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Tuesday 21 May 2024

May Is National Walking Month

Mallard Ducks on the bank - don't you just love their colours
(a photograph from a previous walk)

"May is National Walking Month in the UK, a perfect time to celebrate the simple joy of walking. Not only is walking beneficial for our health and mood, but it also supports a sustainable lifestyle. 
Here are some practical ways to incorporate more walking into your daily routine.


Kick off your day with a morning walk. It’s a refreshing way to awaken your body and mind.


If possible, swap your vehicle commute for walking. Even if it’s just part of the way, walking to work or the nearest bus stop can significantly increase your daily physical activity.


Transform your usual seated meetings into walking meetings. This not only adds some steps to your day but also encourages creativity and conversation in a more relaxed environment.


Use National Walking Month as an opportunity to explore local walking trails. The UK boasts an array of beautiful paths that offer both tranquillity and a dose of nature.


Joining a local walking group can be a motivational and social way to get more steps into your day.


Organise or participate in a charity walk. This is a wonderful way to contribute to a cause you care about while also getting active.


Encourage your family to go on regular walks with you. Whether it’s after dinner,  early in the morning, or at weekends walking together not only strengthens family bonds but also instils healthy habits in everyone.


Try to take at least one walk per week without your phone or other gadgets. Disconnecting from digital devices allows you to connect more deeply with your surroundings and yourself. You’ll likely notice more of the beauty around you and can use this time for reflection or mindfulness.


Keep a walking diary or use a photography app to document the sights you see on your walks. Not only will this keep you motivated, but it will also create a beautiful record of your progress and the landscapes you’ve enjoyed."

You can read these words and more in article here

I know many readers enjoy walking, so no matter where in the world you live, when the weather permits, I hope you may enjoy a walk. Why not share news of where you walked today... even if it was only a walk to the shops 😊

All the best Jan


Divers and Sundry said...

I've restarted my walking and feel better for it. These are wonderful suggestions, thx!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

Darling mallards, Jan! We prefer a morning walk, though today we took our walk after supper. It doesn't feel right if a day comes without our walk. Nice to hear it is National Walking Month.

Tom said...

...May is a wonderful month for walks.

J.P. Alexander said...

Me gusta caminar. Es genial que mi mes se celebre eso. . Te mando un beso.

Christine said...

A wonderful month! -Christine

Angie's Recipes said...

We walk daily, rain or shine!

Elephant's Child said...

Walking is my favourite exercise.

Lady Caer Morganna said...

This is a GREAT IDEA! Love it!!

Fun60 said...

I enjoy walking very much and always intend to start the day with a walk but that rarely happens. Sorry some of your comments have ended up in spam. No idea why. I do check spam regularly but forgot the last few days. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

The ducks are really lovely, the colours are amazing.
Yes, keep moving and walk if you can.

Margart D (won't permit me to comment for some reason)

baili said...

such lovely season seems perfect for long cheerful walks and i loved th idea of walking meetings wow
thanks for sharing :)
hugs and best wishes dear Jan

Teresa said...

Mayo es un bonito mes para caminar, ahora no puedo con mi prótesis de rodilla recién puesta. Besos.

roentare said...

I used to make it a family affair. But I have gone weary

jabblog said...

Getting back to walking after wrenching my knee badly last year. Walking with dogs is always a joy.

My name is Erika. said...

I haven't even very good walking this month-I've been gardening and I actually seem to get more steps doing that than when I walk. But soon I should be able to get back into walking-and I'm ready. I love spring garden clean up, but I miss my walks. Thanks for sharing this.

eileeninmd said...

I like an early morning walk!
Great info, thanks for sharing.
Take care, enjoy your day!

Donna said...

I make myself walk everyday. At least 4000 to 5000 steps...sometimes more.

NatureFootstep said...

where are the chickens?? At my place there are a lot of young ones these days :)

Rose said...

I wish I had an easy place to go walk...or could get up.and sneak out early...I used to love to walk all over. Now. I at least park far out in whatever parking lot I am parking in...I never was one to want to park close unless it was pouring rain or icy.

Iris Flavia said...

Braunschweig-people walk everywhere :-)

Jeanie said...

I try to do it every day!

HappyK said...

I've taken a morning walk since 1988.

Rustic Pumpkin said...

Great suggestions for encouraging walking! I miss being able to walk. I used to go every day, rain or shine, dressed for the weather. In summer I'd do a short two mile walk around 7:00 a.m. before going into work, and another one in the evening. During the darker, winter days I'd fit in around the worst of the weather. I was fit as a flea! It's most definitely one of the best forms of exercise for both body and mind!

Lowcarb team member said...


J.P. Alexander said...
Me gusta caminar. Es genial que mi mes se celebre eso. . Te mando un beso

I like to walk. It's great that my month celebrates that. . I send you a kiss

Teresa said...
Mayo es un bonito mes para caminar, ahora no puedo con mi prótesis de rodilla recién puesta. Besos

May is a beautiful month to walk, now I can't with my newly fitted knee prosthesis. Kisses

Sue said...

Those mallards are so cute! It's amazing how good walking is for you, and no gym membership required! Take care and have a great week Jan & Eddie xx

Mary Kirkland said...

I walk my dog all the time.

Debbie said...

the hubs enjoys walking, and i enjoy zipping along side of him!! you shared some good encouragement for walking!!

peppylady (Dora) said...

I usually forget my camera. But I walk three days a week.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Some incredibly good recommendations. I am seldom without my camera, especially since I still don't own a cell phone.

Ana Mínguez Corella said...

Lovely ducks.. Nice shot...

Carla from The River said...

High Fives to Walking!!
I start my day with a walk ... and you are right, it kicks starts the day!! :-)

Conniecrafter said...

Some great ideas, we usually walk in the evening