. They just proved it.