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Thursday, 14 March 2019

Need I say more?

From the Guido Fawkes blog

Comment from blog reader



Lady Caer Morganna said...

WOW! Eddie - SMH ... "intelligence", eh? Are you sure he is not American? He sounds like too many of our own idiots here in the States right now LOL! Unbelievable. ;)

Catarina said...

No comments.
: )

This N That said...


NanaDiana said...

LOL- Hysterical!

Lori Miller said...

I can't imagine any American saying that, even on the coasts.

A charity giving bail to violent criminals--now that's American idiocy.

sandy said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh STUPID.

sandy said...

oh maybe Stupid wasn't a good word...but i'm going to leave it at that - ..

DUTA said...

Was he asked for an explanation as to how he came by such a suggestion?
I live in a country with frequent knife terror, and security forces have to be very inventive all the time, so nothing about knives makes me laugh.

Tom said...

...are you sure that he isn't an American politician?

Anonymous said...

Knife crime in the UK is getting very bad. Something does need to be done.


William Kendall said...

Oh, brother.

Susan Flett Swiderski said...

Oh, dear heavens. I sincerely think when brains were being handed out, some people were waiting in the wrong line...

carol l mckenna said...

Would be a good idea ~ ^_^

Thanks for your Get Well Wishes, too!

Happy Day to you,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)

Sue (this n that) said...

hmmm, sounds like a plan lol ! good one Eddie

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

There are no words!

DVArtist said...


Iris Flavia said...

What about axes? Just nearby a woman was killed with one on her way back from ALDI.
Another person on a train...
It´s become a crazy world. Maybe we just should put aggressive people away ;-)

mamasmercantile said...

This doesn't happen often but for once I am lost for words.

chrissie said...

Strange suggestion and what about the millions of knives already out there?

Have a great day

Love Chrissie xx

George Pereira said...

gps tracker? national database? crazy ideas.
knives are essential in the kitchen but carrying knives in public places should be illegal and should attract a fine.

Chris Lally said...

Send him over here to the USA. He will fit right in, Eddie.

Pam said...

I have never had a purple carrot but since purple is my color I need to track one down and try it.

Carola Bartz said...

The level of intelligence rivals the one in the US.

Magic Love Crow said...

LOL! I don't know what to say?