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Tuesday, 19 March 2019

Some Food Choices this March

Well, for those of us in the Northern Hemisphere we hope that Spring is on the way, bringing plenty of fresh seasonal food ingredients with it. Foods such as delicate mushrooms and spring onions (scallions) can both be used in a wide variety of dishes or served as the star of the show – try a mushroom omelette for an easy brunch. For herbs, hardy rosemary adds a fragrant aroma to stews and casseroles as well as fragrant bakes. Papaya can add a summery, tropical twist to both sweet and savoury dishes, perfect for sunnier days ahead.

This sunny tropical fruit, which hails from the Americas, is delicious in both sweet and savoury recipes. Look for fruits with smooth, firm skin and an even yellow tone. Streaks of green indicate that the fruit isn’t ripe. Try using in place of mango – they have a similar sweetness and texture, but they also work well together. 
Papaya's, Fruit of the Angels, and a Thai green papaya salad (som tum) recipe can be seen here

Spring onions 
Less bitter than other alliums, spring onions (scallions) have a fresh, peppery flavour and add a punch to all kinds of dishes. Don't discard the green tops: they have a milder taste than the white bulb and can be shredded into fine ribbons and used in salads or dressings.
Recipes for 'Cilantro & Lime Cauliflower Rice with a taste of spring onion/scallion' and a 'Greek island salad with chicken & avocado & spring onions/scallion' can be seen here

Mushrooms are a fungus which come in a wide range of varieties that belong to two distinct types: cultivated and wild. There’s plenty of varieties to experiment with in the kitchen – from giant Portobello mushrooms (perfect for veggie burgers) to delicate chanterelles and porcini. 
Some recipes using mushrooms:
Lemon Garlic Pork Steaks with Mushrooms : Low Carb and Gluten Free, details here
Mushroom Bourguignon with Celeriac Mash : Vegetarian, details here 
Cheesy mushroom omelette, details here

Onions and shallots 
A household staple, versatile onions are the first ingredient in a whole host of dishes. Choose onions that feel firm, with papery skins and store in a cool, dry place. To avoid watery eyes when chopping onions, freeze for 10 minutes beforehand and avoid cutting through the root. As well as providing the base for sauces and stews, onions can shine on their own.
Some recipes using onions/shallots: 
Bistro Beef In Beer, using button onions or shallots, details here
Chicken Korma, a lower carb Curry, using brown onions, details here
Know your onions - some health benefits, details here

This fragrant herb is great for perking up dishes as it retains its flavour and aroma even after slow-cooking. Traditionally associated with roast lamb and savoury dishes, you could try something different with this hardy herb, such as using it to infuse soft drinks. 
Garlic and Rosemary Cauliflower Bread, details here 
Lamb Rump with Rosemary Cauliflower Mash, details here
Pomegranate rosemary spritzer, details on this post here 
Rosemary and citrus spritz, see here

spring flowers to bring a smile

You will find a variety of articles, studies etc. plus recent news/views and recipe ideas within this blog, we hope something for everyone to read and enjoy ... but please note, not all may be suitable for you. If you may have any food allergies, or underlying health issues these must always be taken into account. If you are a diabetic and not sure how certain foods may affect your blood sugars, test is best, i.e. use your meter. 

All the best Jan


Chris Lally said...

Ah, those yummy flavors of spring! And recipes, too!
You make it so easy for us to enjoy a healthy diet, Jan. Thank you :)

Catarina said...

I like these food choices!!

Valerie-Jael said...

Lots of good food here. Valerie

Jo said...

I love spring onions, they've always been a favourite with my dad and I obviously have the same tastes as him.

Miss Val's Creations said...

So many things to enjoy. I need to experiment more with rosemary as we have a beautiful plant that we never harvest.

Martha said...

A wonderful list!

CJ Kennedy said...

Not fond of onions. Mushrooms are delicious.

DeniseinVA said...

Wonderful post, thank you Jan :)

Tom said...

...Papaya was a choice of my wife's in February.

mxtodis123 said...

Great list of foods. I love onions. Put them in everything I cook...just about.

Christine said...

A wonderful selection to look forward to!

Bill said...

A lot of great choices.

Out on the prairie said...

Love all of these, I had heard to chew bread with onion prep but never got it to work very well

NanaDiana said...

I love all the things you have listed here---from spring onions to mushrooms!

R's Rue said...


Sandra said...

These look great. Purrfect selection:)

William Kendall said...

Good suggestions!

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Rosemary is so difficult to grow indoors - and outdoors for that matter.

God bless.

HappyK said...

I cook with all these except for papaya.

dellgirl said...

What a delicious post, so yummy it makes my mouth water! I love each and every one of these. Nice job and very well done. Thanks for putting this together and for sharing it.

magiceye said...

Love to eat these!

Angie said...

Jan - your mention of rosemary caught my eye (and my tastebuds)! I am always on the lookout for a light cocktail, and that rosemary spritzer sounds like just the ticket!

Margaret D said...

Use some of those.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Shallots is something we grow in our garden.
Coffee is on

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I'm desperately trying to play catch-up after being without internet for nearly a week.

I love onions, mushrooms, and rosemary. I could make a meal on most of these spring foods.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

We're into the autumn, although it still feels like summer, and heading towards winter fruit and veg Jan. I will be heading back to look at some of your cooler weather recipes.. if it ever gets cooler 😀

Iris Flavia said...

If I find a Papaya ... Guess :-) Thank you (we had some bad encounters with coconuts, so I don´t want to try it here again).

Sami said...

I have 2 papaya trees in my garden, but never seen it being used in savoury dishes, will have to try some day.
Thanks Jan

Carol Blackburn said...

Silly me........I've only ever used the green tops of the scallions. I don't know why, I guess I just thought you didn't eat the root. What have I been missing????? The joke is on me.

baili said...

quite a springy choice here

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I love learning more about what goes good in a dish! Happy Spring!

Amy at Ms. Toody Goo Shoes said...

Looking forward to spring and all its bounty!

Caroline Gill said...

Thank you to Jan for her recent comments on my blog. Those papayas look delicious, a fruit I haven't tasted for far, far too long!

David M. Gascoigne, said...

Green onions are good with just about anything. Sometimes I cut sticks of cheese and take a simultaneous bite of onion and cheese. It's a delicious snack.

Conniecrafter said...

Now that spring is heading here it will be nice to soon be eating foods fresh from our own gardens instead of coming from who knows where, great time of the year!

Bob Bushell said...

Everything is sumptuous, yummy.

Jeanie said...

Excellent suggestions and ideas, Jan. Thanks so much for sharing them -- and for your visits to my blog, too!

Magic Love Crow said...

thank you!! Great list!